HUM 100 Realism Impressionism and the Modern World PDF

Title HUM 100 Realism Impressionism and the Modern World
Author Lauryn Williams
Course Perspectives in the Humanities
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 2
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HUM 100 Realism, Impressionism, and the Modern World Worksheet Complete this worksheet by replacing the bracketed text with the relevant information. In the first table of the worksheet, complete the following: 1. 2.

For each era, identify an artifact that depicts one of the characteristics provided. Explain which characteristic you think it represents, and why.

In the second table, address the following: 1. In the first column, identify creators from the twentieth and twenty-first centuries who you think made important contributions to art and culture in the form of humanities artifacts that impacted society. 3. Identify one of the artifacts they created (in the second column) and the medium of the artifact (in the third column). Recall from Fundamentals of Human Culture that mediums can include dance, literature, sculpture, visual arts, architecture, music, performance, and so forth. 4. Explain why you believe the creator felt the need to express their ideas (in the fourth column). For example, if one of the people you chose was John Lennon, you could identify one of his songs and discuss how the song relates to examples of his social activism. Once you have completed the second table, answer the questions at the end of the document.

Part 1: Realism and Impressionism Realism Characteristics: 1. Depiction of the ordinary 2. Real-life situations 3. Shift from the ideal to the real Realism Artifact

Created in 1849 by Gustave Courbet, The Stonebreakers.

Characteristic That Realism Artifact Represents (Explain Your Reasoning) Real-life situations. Courbet was considered a master of realism art during this time as he created pieces that represented real life situations.

Part 2: The Modern World

Impressionism Characteristics: 1. The play of light in the present moment 2. Immediacy, spontaneity 3. Short, staccato brushstrokes in art Impressionism Artifact

Created in 1874 by Claude Monet, The Argenteuil Bridge.

Characteristic That Impressionism Artifact Represents (Explain Your Reasoning) The play of light in the present moment and short, staccato brushstrokes in art. Monet used choppy brush strokes within the painting to capture the reflections of the bridge and the boats.

Person Twentieth Century: Pablo Picasso

Artifact Created The Soup 1902-1903

Medium Picasso sprinkled powdered pigment onto the canvas during the creation of this piece and mixed paint with different materials such as newspaper. Picasso preferred using industrial and oil paints to create his art pieces.

Need to Express Shows the concerns Picasso had witnessed while growing up in Spain.

Twenty-first Century: Marlene Dumas

The Neighbor 2005

Wet-on-wet as Dumas combines thin layers of paint with the thick layers, which creates an intimate but estranging atmosphere within the entirety of the painting.

Dumas based this piece on the photo of Mohammed Bouyeri, who was convicted for the murder of Theo Van Gogh. Dumas demonstrates the fear surrounding this crime.

In one to two paragraphs, answer the following questions:  

What differences do you notice between the artifacts from each era? In the context of what you have learned in this theme, where do you think those differences stemmed from?

The differences that I notice between the artifacts from each era are that art continues to become more difficult for society to understand. Painters used more detail within the Impression Era, such as their surroundings and environment. Over the decades, the quality of paint and canvases became bolder, which makes it hard for society to comprehend the meaning behind the painting. Realism is the effort to represent a subject truthfully, which means that realism paintings are going to have more detail and are more refined. These paintings look real and tend to focus on what is happening within the world and expressing it through the artists art. Impressionist paintings are less realistic looking and are seen as more artsy, these paintings give off a false perspective of the surroundings the artist has. These differences stem from how realism represents what is seen by the human eye and impression represents the expression of the artist creating the painting....

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