Maa103 + T1 + 2016 + Assignment + 1 + and + Rubric + - + Video + - + Deakinsync + Final PDF

Title Maa103 + T1 + 2016 + Assignment + 1 + and + Rubric + - + Video + - + Deakinsync + Final
Course Accounting for Decision Making
Institution Deakin University
Pages 6
File Size 278.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 78
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assignment 1 outline...



Submission date and available marks Due date:

Wednesday 13 April 2016 by 5:00pm


This assignment is worth 10 marks and represents 10% of the total marks for the unit.


A marking rubric has been attached to show clearly the expectations and requirements for this assignment; including the marks allocated for each assessment criteria. The marking rubric assesses 2 main criteria:  

Discipline Specific Knowledge (content of video) – (GLO1) Digital Literacy (visual presentation of the video) – (GLO3)

Assignment Instructions 1. This is a group assignment. Each group should consist of 2 or 3 persons. 

Note: Your group members formed for this assignment (Assignment 1) must remain as the same group for the completion of the next assignment (Assignment 2) unless there are unforeseen and exceptional circumstances that prevent this. The Unit Chair must be notified as soon as possible if your team/group is unable to remain and continue as a group for Assignment 2. Note that Assignment 2 is due on 5 May 2016.

As this is a group assignment any requests to complete the assignment on an individual basis will only be considered if there are exceptional extenuating circumstances. The unit chair must be contacted as soon as possible

Please note that you will need to form YOUR OWN GROUP and REGISTER your Group on the MAA103 DEAKINSYNC SITE no later than 23 March 2016. If you have not registered your group on the MAA103 DeakinSync site by that date, the MAA103 staff will allocate you to a group on a random basis. Group sign-up instructions can be found at:

 Each team member MUST BE PRESENT in the video presentation. You may wish to record separately and collate the videos together later if you prefer. You can also incorporate PowerPoint slides, Tables, MS office word documents, Prezi, etc into your video if you feel it will benefit your presentation. Page 1 of 6

FOR MAA103 ACCOUNTING FO R DECISION MAKING ASSIGNMENT 1 2. This assignment requires the following to be completed and submitted:  A video presentation: 5 – 7 min (cannot be shorter than 5 min or longer than 10 min). 3. The Objective and the Requirements for the Video Presentation are detailed in the ‘Written Business Plan’ section on pages 3 - 5 of this document. 4. Please monitor the MAA103 DeakinSync site on a regular basis for any additional instructions via announcements.

Submission Instructions 1.

The video is to be uploaded/processed ONLINE ONLY (via Deakin Air, YouTube or Vimeo). A single link, for the group as a whole, must be submitted into the Dropbox available on the MAA103 DeakinSync site; via Assignment 1 Dropbox.


Instructions on how to upload your video through Deakin Air, etc are on the MAA103 DeakinSync site. Remember, it is only a link that is to be uploaded, not the whole video file. Also, please note only ONE link per group.


The Dropbox will be open from 9.00am on Monday 14 March 2016 and will close at 11:59 pm on Friday 13 April 2016.


Group details (group number, members’ names and IDs) must be provided with this assignment. This can be included in the message area of the Assignment Dropbox.

Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Collusion Plagiarism and collusion constitute extremely serious breaches of academic integrity. They are forms of cheating, and severe penalties are associated with them, including cancellation of marks for a specific assignment, for a specific unit or even exclusion from the course. If you are ever in doubt about how to properly use and cite a source of information, consult your lecturer or the Study Support website Penalties for late submission

Assignments conducted during the trimester submitted late without an extension being granted will not be marked. These will be held until final grading and may be taken into consideration in a pass/fail situation. Publication of Results Results will be published via the MAA103 DeakinSync site within 15 business days of the due date.

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Video Presentation Objective/ Overview The focus of MAA103 is on small and medium size enterprises and therefore takes a practical approach on “how to” operate a business. The overall objective of this video assignment is for you to present the information that you have researched and collected for the preparation and writing of a business plan for a 12 month period. The business plan is to start a new small business in one of the following: o

A service business (for example, an optometrist, architect, accountant, marketing consultant, personal trainer, real estate agent, web designer, cleaning, etc.).


A retail business (for example, hamburger store, t-shirt shop, bookshop, selling motorcycles, juice bar, etc.).

In your video you should communicate how the business will be viable and successful. The idea is to pitch your business to a potential supplier, potential investor, or potential lender for your business. Convince us that you have a good, practical and viable idea! Note: It is intended that the information you collect for this assignment task will be used to help you write the formal business plan for the next assignment.

Requirements: Your group must produce a video that presents a coherent outline and DISCUSSION for starting up and running a new small business. The plan must be for a 12 month period and it must address: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Background to the business Marketing Operations Financial considerations : ** this should be the main focus of your research Implementation table

Note: the above 5 sections will also be included in Assignment 2; the written business plan.

Whilst it is preferred that you talk to people who have already run a business (ideally similar to the business you have chosen) you may also choose to conduct your research by using online and other resources such as Google Search, Google Scholar, textbooks, newspaper articles, etc.

