Imago Dei Theological Essay PDF

Title Imago Dei Theological Essay
Course Theology Survey II
Institution Liberty University
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Imago Dei: Image Bearers: All humanity possesses one unifying attribute. Each human being carries imago dei (the image of God). The image of God is a characteristic that everyone is born with and cannot escape or lose. Since God created mankind, they are the image of his marvelous workmanship. However, when man committed sin, that image was polluted. As a result, humans are constantly going through the process of sanctification. The image of God is always there within mankind, but as sinners that image is perverted through sin. Through following the perfect example of Jesus Christ, mankind must work to restore that image of God in them. In Genesis 1:26-27, God mentions that He created man in His image. As noted by James Hood, “Every aspect of human identity, destiny, and mission finds its genesis in the Bible’s opening chapter…”1 Humans have a purpose and eternal destiny through God implanting his matchless image into mankind. Often, mankind attempts to find value and identity through the temporary things of this world. God is eternal. His image at its root has eternal value and purpose. Also, Matthew R. Petrusek says, “…the affirmation that God has a constitutive and unique relationship with humanity in general, and every individual in particular, has emerged as a justificatory warrant for the claim that all humans have dignity: humans have value, the reasoning tends to run, because God created them in God’s image and likeness.”2 Humans have value and dignity because God has created them. Many think that because of their fallen nature they are not worthy of bearing the perfect image of God the Father. The Father has given His image to everyone. He adores everyone and wanted His most marvelous creation to bear His image. This image sets people apart from all other creation. Humans are “special creatures in the order of creation.”3 Human life holds a place that is below God and the angels. However, they 1 James Hood, Imitating God in Christ: Recapturing a Biblical Pattern, (Westmont, Il: InterVarsity Press 2007), p.7. 2 Matthew R. Petrusek, The Image of God and Moral Action: Challenging the Practicality of the Imago Dei, (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2016) 3 Michael S. Burdett, The Image of God and Human Uniqueness: Challenges from the Biological and Information Sciences , Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2015)


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are still above the animals. God values mankind. Humanity was the pinnacle of God’s creation. Mankind has the ability to think, make choices, and believe. Also, mankind has eternal value as well. That idea alone sets humans apart from all other creation. No other form of creation can operate at such a high level of intelligence and value. God did not implement his image on the animals. He divinely created them but did not impart His image so that they can be effective witnesses. This job was given to humanity. God values mankind to such a high extent that he even tells them multiple times in Scripture to make more of their kind (Genesis 1:28, Genesis 9:7). God desires that people multiply and fill the Earth. If He did no place a high value on mankind, he would not command them to make more of their kind. People are held in high esteem by Him not only because they are His workmanship, but because they have the opportunity to bring that Godlike image to those who do not believe. If humans are created in the image of their Creator, they must then live a life that is an example of God. A life patterned after the statutes of God is one that all mankind must commit to. It is the humble service of a true Christ follower. To help mankind preserve the image of the Father, God has given people the perfect example of His Son, Jesus Christ, for all to follow. Jesus Christ lived the purest life possible. The reason why He is a substantial example of the image of God is because He lived a fully human life without sinning (II Corinthians 4:4). Christ Himself bore the image of the Father in His life here on Earth. His sinless life is exactly what God wants Christians to pattern. A sinless life feeds into the idea of living a holy and righteous life. Because Jesus Christ is holy and righteous, humans are to be holy and righteous as well. II Corinthians 3:18 explicitly points out that people are being “transformed into His image.” It is an arduous process that involves dedicating one’s life fully to Christ. The end result of this process is to be able to live an exemplary lifestyle so that those who do not believe will have an example that points them to the Father. God wants Christians to be consistent in their walk with Him. Consistency evaluates whether a believers is actually strengthening the image that the Father has placed on them since the beginning. The image of God is a permanent attribute that everyone is born with. However, a


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Christian’s job is to cultivate that image so it becomes not only a permanent attribute, but a permanent lifestyle. People’s lives are constantly being renewed through the knowledge that is gained through the image of the Father. “…he gave us his image and spirit so that human character and work might reflect God’s character and work.”4 If mankind chooses not to follow the pure example of the Father through Christ, they are not truly fulfilling their purpose on this Earth. God did not just put His image into humans and not care. He did it so that people can have a Godly example to follow in a godless world. Christians are to regularly strengthen themselves in Christ so that they can be effective witnesses while bearing the Father’s image. Not everyone knows that they are bearers of God’s image. The only way they can know is if Christians choose to cultivate that image and bring it to the lost. Why should a Christian bear God’s image? This idea not only encompasses being effective witnesses and realizing one’s identity in God. The final goal in bearing God’s image is that one day, all who believe and obey will be in Paradise. A Christian’s ultimate purpose in being an imitator of God is eternity. Satan wants Christians to pattern themselves after him because he knows his destiny. He wants everyone to suffer with him and not fulfill the purpose of God. Christians who believe and obey know their destiny. Their destiny lies in the imitation of God through Jesus Christ. The Father desires that all believers use His image as an avenue to heaven. God cared so much for His creation that He wants all to be with Him someday in his glorious home. An all-powerful and righteous God intentionally implements His image on mankind. This idea certainly shows how loving, and caring the Father is. God is a holy God who desperately wants the best part of His creation (humanity) to be with Him in Paradise. He provided a way to Him through His glorious image that is magnified through Christian’s lives. Christians must humbly devote their lives to the Lord. He breathed life into all mankind. His image lives in bodily form through the holy and exemplary lives of His children.

BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 IBID: James Hood (p.26.)


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Michael S. Burdett, The Image of God and Human Uniqueness: Challenges from the Biological and Information Sciences, (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2015).

James Hood, Imitating God in Christ: Recapturing a Biblical Pattern, (Westmont, Il: InterVarsity Press 2007), p.7. p.26.

Matthew R. Petrusek, The Image of God and Moral Action: Challenging the Practicality of the Imago Dei, (Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2016)....

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