Guía semanas 3 y 4 - Apuntes 1 PDF

Title Guía semanas 3 y 4 - Apuntes 1
Course ingles iv
Institution Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia
Pages 10
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desarrollo guía 3y 4 verbos modales ...







English IV


Life Experiences

Past simple and Present perfect with (yet, just, already).


Teacher: Deiscy rodríguez

1.     

Objetives: Recognize the structures of the simple past and the present perfect tenses. Use the adverbs ( yet, just, already) correctly within the present perfect tense. Talk about daily experiences using past simple and present perfect. Check all the materials attached to the message sent by your teacher in order to develop this guide and all the different activities proposed. Do the exercises judiciously for you to understand and built a meaningful learning.

2. PRESENTATION: Dear student, after developing this guide you will be able to find the differences between the past simple and the present perfect tense. The main idea is that you use those two tenses to talk about the things that happened in the past and also the things you have done along your life. 2.1 Initial reflection: Along the time, you have had the chance to learn and use English in different situations. Thus, you will answer the following questions, taking into account your previous experiences with this language. 1. When did you learn how to ask in English for somebody’s name?  In 2013, when I was study in my high school 2. How long have you used English to get access to information written in this language?  two and four hours a week or so, because a lot of my career information is in English.

 According to the previous exercise, was it easy or difficult for you to answer the two questions?

Was easy answer the tow question. 3. APPROPRIATION Now, you will check the PDF file attached to the message sent by your teacher, in order to see the grammar contents that you will work on along this guide. You will find the structures, forms (affirmative, negative interrogative), uses and time phrases that can be used with the present perfect and past simple. If you are able to check the following links, you will find more information and examples about how to use the tenses mentioned above.

Remember that if you have any questions or doubts, you can ask me through email, WhatsApp or hangouts chat. 4. EXERCISES: After reading in detail the PDF document and if possible checking the links, you will develop the following exercises: 

Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets for past simple (affirmative form). Example: I wrote (write) a poem for my mother. a) Dan left (leave) very early today. b) Sam and Sue bought(buy) a new house last month. c) I visited (visit) Germany last week. d) You played (play) very well. e) They found (find) this book on their trip to Italy. f) I made (make) this cake by myself. g) We opened (open) the store in 1987. h) The rain finally stoped (stop), and we went (go) home. i) She planed (plan) to come, but she had (have) some problems. j) Kate had (have) a big house, but she sold (sell) it. k) Rose was (be) very thin. l) You were (be) at work yesterday morning. m We thought (think) New York was in England! n) They brought (bring) this from their trip. o) She always danced (dance) in the summer. Taken from

For the next sentences use the verb in brackets (in past participle), including the correct auxiliary verb for present perfect (affirmative form). Example: They have gone (go) to Cali several times. a) She has worn (wear) that skirt many times. b) My family have visited (visit) Brazil a few times. c) I have eaten (eat) already. d) Marta has finished (finish) her homework. e) You have broken (break) the glass again. f) They have paid (pay) for everything. g) It has never snowed (never snow) like that. h) I have met (meet) Anna once. i) We have seen (see) him before. j) You have bought (buy) 4 cars so far. k) There have been(be) problems. l) I have had (have) a snake. m) Maria has raised (raise) a monkey. n) The kids have grown (grow) so much! o) I have read (read) your book several times. Taken from:

Read the story and then complete the questions bellow. The Old Colonel

I think I have had a very interesting life. I'm 73 now and I don't work anymore. I was in the army for 51 years. I retired when I was 69. I have been to so many countries that I can't remember all of them. I've been to Australia six or seven times and to South Africa three times. I have also been once to Russia but I didn't like it at all: much too cold for me! They say that love is the greatest thing and I agree. I've been married four times but never for more than five years. I don't think women really understand me! I've never been on television, but I've been on the radio once. It was a programme about life in the military about twenty years ago. I met the Prime Minister on the same day. Actually, I've met a lot of famous people: members of the royal family, famous politicians and also famous cinema and television personalities. I've never met the American President though which is a pity. Because I've travelled a lot, I've seen a lot of wonderful things and have also eaten and drunk some strange foods and drinks. I ate cat and rat in India and drank something called Mirto on a little island in Italy many years ago.

In order to ask the questions, use the verb in brackets and take into consideration the answers given for you to use either past simple or present perfect. Do not forget the interrogative structures for this part! a) What did he do before retiring? (do) a. He worked in the army. b) How long did he been in the army? (be) a. For 51 years. c) How many times did he went to Australia? (go) a. Six or seven times. d) Has he liked Russia? (like) a. No, it was too cold and hates it. e) Why has he got married so many times? (get) a. Because women don't understand him. f)

Has he ever was on the radio? (be) a. Yes, he has. But never on TV.

g) When did he meet the prime minister? (meet) a. When he was on the radio. h) Has he met the American president? (meet) a. No, he hasn't but he wants to. i)

Where did he eat cat and rat? (eat) a. In India.