Given that Assignment 1 is due in Week 5, the financial consideration section will be limited to providing CVP analysis, start-up costs, sales projections and cost projections. So, whilst you should start to consider projected profit and cash flow for Page 3 of 6

FOR MAA103 ACCOUNTING FO R DECISION MAKING ASSIGNMENT 1 your business, you don’t need to provide a budgeted Income statement, Cash Budget or budgeted Statement of Financial Position (balance sheet) for this assignment. 

The following questions represent a sample of the questions you may wish to ask or research. Not all questions need to be used for the purpose of this assignment. Also, there may be other questions that you feel are appropriate but have not been included in this list.

Note: the following questions largely draws on Schaper, M., Volery, T., Weber, P. and Gibson, B. (2014) ‘Entrepreneurship and Small Business’, Chapter 8, pp. 177-218. This chapter can be accessed on the MAA103 DeakinSync site in the ‘Assessment and Resources’ folder found under the ‘Resources’ tab.

Sample Questions for Discussion in Video Presentation Background to the business:   

  

What knowledge or skills are required for running the particular service/retail business that you have chosen? Why do you think this business is/will be successful? What business structure has been adopted (partnership or company)? You must justify why you have chosen your business structure. DO NOT choose a sole proprietorship structure. What is the customer base? Are the premises leased or owned? How do businesses in this area address social/community awareness and environmental responsibility/management?

Marketing:     

Regarding Industry: What is the current state of the industry? What is the potential future growth for that industry? Regarding Promotion and Advertising: How will the business’ goods and services be advertised and promoted to customers? What media will be used? Regarding the location of the business. What issues need to be considered when determining the location of the business? Regarding Competitors: How many competitors are there? Who are the competitors? Are there pricing/selling differences used by the competitors? Do sales fluctuate at different times of the year?

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 

Management structure/procedures: What skills and qualifications do the proprietors and/or managers have? What previous business experience do the owners and/or managers have? Legal and licensing requirements: Why has the particular business name been chosen? What are the laws, regulation and licences that the business operates under or must obtain? Staffing: If there will be more staff than just the owner–operator, who else will be employed? What skills and qualifications do they need? How will the firm recruit staff and at what rate of pay? Professional advisers: Which outside business advisers does the business expect (or does) use? For example an accountant, a bank manager, an insurance broker and management consultants. What equipment does the business need? What are the key sustainability considerations? How will they be managed?

Financial Projections:  What are the start-up costs – for example, the proposed site leasing or purchased? What rent, lease period, loan and/or payments apply?  Will the owners contribute capital?  If additional funds are needed by the business, how much and how are they to be raised?  Financial forecasts/Budgets: o What is estimated to be the number of items/services sold/provided each month and for the 12 month year? o How has the selling or service price (of your goods or services) been determined? This should be demonstrated with the use of CVP analysis. o What is the projected sales/service income for each month and for the 12 month year? o What are the projected cost of sales OR cost of services each month and for the 12 month year? o What are the projected costs each month and for the 12 month year? o What are some of the Cash flow forecast/budget considerations? o What are some of the projected profit and/or loss considerations?  To what extent is it possible to achieve the “Triple Bottom Line” reporting? Implementation timetable:  

What tasks need to be completed for the successful running of the business? What timetable or schedule is used to ensure that the activities of the business are met? Show the list of tasks to be completed and their completion dates.

______________________________________________________________________ Please note that if you choose to talk to business owners, whilst you can take notes you must make sure that the identity of the person is not revealed. YOU MUST NOT SHOW THEIR FACE OR AUDIO RECORD THEIR RESPONSES. Page 5 of 6


Student Rubric for Video presentation GLO 1 & 3


Poor 0-3.4 points

Discipline specific knowledge for starting a new business (content of video) (7 marks) (GLO1)

Video content does not provide a satisfactory overview of the considerations for writing a business plan including:  Background to the business  Marketing  Operations  Financial considerations  Implementation table 0-1.4 points

Digital Literacy: visual presentation of knowledge

Demonstrates ineffective use of visual technology to communicate researched information within the set time limit.

Acceptable 3.5-4.1 points Video content provides a reasonable overview of the considerations for writing a business plan including:  Background to the business  Marketing  Operations  Financial considerations  Implementation table 1.5-1.7 points

Sometimes demonstrates effective use of visual technology to communicate researched information within the set time limit.


Very Good


4.2-4.8 points

4.9-5.5 points

5.6-7.0 points

Video content provides a good overview of the considerations for writing a business plan including:  Background to the business  Marketing  Operations  Financial considerations  Implementation table

Video content provides a very good overview of the content considerations for writing a business plan including:  Background to the business  Marketing  Operations  Financial considerations  Implementation table

Video content provides an excellent overview of the considerations for writing a business plan including:  Background to the business  Marketing  Operations  Financial considerations  Implementation table

1.8-2.0 points

Mostly demonstrates effective use of visual technology to communicate researched information within the set time limit.

2.1-2.3 points

Consistently demonstrates effective use of visual technology to communicate researched information within the set time limit.

2.4-3.0 points

Skillfully demonstrates effective use of visual technology to communicate researched information within the set time limit.

(3 marks)


Overall score out of 10

0 or more

5 or more

6 or more

7 or more

8 or more






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