Lernzettel Great Britain PDF

Title Lernzettel Great Britain
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 12
File Size 1 MB
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Great Britain...


Monarchy Multiculturalism Political system

Great Britain

British empire




Great Britain • • •

England Scotland Wales

United Kingdom • • • •

England Scotland Northern Ireland Wales

British Isles • • •

Ireland Northern Ireland all land messes

British • • • •

Northern Ireland Scotland England Wales

BREXIT Definition • Brexit = Britain Exit o Exit from the EU Timeline 2016 – Brexit begins • June o Briatin votes to leave the EU in a national referendum 2017 • March o Article 50 is send to the EU starting Britain’s exit from the EU o Artcile 50 = is from the EU membership agreement • 19th June o Brexit negotiations begins between Ukand EU 2018 • November o The brexit exit agreement is published an endorsed by the EU 2019 • January o UK’s Parliament rejects the exit • April o Exit is delayed until 31th October 2019 • May o Theresa May nominated as Prime Minister

• • 2020 •

2021 •

October o Brexit is delayed until 31st January 2020 December o Boris Johnson wins a General Election January o Exit agreement is approved o Britain officialy leaves the EU o Transition period until 2021 February- March o Negotiations start on post Brexit trade agreement 30th June o The deadline to extend the transition period passes 1. Agreement o Britain strikes a free trade agreement with the EU o Trade agreement must be approved by all 27 remaining EUgovernment 2. No-Agreement o Briatin leaves the EU’s regulatorz

July o

Boris Johnson becames Prime Minister

frameworks entirely (verlässt die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen der EU entgültig)

BRITISH EMPIRE timeline • Ca. 1600 - 1971 • 1607 first permanent settlement in Jamestown • 1620 Pilgrims sail to the new world on the Mayflower • 1763 Britain possesses the entire east coast of North America • 1776 American Revolutionary War -> US declares independence from the British Empire • 1795 Britain takes the Dutch Cape colony in South Africa • 1843 takeover of the Boer republic • 1858 India under total control of the British government (becomes the “jewel in the crown” of Queen Victoria in 1876) -> end of East India Company • 1880 “The sun never sets on the British Empire” • 1884 Boer republic gains independence again -> first sign of end of BE • 1947 granted independence to India and dividing the continent into Pakistan & Republic of India • 1997 Hong Kong (Britain’s last important colony) is handed back to China Trading system • Transatlantic trade • On 4 ports or regions o West Africa, the Carribean, American colonies and European superpowers • Traded manufactured goods, raw materials, cash crops, slaves Slave trade • Started in 1501 o By Portugese and Spanish traders • 1807 o UK abolished the slave trade o Until ca. 1850 there was still illegal slave trade across the Atlantic Ocean • 27 million victims of slavery worldwide Colonies

Moral justification • ‚We are the finest race in the world and the more of the world we inhabit the better it is for the human race(…)‘ (Cecile Rhodes) over the Britons End of the Empire • After World War II. the British Empire lost their superiority o Russia and America became new superiorities • Great Britan was exhaust and bankrupt o The colonies turned into a burden for Great Britain • Colonies became more and more independent over time

Most know triangualr trading system ‚transatlantic trade‘

• •

Foundation: 11th December 1931 o In 1926 the relationship between Great Britain and the colonies was committed in the Balfour Declaration o In 1931 it was officialy Head of the orgaization is the monarch of Great Britain o Currently Queen Elizabeth II. 54 equal and independent member states o Most of them were British colonies in the British Empire o All countires‘ land masses sum up a quarter of the world’s land masses 2.4 billion citizens o Half of them are aged 25 or under o It is 1/3 of the world’s population Since 1939 the Commonwealth organize their own sport even called ‚The Commonwealth Games‘ o Like the Olympic Games just for the Commonwealth members

Their organizations • Commonwealth Secretariat o Supports member countries to achieve the Commonwealth’s aims • Commonwealth Foundation o Supports people’s participation in demogracy and development • Commonwealth of Leaning o Promotes open learning and distance education Their aims • (racial) equality • World peace • Liberty • Human rights • Free trade Important dates - timeline 1926 Commitment to the equal realtionship between the Britons and colonies in the Balfour Declaration • 1949 In the London Declaration the word „British“ is deleted from the title • 1971 Singapore Declaration also known as The Singapore Declarations of Commonwealth Principles This defines the principles for political volunteering • 1991 Harare Declaration Defines the membership criteria, core principles and values •

Flag of 'The Commonwealth of Natio

Head of the Commonwealth Queen Elisabeth II.


Today’s Commonwealth...

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