IMC communication PDF

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Dr.G.R.Damodaran College of Science (Autonomous, affiliated to the Bharathiar University, recognized by the UGC)Reaccredited at the 'A' Grade Level by the NAAC and ISO 9001:2008 Certified CRISL rated 'A' (TN) for MBA and MIB Programmes III BSc VISUAL COMMUNICATION [2017-2020] SEMESTER VI CORE: INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION- 611B Multiple Choice Questions. 1. The first step in the IMC planning process is ________. A. The situation analysis. B. Budget determination. C. A review of the marketing plan. D. Specification of communications objectives ANSWER: C 2. The second stage of the IMC planning process is the ________. A. Mission statement. B. Development of marketing job descriptions C. Promotional analysis. D. Advertising plan. ANSWER: C 3. The ____________ that is selected to communicate the product/service to clientele forms the promotional mix. A. marketing. B. product. C. promotional budgets D. promotional methods. ANSWER: D 4. Today's marketers need __________. A. neither creativity nor critical thinking skills. B. both creativity and critical thinking skills. C. critical thinking skills but not creativity. D. creativity but not critical thinking skills. ANSWER: B 5. __________ involves high price and high promotion. A. Rapid skimming. B. Slow skimming. C. Rapid penetration. D. Slow penetration. ANSWER: A 6. _________ is the only revenue generating element amongst the four Ps. A. Price. B. Product. C. Place. D. Promotion. ANSWER: A 7. . __________ phase customers preferences have changed in favour of more efficient and better

products. A. Maturity. B. Growth. C. Decline. D. Early growth. ANSWER: C 8. To a manufacturer ___________ represents the quantity of money. A. product. B. price. C. promotion. D. none of the above. ANSWER: B 9. The final stage of the IMC planning model is _________. A. Budget determination. B. The development of the media strategy C. Analysis of communication process. D. Monitoring, evaluation, and control. ANSWER: D 10. _________ strategy is where, price are kept lower than its competition firm to gain a foothold in highly competitive market. A. Skimming. B. Penetration. C. Differential. D. Geographical. ANSWER: B 11. In _________ strategy the firm prices its product across different market segments. A. penetration. B. skimming. C. differential. D. geographical. ANSWER: C 12. Promotion mix includes tools like A. Advertising, product development, Sales promotion, Personal selling and direct marketing B. Advertising, sales promotion, Personal selling, Distribution network, and direct marketing C. Advertising, Public Relations, Sales Promotion, Personal Selling, Direct Marketing D. Product, price, place, public relations. ANSWER: C 13. __________is the process of determining what a company will receive in exchange for its products. A. Product. B. Pricing. C. Promotion. D. Value. ANSWER: B 14. . _________ is the only revenue generating element amongst the four Ps. A. Price. B. Product. C. Place. D. Promotion. ANSWER: A 15. Pricing policies are based on __________, _________ and ________.

A. cost, demand and competition. B. finance, accounting and share. C. production, competition and environment. D. production, internal and external environment. ANSWER: A 16. ________ is used to increase sale volume to level up the ups and downs that come to the organization. A. Demand. B. Price. C. Production. D. Promotion. ANSWER: B 17. Factors considered while setting the budget for promotion include A. PLC and Market share B. Product type and advertising agency C. Market Share and purchasing power D. Share price and Company image ANSWER: A 18. __________ decision are critical in nature as they affect the viability of the firm and the product. A. Product. B. Price. C. Promotion. D. Distribution. ANSWER: D 19. _______ is where the majority of resellers stock the 'product' with convenience products. A. Intensive distribution. B. Selective distribution C. Exclusive distribution. D. None of the above. ANSWER: A 20. Who sells the product to end customer ? A. Wholesaler. B. Retailer. C. Distributor. D. Dealer. ANSWER: B 21. ________ is where an organization sells its products directly to the end customer. A. Door to door. B. Direct mailing. C. Direct distribution. D. None of the above. ANSWER: C 22. Middlemen reduce the problems of _____________ and _____________. A. wholesale and retail. B. manufacturer and wholesale. C. producers and consumers. D. retail and consumers. ANSWER: C 23. The __________ depends upon the stage of the product in product life cycle. A. marketing mix. B. promotion mix.

