HIS 100 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet PDF

Title HIS 100 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet
Author Alexa Watts
Course History
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 2
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Narrowing down the research questions for multimedia presentation...


Alexa Watts HIS-100 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet

HIS 100 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet Prompt: Applying what you’ve learned about narrowing research questions, revise your research questions from your Topic Exploration Worksheet. In the tables below, replace the bracketed text with the original question, the revised version of that question, and one to two sentences explaining how you approached your revisions for that question to give your instructor insight on your revision process. Then, answer the questions about your primary sources below the tables by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Research Question 1 Original Question How did Japan’s political strategies change after the arrival of the Europeans?

Revised Question How did the introduction of the Portuguese arquebus in 1543 influence the civil-war-driven state of Japan during the Sengoku (“Warring States”) period? Looking back at the question, I felt as though it was a little too broad. I decided to narrow the focus of the question by adding details to convey the time period and political state of the country. Research Question 2 Original Question How did European culture influence the re-closing of Japan?

Revised Question In what ways did European culture and religious practices influence the Tokugawa shogunate to ban the Portuguese and close the country in the Edit of 1635. Much like the first question, I decided that my original question was too broad. I decided to expand on the original question by adding more context such as “who” and “when”.

1. Applying what you have learned about comparing primary sources and analyzing secondary sources, revisit the primary sources you listed in Part 3 of your Topic Exploration Worksheet, list them below, and describe what each of these sources adds to your understanding of your selected topic. 1. Name of primary source: Tokugawa Ieyasu on Military Government and the Social Order

Author: Korō shodan. Compiled by Ryusaka Tsunoda and Wm. Theodore de Bary 1

Alexa Watts HIS-100 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet Hyperlink: http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/ps/japan/ieyasu_four_classes.pdf What this source adds to your understanding of your selected topic: This source adds to the understanding of my topic by giving direct insight from Tokugawa Ieyasu, the first shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate. By analyzing his personal thoughts on the social order and military state of the country, I can better understand why he came to write the Edicts of 1635. 2. Name of primary source: The Edicts of the Tokugawa Shogunate: Excerpts from The Edict of 1635 Ordering the Closing of Japan: Addressed to the Joint Bugyō of Nagasaki.

Author: David J. Lu Hyperlink: http://afe.easia.columbia.edu/ps/japan/tokugawa_edicts_foreigners.pdf What this source adds to your understanding of your selected topic: This source will help to explain some of the major cultural changes that the country made during the time Tokugawa shogunate. Analyzing this document in regard to the ban of western culture, it will better support my argument of how the Portuguese affected the cultural and religious practices of Japan.


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