Guideline and Rubric for Video Assignment 1 PDF

Title Guideline and Rubric for Video Assignment 1
Author Jonathan Marcel
Course Health Assessment in Clinical Practice I
Institution George Brown College
Pages 3
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Guideline and Rubric for Demonstration Video Assignment Assignment: Demonstration of competency of Setting up a Sterile Field and Donning Sterile Gloves (week 1 content) Due Dates: Demonstration Video and self Reflection due: end of Week 2 (September 21, 2020 at 23:59 Peer Feedback due: Week 3 (September 28, 2020 @ 23:59) Grading system: 8% of your final grade Marked out of 20   

12 marks for your demonstration of the skill (skills checklist is the rubric) 4 marks for your self reflection 4 marks for peer feedback

NOTE: All 3 parts of the assignment must be submitted for a mark to be assigned Demonstration Video: Students will record themselves (or have someone record them) 1. setting up a sterile field, 2. adding a gauze to the sterile field and 3. donning sterile gloves maintaining sterile technique. Students must use the abbreviated skills checklist provided on blackboard and/or the checklist in Potter and Perry, 6th edition, pages 713-715. Use a peer, friend, or family member - you can also self record if you have a stand for your device - to record you completing the skill. Make sure all areas of your sterile field can be see as well as when you are donning your gloves. The skills should be completed in 10 minutes (or less) as indicated on skills checklist provided on Blackboard. Students should also introduce themselves at the beginning of the recording by stating their name. You can record yourself as many times as needed to ensure you are meeting the requirements of the checklist and feel that you are competent in the skill prior to posting.

Once the video is completed, upload into Flipgrid© for Faculty to review prior to release to colleagues for feedback. Students will need to download the Flipgrid© app to load the video in the Flipgrid link provided by your LAB professor. Self Reflection Using the word document posted on BB Submit to Blackboard after you have posted your video demonstration Answer the following 3 questions: 1. Did the assignment of demonstrating by video the skill of setting up a sterile field help with you learning the skill? 2. What challenges did you find in performing the skill? 3. What did you find helpful when reviewing your video demonstration?

Peer feedback Guideline Watch the videos posted by your peers in Flipgrid©. Feedback is required to 1 (one) of your peer videos. Feedback is posted directly in Flipgrid© (needs to be posted as video on Flipgrid in response to a peer demo video – you can take a video of a written paragraph, audio record feedback or video record yourself providing feedback. Must be in video format to upload to Flipgrid. Using the skills checklist for setting up a sterile field as your guide, provide constructive feedback to your peer. Feedback should be respectful and help improve practice. Provide feedback by identifying what your peer did well and what could be improved in performing the skill. Must include: An area for your peer to improve on in the demo What your peer did well in the demo

For example Barb, How you were able to move the items out of the tray onto the sterile field with the forceps without contaminating anything, showed dexterity and coordination. At times, I felt that you put the tips of the forceps too close to the 1 inch border of the sterile field which could contaminate the tips. When you donned your sterile gloves, you maintained sterility.

Preparation of a Sterile Field and donning sterile gloves Allotted Time for evaluation of Competency: 10 minutes

Procedural Steps

Needs Improvement


1. Assemble necessary equipment. 2. Check expiry dates. 3. Performs hand wash. 4. Open the top flap away from the body. 5. Keep arm away from the sterile field while opening the side flap. 6. Open the second side flap. 7. Open the inside flap toward the body 8. If adding to sterile field, open sterile item away from sterile field, then can either directly drop item in the centre of the sterile field or use sterile forceps to remove and place, keeping arm away from sterile field, maintaining sterility. 9. Applies sterile gloves using open gloving technique, maintaining sterility.

11. Organizes supplies on sterile field. 12. Opens internal sterile drape, maintaining sterility 13. Demonstrates how to apply a external drape without contaminating sterile gloves or drape. 14. Maintains sterility of field and gloves throughout the procedure.

Time taken to complete skill (within the allotted time): ____________

Must be competent in all steps and maintain sterility throughout the procedure to be successful in the demonstration....

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