Https - Happiness outline for a 45 minute speech PDF

Title Https - Happiness outline for a 45 minute speech
Author The Sunray
Course Positive Psychology 
Institution University of Central Arkansas
Pages 3
File Size 52.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Happiness outline for a 45 minute speech...

Description %2Fdemonstrative-speechexamples.html&psig=AOvVaw1ZpwM9KoylZ8MSH4CNAF0E&ust=1572968853617000&source=images&c d=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCNiru-Hz0OUCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAJ CAIQjRxqFwoTCNiru-Hz0OUCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAQ

1. purpose 2. thesis statement 3. Audience Analysis 4. introduction 5. Capture Attention 6. Establish credibility 7. preview the speech 8. transition 9. conclusion 10. source (minimum 5)

Week 1: The true nature of happiness. How may happiness be acquired and how is it lost? Observation, the conscious perceiver and the present moment. Week 2: Happiness and the service of the needs of others. To be happy is to be in tune with one’s own nature. The relationship between happiness and law. The creative power of observation. Week 3: The Vedic principle of ‘May all be happy’ and the principle of utility ‘The greatest happiness for the greatest numbers’. Observing the body at work and learning to observe the movements of the mind.

Week 4: The Self as the true source of happiness. The Platonic virtues; the divine and human goods. The eternal present and passing time. Week 5: The life and work of Marsilio Ficino (1433-1499). The immortality and divinity of the soul. ‘Rejoice in the present’. Week 6: Recapitulation of the term’s work. The difference between pleasure and happiness. The different states of attention. Week 7: Seven natural values and corresponding misconceptions about them: happiness, knowledge, fullness of life, service, generosity, beauty and love. Further work on attention. Week 8: Further natural values and common misconceptions. Detachment, wealth, truth, self-respect, efficiency, duty and work. Attention and efficiency. Week 9: The meaning and creative power of wisdom. Stepping free from the grip of passing time. Practice in relation to speech and conversation. Week 10: The process of identification. The birthless and deathless Self. The four principles of work. Week 11: Being at one with the universe. The importance of not selling our happiness. Further on the principles of work. Week 12: Summary of the term’s work

4. Have a healthy attitude. Think positive. The mind and body are connected so thinking positive thoughts can help you feel better and less stressed. 5. Do something you enjoy- hang out with friends, start a hobby, do something that you like to do to get your mind off what’s stressing you. 6. Exercise- It burns calories and releases tension in your body. 7. Stay away from alcohol or cigarettes- It can make you

feel good for awhile but after awhile you just feel down and stressed again and even worse than before 8. Sleep- According to an article published by National Sleep Foundation, adults need around 7-9 hours of sleep per day in order for the body to function at optimum level. Getting enough sleep is important in order to feel better, have more energy, and therefore less stress 9. Find someone to talk to- Go to the student wellness center or talk to a friend, or family member, or someone you trust to vent to. III. Conclusion A. Review of Main Points: 1. Today, I first discussed what stress is 2. Second, I discussed what the effects of stress are 3. Third, I discussed the causes of stress among college students 4. Lastly, I gave tips on how to manage stress as a college student Restate Thesis:  Being a college student can be stressful as you all know, but I hope this speech gave you a better understanding of what stress is and how to manage it so you’re aware that college can be less stressful. Closure: I hope you all learned something new from this presentation, and you’re now informed on how to deal with stress as a college student. Thank you...

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