IMC Strategy PDF

Title IMC Strategy
Author sandali sireka
Course Promotional Marketing
Institution Edith Cowan University
Pages 18
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IMC Strategy...


IMC Strategy - Business A product/service launch.

Adapt to


Student Name: Sandali Sireka Kalansooriya Student ID: KASSB142 Unit Name: Promotional Marketing Unit Code: MKT2605D Lecturer Name: Malshika De Silva

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Table of Contents 1. Overall Introduction ….………………………….………………………………………………….03

2. Project Selection and Rationale …………………………………….………………………………03

3. Campaign Audience Profile …………………………….………………………………………… 04

4. Audience Perceptions/Problems …………………………………….…………………….…...…..04-05

5. Campaign Objectives ………………………………………..……………………………………..05

6.Campaign idea ………………………………….………………………………….………….……05-06 6.1. Campaign slogan ………………………………………………………….…….06 7. Creative executions ………………….…………………………………………………..….……..07 7.1. Rough Layout to Convey the Campaign Idea………………………………………..07

8. Marketing communication strategy…………….………………………………………….………08 8.1. The internet ………………….………………………………………………….……..08-09 8.2. personal selling ……………….…………………………………………….………….10 8.3. advertising ………………….…………………………………………………………..11 8.4. Sales promotions ………………….……………………………………….……………11-12 8.5. Direct marketing ………………………………………………………………….…….12-14 8.6. Public Relations ………………………………………………………………………...14-15 8.7. Support Media ………………….…………………………….………………………… 15

9. Measuring campaign success ………………….……………………………………………………16

10. Overall conclusion ………………….………………………………………..……………………17

11. References ………………….……………………………………………….………….……….…18 2|Pag e

3. A product/service launch. 01. Overall Introduction: The COVID 19 pandemic changed the socio-cultural behavior all around the world including Sri Lanka drastically. Two words; ‘Social Distance’ came into normal practice. Henceforth, both people side and government side seeking for distance mode solutions to overcome this problem aiming back to normal situation as soon as possible. The current risky surrounding effects further 1-3 years as per the WHO notification. The students both general and higher education are the highly caused population among others. Considering the situation this project was design to overcome the educational backwardness of the country. However, it should mention here our survey goes back to two decades social analysis. The recourses designate that a development of hidden mental social distances among Sri Lankan citizen. This is a gradual development for a long period. Henceforth the other activities should convert to match these conditions. Meanwhile the IT literacy is growing up specially among the Z Gen. The both developments; mental social

distance and IT literacy can utilize the problem without harming any ideology. That is what this project. 02. Project Selection and Rationale: This project aims to launch a new service considering the national interest existing in Sri Lanka. Using our company technological expertise plan to introduce new Educational App. This App will be covered every syllable ranging from year one to thirteen in general education and higher education in every streams. The logic to select this particular project was not to limited to current

COVID 19 situation but also considered the competitive nature of the educational sector. Therefore, under the normal situation in the future the competitiveness in the educational sector will not be changed. The current situation will be only used to lay a strong foundation for long term project. Therefore, this pandemic situation uses stimulate people to adopt the new project.

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03. Campaign Audience Profile: This project targets the entire student population amounting to aground 5,000, 000 those who are distributed across the country. The three main exams namely year 5, O/L and A/L will be targeted in the first stage. In the year 5 exam target audience is about 800,000 for two years and O/L examination 1,200,000 for three years and finally A/L examination 700,000 for two years has been estimated as the target audience. Henceforth, 2,700,000 target audience will be covered in the first stage. Those all are generally follow tuitions under a general situation. Therefore, expected to have with clustered mind set regard time boundaries they have. The distance traveling in rural area and under traffic traveling in urban areas wasted their limited time on the roads. Therefore, these types of students’ having stress given by limited time frame. Besides that, uneven distributed of resources specially qualified teaching staff develop psychological effect on them and monetary problems due to tuition fees, transportation and other expenses effect the both parent and students. 04. Audience perception/problem: Now we are experiencing generation Y and expecting Z. as changing the global socio-cultural surroundings those generations are drastically adopting to them. They are passing the technological

era as a techno-generation. Gen X, "Latchkey" or MTV generation birth years: 1965 to 1979 are now in between age: 41 to 551. The size of this generation represents considerable amount of the Sri Lanka population. They are not direct audience but main influential group of students as parents. still reads newspapers, magazines, listens to the radio, and watches TV (about 165 hours’ worth of TV a month). However, they are also digitally savvy and spend roughly 7 hours a week on Facebook. Gen X is trying to raise a family, pay off student debt, and take care of aging parents. These demands put a high strain on their resources. Gen Y, Gen Me, Gen We, Echo Boomers Birth Years: 1980 to 1994 are now in between age: 26 to 40. The size of this generation represent

substantial amount of the Sri Lanka population. 95% still watch TV extremely comfortable with mobile devices but 32% will still use a computer for purchases. They typically have multiple social media accounts.2 They are not out direct audience. But they can consider as a dual mode influential group. They are in between our audience and the parent. Gen X and Gen Y populations are not available in Sri Lanka statistical tables. But the total population of Gen X and Y showed 15228000+

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thousand by the year 2012.3 Gen Z, birth years: 1995 to 2012 are now in between age: 08 to 26. The Sri Lankan population size of this Gen was about 5,132,000+ thousand4 (0-14 yrs. By the 2012). Which means the expected audience now may be over 6 million. They represent the audience of the project. However, no one can predict their behavior correctly. They are growing up in a diverse environment, including higher level of technology. Gen Z man maintains social distance that others. Considering the surroundings, they are growing up and can assume that they will be more Internet savvy and expert than their Gen Y forerunners.