Where did he drink Mirto? (drink) In Italy.

Taken and adapted from: 

Rewrite the sentences using present perfect (affirmative, negative or interrogative), according to the adverb given and put the adverb in the right place within the sentence. Example: We / yet / drink / water. We haven’t drunk water yet.

a) She / already / know / all her neighbors in a week She has known all her neighbors in a week b) The postman /yet / not arrive? Has the postman not arrived yet? c) yet / You / eat breakfast? Have you eaten breakfast yet? d) My son / go / already / to bed My son has gone to bed already e) You / not be bored / yet / in your job? Have you not be bored in your job yet? f) I / not be / yet / in your new house I have not been in your new house yet. g) He / take just / a shower He has just taken a shower h) The programme / yet / not start The programme has not started yet. i) We / watch already / that film twice We have watched already that film twice j) You / not miss yet/ the bus You have not missed the bus yet Taken from: 

Now, write the second part of the sentences using the negative form of the past simple. Example: I spoke to Alice but I didn't speak to Robert. a) They swam on Saturday but they didn’t swim on Sunday. b) I went to work on Monday but I didn’t work to work on Tuesday. c) He bought a car. He didn’t buy a second-hand car. d) She learned French in high school. She didn’t learn French in primary school. e) We got up early this morning. We didn’t get up early yesterday. f) They did Science at school but they didn’t do Science at University. g) He slept well last night but he didn’t sleep well the night before. h) I ate spaghetti for dinner but I didn’t eat anything for lunch. i) You saw Helen but you didn’t see Celia. j) They lived in Fairfield. They didn’t live in Cabramatta. Taken from:

Change the following situations into negative form. Example: We have seen this movie. / We have not seen this movie. a) I have brought my bicycle. / I haven’t brought my bicycle. b) You have broken the glass. / you haven’t broken the glass c) He has visited his aunt. / he hasn’t visited his aunt

d) e) f) g) h) i)

She has passed all her exams. / she hasn’t passed all her exams It has grown in my garden. / it hasn’t has grown in my garden We have travelled around Colombia. / We have travelled around Colombia. You have forgotten your books. / You haven’t forgotten your books They have chosen that picture. / They haven’t chosen that picture I have lost my purse. / I haven’t lost my purse


He has broken his leg. / He hasn’t broken his leg

Vocabulary exercise.


Juana Watch movies

Study economics

Jhon Cook dinner

Watch movies

Study arts

Cook dinner




Last week





Along life

Look at the table above and write about the things Juana and Jhon did and have done, according to time (yesterday, last week, along life). Follow the examples. a) Yesterday: Juana watched movies. She did not study economics. She cooked dinner. Jhon didn’t watched movies. He studied arts. He cooked dinner. b) Last week: Juana didn’t watched movies. She didn’t study economics. She cooked dinner. Jhon did not watch movies. He didn’t study economics. He cooked dinner c) Along life: Juana watched movies. She studied economics. She cooked dinner Jhon has watched movies. He studied arts. He cooked dinner.


1. Bucket list: For this exercise you will make a recording (audio or video) in which you will talk about things you did when you were a child. At the same time, you will talk about things you have done along your life. It means you need to use past simple and present perfect along your speech.

Important! The recording must last two minutes. Say your name at the end of the recording. Send the recording through the WhatsApp group for your classmates and teacher to check it. I've already sent it to the wp 

2. Listening: Attached to the message sent by your teacher you can find two songs (Yellow) by ColdPlay and (I still haven't found what I'm looking for) by U2. Listen to the two songs and identify five sentences in past simple within the song (Yellow) and five sentences in present perfect in the other song. Then, write those sentences in the chart below.

‘¿Yellow by ColdPlay

I still haven't found what I'm looking for by U2

Past simple:

Present perfect:

1. I wrote a song for you

1. I have climbed the highest mountains

2. I jumped across for you

2. I have run through the fields

3. I drew a line for you

3. I have scaled these city wall

4. I came along

4. I have kissed honey lips

5. I swam across

5. I have spoke


Quality indicator I use past simple correctly in order to talk about daily experiences.


I use the structures of present perfect in a correct manner.


I spend the time required for the recording. I share the recording with my classmates and teacher.

x x



Task 2: Yes

Quality indicator I identify and write 5 sentences in past simple in the song Yellow.


I identify and write 5 sentences in present perfect in the song I still haven't found…




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