HIS 4-1 Short Response. Research Plan Preparation Worksheet PDF

Title HIS 4-1 Short Response. Research Plan Preparation Worksheet
Author Apostle 008
Course Perspectives in History
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 2
File Size 117.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Download HIS 4-1 Short Response. Research Plan Preparation Worksheet PDF


HIS 100 Research Plan Preparation Worksheet Prompt: Applying what you’ve learned about narrowing research questions, revise your research questions from your Topic Exploration Worksheet. In the tables below, replace the bracketed text with the original question, the revised version of that question, and one to two sentences explaining how you approached your revisions for that question to give your instructor insight on your revision process. Then, answer the questions about your primary sources below the tables by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. Research Question 1 Original Question How did Mandela influence the rights of the people?

Revised Question What were the three most important ways Mandela changed South Africa as its President? I was having issues finding sources thus needing to change and narrow my question. I reviewed the feedback provided by instructor. I remembered to be more detailed and needed to narrow my question to be more specific. N Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years and thus his influence would have been limited during that period. My question is more direct and able to be supported by several primary sources. Research Question 2 Original Question How did the Apartheid differ from American Jim Crowe laws and racism?

Revised Question What was the suppression of Communism Act and how did it affect South Africa? I had a hard time finding a primary source for the two apartheids due to broad nature. With the feedback provided I found that I should focus on the laws of just the South African Apartheid. I am able to find primary sources that explain the laws as well as secondary sources to support the question. The Suppression of Communism law was a law designed to prevent Black Africans from speaking out against the European/white Africans. This law was to suppress their speech and actions to prevent anti-apartheid movement. 1. Applying what you have learned about comparing primary sources and analyzing secondary sources, revisit the primary sources you listed in Part 3 of your Topic Exploration Worksheet, list them below, and describe what each of these sources adds to your understanding of your selected topic. 1. Name of primary source: Growth, Employment And Redistribution - A Macroeconomic Strategy 1996 Author: Unknown Hyperlink: https://omalley.nelsonmandela.org/omalley/index.php/site/q/03lv02167/04lv02218/05lv02231/06lv02232.htm What this source adds to your understanding of your selected topic: This source gives me one of the most important ways Mandela helped shape South Africa. The source provides the plan used to shape South Africa’s economy. This source spells out the plan in steps to integrate economic growth.

2. Name of primary source: Repressive Legislation of the Republic of South Africa Pg 18 1

Author: Unknown Hyperlink: https://heinonline.org/HOL/P?h=hein.cow/rereesa0001&i=24 What this source adds to your understanding of your selected topic: This is the actual legislation regarding the Act of communism suppression. This helped me understand the law and how it was used to appease and reduce South African rebellion. This source provides me with understanding and each amendment to it that was used to control and attempt to impede rebellion. (1969). Repressive Legislation of the Republic of South Africa. New York, United Nations


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