05. Campaign Objectives: Topic

Marketing Objectives

Description 1. Loved by more customers 2. Give facilities to customers all around the country 3. Targeted by top talent 4. To be the largest Educator in the country. 5. Benchmarked by more businesses 6. Adopt to EdApp. all audience 7. Promote the quality, Relatedness, and value for the money towards consumers.

Communication Objectives

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Make awareness of the brands Increase Brand Preference and Acceptance Establish EdApp. as a trusted and a high-quality education service in the consumer mind. EdApp. as Ape School Brand Loyalty

Marketing objectives and the communication objectives are list out in the above table. Accordingly, there are seven marketing objective and five communication objectives are in the list. Those listed objectives demonstrate the outlines rather than philosophical understandings. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the philosophy behind objectives before them convert in IMC practices. 06. Campaign Idea: dA dApp pp pp.. is a new brand. Therefore, our main The main campaign idea consisted of three parts. EdA target is to familiar the name first. Not only in the target audience. But also, within the entire population. Our target audience has not purchasing power. However, they have enough bargaining power. X and Y Gens are the expected decision makers in purchasing the service.

3 4

Department of Census and Statistics, available at; Department of Census and Statistics, available at;

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In that sense all three Gens need to have good awareness of the service. And also, they are spread Island wide. SL statistics shows still 80% of population is still living in rural area. Use three languages. Therefore, need to associate a cross country advertising campaign in three languages. Besides that, the distance learning education is not totally newly concept to SL community. Different modes are existing. An additional influence given by the CO VID 19. This positive environment can use to launch a new brand and reach the top of the mind brand of the education sector since all are looking such an opportunity. However, quality of service is highly effective factor specially like education. Specially parents concern both the quality and cost of the service. Therefore, lesion should be prepared by popular teachers at any cost. And meanwhile service should provide with minimum rate. To reach these different tasks large scale selling is essential. In that sense Island wide advertising is vital. Considering all facts described above the following campaign ideas are suggested.

Campaign Idea

1. Bring EdApp. towards the consumers island wide advertising through all 3 languages 2. To be the top of the mind brand in distance education sector 3. Promote the quality and the benefits of EdApp. towards the consumers island wide

6.1. Campaign Slogan: As a new brand positioning is important. It should be readable meaningful and smarter. And also, symbolic value and the color are given advantages to put the brand in to minds. The new service is related to Education as well as technology. In short it is an Educational App. Targeting to Gen Z. these all conditions have to consider at the point of developing the campaign slogan. Educational App shorter to EdA dA dApp pp pp.. As a newly launch brand the words ’Adapt to’ brand then read as ’Adapt dA dApp pp pp.. ’ The color Purple used as the Gen Z hypothetical color. Purposely used full stop just to EdA

after the brand name which means anybody can stop here, all the educational solutions are in this umbrella. See the following the larger picture of the same.

Adapt to

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EdApp pp..

is the campaign slogan.

07. . Creative executions

7.1.Rough Layout to Convey the Campaign Idea. Print Media

All newspapers TV Program TV Advertising

EdApp. dApp.

Digital Media Newsbar Adopt to EdApp.

All Island, 3 Languages

Expert Discussions Direct Audience Gen Z

Easy to Adupt EdApp Quality

Social Network

Both side Influences Gen Y

Benefit Asuerence Quality

Decision Makers Gen X

Benefit Asuerence

The above drawing shows a rough layout to convey the campaign idea. The final target of the project is to bring the product; EdApp towards the audience with a great assurance. Until become EdApp as ape School. Until earned the trustworthiness.

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08. Marketing communication strategy and how various tools will be used to achieve campaign objectives In this campaign use 7 IMC tools namely the Internet, personal selling, Advertising, Sales Promotion, Direct Marketing, Public Relations, and Support Media. However, as an IMC tool; Sponsorships and word of mouth were used as indirect tools at all in this stage. Considering the advantages of practicing IMC campaign tools these were manage to reach the campaign objectives. Most probably recognizing the cost effectiveness of the campaign have to associate modern technology; IT and digital media. In this connection the both nature of the product and the nature of the audience were helped greatly. 8.1. The Internet: EdApp.; the new service totally based on the internet. Therefore, targeting the audience who are already using internet facilities safer in every aspect in the first stage. On that ground Internet use as the main IMC tool in the campaign. According to the overall plan a few aspects of Internet IMC techniques are demonstrated in the following diagram. It indicates two main aspects of Internet usages; advertising and public relation and their linkages to direct marketing, sales

promotion, personal selling and personal relations.

