Informative Speech of The Benefits of Dance PDF

Title Informative Speech of The Benefits of Dance
Author Anis Humaira
Course English For Oral Presentations
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 3
File Size 60.9 KB
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This is essays that I wrote, might be some grammatical error or mistakes. I give informative speech about the benefits of dance as I love dancing....


Assalamualaikum and a very good morning ladies and gentlemen. Before I start, I want to share a story. While I am at my secondary school I fan of Kpop like really fanatic. Because of that, I always watch their music video they always have their choreography and it was very fun to watch. So, I just follow the tutorial on YouTube on the steps of the dancing. At first, it was very hard since it is very fast movement but later, I very enjoy it when I can finally synchronize the dance. From that time, I starting to like dancing. I enjoy dancing as one of my hobbies. On top of that, I was joining some competitions and performances at my school that involved dancing like a cheerleader, traditional dance, Zumba, aerobic dance, and many more. I’m glad that finally, I can do something that I enjoy it. Moreover, nowadays many people participate in a 15-second video of dancing on the platform of media social which is TikTok because of trends and challenges that went viral. Even if you're not learning the dance, this short sequence of moves has become almost impossible to avoid. So, what is dance? Dance is an art that refers to body parts' movements and especially to rhythmic and music. Dancing is a form of nonverbal communication used to express emotions, ideas or tell a story. Dances are social, participatory, or performed for an audience. There are many types of dance in this world, including culture and religious dance. Also, dancing has many benefits, whether physically or mentally that many of us don’t know. Dance is not only performance but it actually can effectively promote good health and improve our mental wellbeing. Because of that, I want to share how dancing gives benefits to people such as dancing offers upbeat and inventive exercise that promotes a healthier and more active lifestyle, and how dance can give benefits to our mental health. Firstly, the benefits of dance are dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes and sizes. Getting fit does not have to be the chore it's often perceived to be. Instead, as people worldwide are finding out each day, dancing is one of the best fitness workouts there is. Dancing offers upbeat and inventive exercise that promotes a healthier and more active lifestyle. Sociable, energizing and life-affirming, dance has a whole host of body benefits, from aiding joint flexibility to boosting mental wellbeing. A healthy body needs joints and muscles to be flexible, something that dance can help. Most dance styles involve a great range of motion and movement, allowing major muscle groups to be flexed and adequately worked out. As a result, the dancer's body should soon become nimbler. Certain people think that exercise looks boring, but not dancing. Because dancing is playing with music, therefore people who are dancing will be having fun and at the same time can perform an exercise. When we dance, we do not require any equipment as there is no suitable exercise machine for dancing. All you need is music to play along. With dancing, you can do it anywhere you want, especially at home. By dance, you can stretch your body part, and with dance, you can get the body shape that you always wanted, and dancing also can reduce stress. You

can build up your stamina and endurance with dancing because dancing consists of many movements that will build up your life. Dancing requires balance; by dancing, you can gain a better balance. Dancing is about having fun and, at the same time, staying active. Next, besides benefits the body, dancing also benefits mental health. Dance can improve mood, lowers stress and anxiety. Similar to playing 666 casino games, it helps improve mood, reduce stress and anxiety. Within the scientific community, a growing number of researchers have proven that, while dancing, an abundance of mood-improving chemicals is released within the body of the dancer. According to research carried out by The Arts in Psychotherapy, when unleashed, these chemicals help improve one’s mental state; even one “lively” session of dance can reduce depression. According to a study conducted by the University of Hertfordshire Psychology Professor Peter Lovatt, the happiness experienced while dancing is measurable even after dancing increased levels of happiness present as long as a week after the last dance. One 2007 study also found that in addition to boosting energy and mood, participating in hip hop dance also correlates with lowered levels of stress, similar to the decreased levels measured when participating in forms of aerobic exercise. Moreover, when participating in forms of dance that engage the sense of touch—one of the first senses humans experience. A growing number of experts have found that, when establishing human-to-human physical contact through touch, there are notable reductions in levels of stress and anxiety, consequently bettering one’s overall mental wellbeing (TIME). Dance also can be a tool of therapeutic expression and social anxiety therapy. Though scientists have been researching dances’ ability to reduce anxiety for over 30 years now. In recent years research concerning this relationship has become more specific. Because of dances’ ability to “loosen up” participants, allowing them to dance in front of an audience of strangers. For decades therapists have prescribed dance to those patients suffering from social anxiety and/or a fear of public speaking, the idea behind this recommendation being that dance allows people to feel less self-conscious when interacting with people, or when “speaking in front of an audience” or crowd (TIME). For many of those suffering from some form of mental illness, oftentimes it becomes difficult to express their feelings. However, with the help of dance, those struggling are provided with an alternate artistic portal with which they can comfortably express themselves. Utilizing the body as a tool to express emotions and communicate feelings they once could not (BBC/The Guardian). At the same time, the “physical movement of dance” is also known to lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression. Today, I first discussed how dance can be a way to stay fit for people. Next, I discussed how dance can give benefits to mental health.

From all the points I have discussed just now, there are indeed numerous benefits of dancing such as dancing can be a way to stay fit for people of all ages, shapes, and sizes and how dance can improve our mental wellbeing. What I can say that dance helps me a lot to become a better me. I gain my confidence to perform in front of many people, which I usually avoid. Also, dance makes me healthier in terms of physical and mental. Before I leave, I just want to say that you guys should enjoy whatever you do that makes you happy because when you do something that you love, you will be good without even trying....

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