HS1 Midterm 1 - Michele McCarthy PDF

Title HS1 Midterm 1 - Michele McCarthy
Author Kaitlyn Do
Course Health science
Institution San José State University
Pages 4
File Size 120.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 47
Total Views 137


Michele McCarthy...


Study Guide: Midterm 1 Study Guide Chapter 1: The Foundation for Life - Health: being sound in body, mind and spirit - Wellness: holistic involving all aspects of a person 6 dimensions of health: - Physical: taking positive steps away from illness towards wellness - Psychological: refers to emotional states; our feelings and thoughts - Spiritual: learn to experience love, peace, fulfillment and joy - Social: ability to interactive with people efficiently and social environment - Intellectual: ability to think and learn from life experiences, openness to ideas - Environmental: impact world has on well-being Various Definitions of health - WHO (World health organization): help individuals increase life expectancy and the quality of life/ eliminate health disparities among different segments of population -


Poverty is the major barrier to health insurance (cannot afford prevention or early detection) Different racial and ethnic groups face different health risks for example: Native Americans have highest rate of type 2 diabetes in the world; life expectancy is lower for African Americans than Caucasians Number one cause of death in the U.S is heart disease The more educated reduces risk factors of disease: - Predisposing, enabling, reinforcing - Self efficacy (belief in making change), positive and negative reinforcements, social and cultural norms, self- talk - Stages of change: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, termination

Chapter 2: Psychological Health - 2 most effective techniques for someone in crisis or suicidal: ask the question (are you thinking about suicide), use active listening skills, get help - Active Listening: listen like a pet, pay attention, care about person, be non-judgemental, be trustworthy, don’t talk back or argue, be available, keep what they share confidential, remain calm, paraphrasing, silence, “I” statements rather than “you”, tone and tempo - Warning signs of suicide: Giving away possessions, talking or joking about death, extreme mood changes, loss or change in eating, sleeping, activity level, impulsive or dangerous behavior, increase in drug or alcohol use, lack of interest in personal hygiene, saying “goodbye”, self harming, cutting, burning, staying isolated - 15-24 (3rd ranking for suicide), 25-34 (2nd ranking suicide) - The overall for suicide is 11th

Chapter 9: Nutrition

The six classes of nutrients: Macronutrients: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water Micronutrients: vitamins, minerals - Proteins - Needed to build maintain and repair cells - Excess protein stored as fat - Carbohydrates - Simplest carbohydrates are monosaccharides - Glucose: blood sugar - Fructose: sugar in fruits - Complex carbohydrates are starches - Starch broken down to glucose - Carbohydrates humans can’t digest: fiber - 25-35 grams of fiber a day - Lipids - Include cholesterol and triglycerides - Triglycerides has 3 fatty acids: saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated - Human body makes cholesterol - Omega 3 fatty acids are good unsaturated fats - Vitamins - Water-soluble: eight B vitamins and vitamin C; not stored in body - Fat- soluble: excesses are stored in body; Vitamin A and D are most toxic - Do not provide energy - Minerals - Non energy supplying nutrients - Small amounts needed - Calcium is more plentiful mineral Amount one should have in a day: - Total Fat: less than 65 grams a day - Saturated Fat: less than 20 grams a day - Sodium: less than 2,400 mg a day - Fiber: 25-35 grams a day - Cholesterol: 300 mg a day - Trans Fat: less than 1% a day - Protein: 50 grams a day -

Nutrient dense foods are foods that have vitamins, minerals, complex carbohydrates, lean protein, and healthy fats


Body contains 60% of water Calories - 9 calories per gram of fat - 7 calories per gram of alcohol - 4 calories per gram of carbohydrates


4 calories per gram of protein

Chapter 10: Body Weight and Its Management - Increased risk of diabetes, increased risk of cancers, increased disabilities, weak heart, hbp - The yo yo syndrome is being on a diet and you have weight gain and then diet and lose weight, then after regain and continue - Exercise and eat when you are full - Pros are that it can estimate if you are healthy or not can determine body weight, however doesn’t account the type of weight (from muscle rather than fat) Chapter 11: - The target heart rate is 60%-80% of your max heart rate - Max heart rate is 220 BPM- your age - Exercise releases endorphins to the brain (runners high)

Chapter 12: Cardiovascular Health Blood pressure: A measure of the force exerted against the walls of the vessels by the blood flowing through them - Healthy BP: 115/75 mm Hg - Prehypertension: 120-139/80-90 mm Hg - Hypertension: 140-159/90-99 mm Hg or 160+/100+ mm Hg Systolic blood pressure: Pressure exerted by blood against walls of the arteries during forceful contraction of the heart. Diastolic Blood Pressure: Pressure exerted by blood against the walls of the arteries during relaxation of the heart. Atherosclerosis: The build-up of fats, cholesterol, and other substances in and on the artery walls. Diabetes is no insulin or lack of Type 1 Diabetes:


Caused by an autoimmune disease, require daily insulin injections because the pancreas does not produce insulin. Genetics Represents only 5% of diabetics Can be life threatening

Type 2 Diabetes: - 95% of diabetics have type 2. Causes (lifestyle) - Overweight - Lack of exercise - Poor diet (high in sugar aka soda) Chapter 13: Cancer Cells that begin to grow abnormally but are not yet cancer cells, may form Benign tumors - Benign tumors are surrounded by a fibrous capsule, and they do not spread or invade surrounding tissues. Can help to find what stage and the quicker the easier to fix Lung cancer and Skin Cancer...

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