C. product mix. D. all the above. ANSWER: B 24. ___________ represents all of the communications that a marketer may use in the market place. A. Promotion. B. Advertising. C. Public relation. D. Sales promotion. ANSWER: A 25. _________ means the use of short-term incentives which are designed to encourage immediate purchase of the product. A. Advertising. B. Samples. C. Promotion. D. Sales promotion. ANSWER: D 26. _________ is the non-personal form of communication for which the seller pays to promote the product. A. Sales promotion. B. Distribution. C. Advertising. D. Personal selling. ANSWER: C 27. ___________ is the non paid form of promotion. A. Advertising. B. Personal selling. C. Public relations. D. Direct selling. ANSWER: C 28. Advertising is intended to ____________ and _______________. A. persuade and inform. B. awareness and inform. C. persuade and awareness. D. inform and creativity. ANSWER: A 29. __________ means understanding and responding to customer needs. A. Manufacturing. B. Marketing. C. Production. D. None of the above. ANSWER: B 30. Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and making it accessible. Companies must also________ with present and potential stakeholders, and the general public. A. attract. B. reach. C. advertise D. communicate ANSWER: D 31. The _____ is the controllable elements of product, promotion, price, and place, which are used to facilitate exchange in a marketplace.

A. promotional mix. B. marketing mix. C. advertising mix. D. IMC mix. ANSWER: B 32. Prior to the movement to integrated marketing communications, the promotional function in most companies was dominated by __________. A. Mass media advertising. B. Sales promotion. C. Public relations. D. Publicity. ANSWER: A 33. The central theme of the concept of _____ is that all of an organization's marketing and promotional elements and activities communicate with its customers. A. the marketing mix. B. exchange. C. integrated marketing communications. D. the promotional mix. ANSWER: C 34. The marketing communications mix consists of six major modes of communications. Which of the following is NOT one of these modes? A. Personal selling B. Direct marketing C. Sales promotions. D. Packaging. ANSWER: D 35. Which of the following is NOT an advantage inherent in the use of advertising? A. Ability to control the message. B. Low cost per contact. C. Ability to create brand images and symbolism. D. Immediate feedback. ANSWER: D 36. _____ is a system of marketing by which organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response and/or a transaction. A. Advertising. B. Sales promotion. C. Direct marketing. D. Publicity. ANSWER: C 37. ________ is the set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions a person hold regarding an object. A. Brand B. Product. C. Image D. Concept. ANSWER: C 38. . Cognitive dissonance occurs in which stage of the buyer decision process model? A. Need recognition. B. Information search. C. Evaluation of alternatives D. Postpurchase behavior. ANSWER: D

39. All of the following would be ways to segment within the category of psychographic segmentation except____________. A. Social class. B. Occupation. C. Lifestyle. D. Personality. ANSWER: B 40. The total number of items that the company carries within its product lines refers to the ___________ of the product mix. A. width. B. depth. C. length. D. consistency. ANSWER: C 41. In terms of special product life cycles, a _____________ is a basic and distinctive mode of expression. A. genre. B. style. C. fashion. D. fad. ANSWER: B 42. _______________ factors are the most popular bases for segmenting customer groups. A. Geographic. B. Demographic. C. psychographic. D. Behavioral. ANSWER: B 43. The stage in the product life cycle that focuses on expanding market and creating product awareness and trial is the _______________. A. decline stage. B. introduction stage. C. growth stage. D. maturity stage. ANSWER: B 44. According to Maslows hierarchy of needs lower order would be ____________ A. satisfied first B. satisfied last. C. not satisfied D. none of the above ANSWER: A 45. A ________________ is a promotion strategy that calls for using the sales force and trade promotion to move the product through channels. A. push strategy. B. pull strategy. C. blocking strategy. D. integrated strategy. ANSWER: A 46. Which of the following is NOT one of the five stages of the buyer decision process? A. Need recognition. B. Brand identification. C. Information search.