Internet as an IMC Tool Banners Links Advertising

(direct marketing)


(sales promotion)


(personal selling)

Corporate history and media releases

personal relations


Contextual ads Home page advertising News stories and press releses Public Relations Cross references to other sites

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Detailed information

Campaign Objectives Marketing Objectives As a new launching service seven types of marketing objective established to cover at once namely; Loved by more customers, give facilities to customers all around the country, targeted by top talent, to be the largest Educator in the country, benchmarked by more businesses, Adopt to EdApp. all audience, Promote the quality, Relatedness, and value for the money towards consumers. Internet marketing campaign gives higher priority considering the diversity of marketing objectives. Internet marketing is highly considered here since the proposed service is highly related to Internet. As the targeted audience and their relations are being at all around the country this mode may be supportive to address them easily. As the Government policy to provide internet facilities to every schools and open up Wi-Fi zones in different areas in the country and providing lap top computers to students may be supportive to this marketing strategy success. Considering all facts indicated here can say Internet IMC tolls care all marketing objectives directly and indirectly. Communication Objectives:

Internet IMC tool support to all types of communication objectives; Make awareness of the brands, Increase Brand Preference and Acceptance, Establish EdApp. as a trusted and a high-quality education service in the consumer mind, EdApp. as Ape School, Brand Loyalty directly. The supportive technological development of the country will be advantage to full fill the target effortlessly. As a whole using internet as IMC campaign could reach written and unwritten communication objectives like Create awareness, generate interest, stimulate trial, create a strong brand, disseminate information and create an image

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8.2. Personal Selling: The association of the personal selling via IMC campaign graphically demonstrate by the following picture. Hence five Internet based personal selling modes; Provide Product Information, Generate Leads, Screen Prospects, Build and Market from Databases and Fulfil Orders are operating in the campaign. Moreover, another four types of advertising techniques also linked to the personal selling IMC tool that are leading to direct marketing and sales promotion via homepage advertising.

Personal Selling as an IMC tool; Banners Links

Personal Selling

Advertising Contextual ads Public Relations Home page advertising Direct Marketing Provide Product Information Sales Promotion Generate Leads Internet

Screen Prospects Build and Market from Databases Fulfil Orders

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Detailed information

(direct marketing)


(sales promotion)

8.3. Advertising: Advertising technique used as an IMC tool in this particular project. Homepage advertising use linking to Internet based marketing technique and other sides linking to personal selling. And also banners links contextual ads were associated linking to personal selling. They were finally helped to achieve marketing and sales promotions. That means reach the marketing objectives. Related to Campaign Objectives Marketing Objectives Still advertising cannot ignore from IMC tool list within the SL existing context. Decision makers behalf of our target audience are still at home. They use TV and other media mode to get information. Therefore, marketing objectives; to develop Loved by more customers, to be the largest Educator in the country,

Adopt to EdApp. all audience, Promote the quality, Relatedness, and value for the money towards consumers, benchmarked by more businesses, are directly address by advertising.

Communication Objectives: Advertising as a more powerful communicating IMC tool can be expected to all communication objectives; Make awareness of the brands, Increase Brand Preference and Acceptance, Establish

EdApp. as a trusted and a high-quality education service in the consumer mind, and EdApp. as Ape School, Brand Loyalty directly.

8.4. Sales Promotion: Sales promotion tool planned to be associated in this particular program considering fulfil the marketing objectives via communication efficiency in the short term. The both consumer-oriented trade-oriented Sales promotion techniques were in the schedule. Additionally, sampling sales

promotion techniques, Trade allowances; Buying allowances and Promotional allowances were included. Besides that, as Strategies for improved return on promotions; Give more than one prize, have intermittent prize draws, make it easy to participate and Make it easy to understand also included in the IMC campaign. Although as a new service brand building should be expected via IMC campaign. However, this mode use to build up the short-term benefit rather than brand building.

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Related to Campaign Objectives Marketing Objectives As an IMC tool; Sales promotions is a common practice in SL marketing campaigns. SL general public well aware of this tool and therefore using such a tool can expected good results. Sales promotion strategy help to achieve market objectives; Adopt to EdApp. all audience, loved by more customers, give facilities to customers all around the country, to be the largest Educator in the country, benchmarked by more businesses, promote the quality, relatedness, and value for the money towards consumers directly. Direct mail and Internet will be associated targeting to reach market objectives via communication efficiency. In this tool does not expected brand building.

Communication Objectives Under the sales promotion tool used both consumer oriented and trade-oriented techniques. Accordingly, the Trade allowances; Buying allowances and Promotional allowances were planned to associate. Hence, three modes were also planned such as; Give more than one prize, make it easy to participate, and Make it easy to understand. These steps were taken since they help to reach communication objectives through communicate effectively. Consequently, in this campaign all types of communication objectives; increase brand preference and acceptance, establish EdApp. as a trusted and a high-quality education service in the consumer mind, EdApp. as Ape School, brand loyalty will be address by the sales promotion IMC tool.

8.5. Direct Marketing Direct marketing defined as a system by which organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response or transaction.5 In this campaign Telephone, Mail, Direct selling, TV, Radio & Print, Internet & email wer...

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