D. Purchase decision. ANSWER: B 47. According to the text, the most dramatic of the environments that affect marketing and appears to be now shaping our world is the ________________ environment. A. natural. B. demographic. C. economic. D. technological. ANSWER: D 48. Sponsorship belongs to the promotional tool to _________________. A. business marketing B. marketing. C. marketing management D. advertising. ANSWER: B 49. A ____________________ is the way consumers perceive an actual or potential product. A. product idea. B. product image. C. product concept. D. product feature. ANSWER: B 50. . The place in the business buying behavior model where interpersonal and individual influences might interact is called the ________________. A. environment. B. response. C. stimuli. D. buying center. ANSWER: D 51. Integrated marketing communications is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a________ plan. A. integrated. B. coherent. C. complete. D. comprehensive ANSWER: D 52. A _______________ is any activity or benefit offered for sale that is essentially intangible and does not result in the ownership of anything. A. demand. B. basic staple. C. product. D. service. ANSWER: D 53. . When a marketing research organization chooses a segment of the population that represents the population as a whole, they have chosen a _______________. A. group. B. bi-variant population. C. sample. D. market target. ANSWER: C 54. The promotional mix element that allows for the most immediate and precise feedback from the

customer is _________. A. Advertising. B. Sales promotion. C. Direct marketing. D. Personal selling. ANSWER: D 55. The _____ is a written document that describes the overall marketing strategy and programs developed for an organization, product line, or brand. A. promotional plan. B. marketing plan. C. communications plan. D. marketing audit. ANSWER: B 56. A marketing plan usually includes _________. A. A corporate mission statement. B. Job descriptions and job specifications. C. A media schedule. D. A detailed situation analysis. ANSWER: D 57. The term "marketing mix" describes ______________________. A. a composite analysis of all environmental factors inside and outside the firm. B. a series of business decisions that aid in selling a product. C. the relationship between a firm's marketing strengths and its business weaknesses. D. a blending of four strategic elements to satisfy specific target markets. ANSWER: C 58. The product is a combination of __________ and _______________. A. formal and augmented. B. tangible and intangible. C. core and augment. D. benefits and satisfaction. ANSWER: B 59. An internal situation analysis looks at all of the following except ________. A. Competitive analyses. B. Corporate and brand image analyses. C. Organization of the promotional department. D. Results of the firm's previous promotional programs. ANSWER: A 60. An external situation analysis could include all of the following except ________. A. A competitive analysis. B. A hierarchy for firm's marketing and promotion departments. C. A review of legal and regulatory factors. D. An analysis of overall economic trends in society. ANSWER: B 61. What is the next stage in the IMC planning process, once marketing and communication objectives have been set? A. Budget determination. B. Implementation of those objectives. C. Media selection scheduling. D. Recruitment of marketing and promotion personnel. ANSWER: A

62. The___________ is the foundation of any advertising or marketing campaign. A. Research B. Target segmentation C. Creative brief. D. Media planning ANSWER: C 63. The final stage of the IMC planning model is _________. A. Budget determination. B. The development of the media strategy. C. Analysis of communication process. D. Monitoring, evaluation, and control. ANSWER: D 64. The hierarchy-of-effects model contains awareness, knowledge, liking, ________, conviction, and purchase A. cognitive response B. preference C. interest D. attitude ANSWER: B 65. A major reason for the development of IMC has been? A. A more joint approach to strategy B. The Internet C. Increasingly little difference between products D. The move towards relationship marketing ANSWER: D 66. Which type of sales promotion uses free samples, coupons, and rebates? A. consumer promotion B. trade promotion C. sales force promotion D. place promotion ANSWER: A 67. IMC has emerged as a reaction to the__________. A. growing competition B. demands of agencies C. demands of shareholders D. demands of clients ANSWER: A 68. Marketing environment researching the size, density, location, age, and occupations of your target market is __________. A. psychographic. B. demographic. C. personal D. geographic. ANSWER: B 69. The _____ environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns. A. social-cultural. B. political-legal. C. technological. D. economic. ANSWER: D

70. One of the major concerns for marketers about the natural environment is the _____. A. number of protestors against misuse. B. shortages of raw materials. C. increases in recycling. D. none of the above. ANSWER: B 71. The advantages of integrated marketing communications to the firm are many. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of having an integrated marketing communications program? A. It forces management to think about how the company communicates. B. It forces management to think about every way the customer comes in contact with the company C. It increases consumer involvement D. It produces greater sales impac ANSWER: C 72. .________ is a combination of marketing functions, including advertising, used to sell a product A. Sales promotion B. Marketing mix C. Public relations D. New advertising ANSWER: B 73. The term Marcom refers to-__________________________. A. Marketing Communication B. Manufacturer communication C. Marketing Competition D. Manufacturer Competition ANSWER: A 74. Marketers can take _____ by taking aggressive action to affect the publics and forces in their marketing environments. A. an environmental perspective. B. an environmental management perspective. C. a natural perspective. D. a natural management perspective. ANSWER: B 75. __________ describes the actions a person takes in purchasing and using products and services. A. Marketing. B. Market research. C. Consumer behavior. D. Consumer management. ANSWER: C 76. The stages a buyer passes through in making choices about which products and services to buy is called the __________. A. Situational analysis sequence. B. VALS inventory. C. Purchase decision process. D. Hierarchy of learning. ANSWER: C 77. ________stage in the consumer purchase decision process suggests criteria to use for the purchase, yields brand names that might meet the criteria, and develops consumer value perceptions. A. Problem recognition. B. Information search. C. Alternative evaluation.

D. Purchase decision. ANSWER: B 78. . A consumer's __________ refers to the personal, social, and economic significance of a purchase to the consumer. A. involvement. B. aspiration. C. acculturative response. D. motivation. ANSWER: A 79. Fully integrated marketing communications are being practiced currently by______________. A. many organizations B. a few multinational C. most advertising agency D. dotcoms ANSWER: A 80. The purchase task, social surroundings, physical surroundings, temporal effects, and antecedent states are all examples of __________, which affect the purchase decision process. A. marketing mix influences. B. psychological influences. C. situational influences. D. socio cultural influences. ANSWER: C 81. The measure of the percentage of people in the target market who are exposed to the advertising campaign during a given period of time is called as A. Awareness B. reach C. conversion D. depth ANSWER: B 82. __________ is the energizing force that stimulates behavior to satisfy a need. A. Selective perception. B. Antecedent state. C. Motivation. D. Cognitive dissonance. ANSWER: C 83. People within a reference group who because of their special skills, knowledge, personality or other characterstics exert social influence on others are called A. reference group B. opinion leaders C. influencers D. recommenders ANSWER: B 84. Those needs that are represented by the need for achievement, status, prestige, and self-respect are __________ needs. A. physiological. B. safety. C. social. D. personal. ANSWER: D 85. Those needs that are concerned with love and friendship are __________ needs.

A. physiological. B. safety. C. social. D. personal. ANSWER: C 86. __________ is the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets information to create a meaningful picture of the world. A. Motivation. B. Attitude formation. C. Conformance. D. Perception. ANSWER: D 87. The tendency to pay attention to messages consistent with one's attitudes and beliefs and to ignore messages that are inconsistent is called________. A. Selective retention. B. Selective comprehension. C. Selective exposure. D. Selective perception. ANSWER: C 88. The marketing communications mix consists of six major modes of communications. Which of the following is NOT one of these modes? A. Personal selling B. Direct marketing C. Sales promotions D. Packaging ANSWER: D 89. People influencing each other during conversations is referred to as________. A. Opinion making. B. Publicity. C. Personal selling. D. Word of mouth. ANSWER: D 90. Which of the following statements describes how the human communication process relates to advertising? A. The advertising agency that prepares the ad is the decoder. B. The medium in which the ad is placed is called its message C. Feedback occurs from the source to the receiver. D. The person who sees or hears the ad is called the receiver. ANSWER: D 91. Attention phase will create ___________ to customer. A. interest. B. desire. C. wants. D. needs. ANSWER: A 92. Desire is the 3rd phase that _________ an action to buy. A. response. B. stimulates. C. action. D. desire. ANSWER: B

93. A message is conveyed by means of a __________ such as a salesperson, advertising media, or public relations tools. A. encoding device. B. promotional program. C. channel of communication. D. direct feedback loop. ANSWER: C 94. When companies use tools such as special events, lobbying efforts, and annual reports for communication, they are using_________. A. Advertising. B. Sales promotion. C. Direct marketing. D. Public relations. ANSWER: D 95. __________ uses direct communication with consumers to generate a response in the form of an order, a request for further information, or a visit to a retail outlet. A. Advertising. B. Personal selling. C. Sales promotion. D. Direct marketing. ANSWER: D 96. Like personal selling, __________ often consists of interactive communication. A. direct marketing. B. advertising. C. a sales promotion. D. publicity. ANSWER: A 97. Communication with various internal and external publics to create a image for a product or corporation is _________. A. new advertising B. marketing mix C. public relations D. advertising AN...

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