Inglés Schlegel - Trabajo practico de ingles, ciclo superior 2020 PDF

Title Inglés Schlegel - Trabajo practico de ingles, ciclo superior 2020
Course Inglés
Institution Educación Secundaria (Argentina)
Pages 6
File Size 481.6 KB
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Trabajo practico de ingles, ciclo superior 2020 ...


ENGLISH Teachers: Duce Mariela([email protected]) Schlegel Marlene ([email protected]) Class: 4to A,B,C y 5toB y C.

a) Read the following texts and do the activities below. Leo los siguientes textos y luego realizo las actividades que están debajo.

“Islas Malvinas”

Falkland Islands

Falkland Islands, also called Malvinas Islands or Spanish Islas Malvinas. In South America the islands are generally known as “Islas Malvinas”. EXPLORE The archipelago consists of over 700 islands. The two main islands are East Falkland/Isla Gran Malvina and West Falkland/Isla Soledad, with other smaller islands of varying sizes. With a permanent population of around 3,000 there is a lot of land for everyone to enjoy. The capital and major town is Stanley/ Puerto Argentino. The population of the Falkland Islands is English-speaking .


Since 1987 the sale of fishing licences has become the major income source for the Islands. However, sheep farming remains the major form of land use. The soil of the Islands are acidic and infertile. These inherent difficulties, when coupled with a windy and cool oceanic climate, and added to the geographic isolation of the Falklands, have ensured that wool is still the main land based export.

The wildlife of the Falkland Islands

Strong connections exist with the flora and fauna of Patagonia in South America, especially to those in Tierra del Fuego. The Falkland Islands have no native reptiles or amphibians. About 65 species of birds, including black-browed albatrosses, Falkland pipits, peregrine falcons, and striated caracaras, are found on the islands. The Falklands are breeding grounds for several million penguins. Dolphins and porpoises are common, and southern sea lions and elephant seals are also numerous.

Adventure experiences

The Falklands archipelago is teeming with wonders of nature and wildlife; an unpolluted environment with fantastically clear blue skies, seamless horizons, vast open spaces and stunning white sand beaches. The Islands are a natural paradise, fascinating rivers of rock, seas of brilliant aqua greens and silvery blues. Sports There are a range of sporting activities and hobby clubs enjoyed in the Islands. Swimming, indoor tennis, full-bore target shooting, cricket, running, archery, football and darts are popular sports. Stanley Harbour provides a base for some sailing, windsurfing, jetskiing and canoeing activities and there are a number of wreck dives available for underwater enthusiasts. Other outdoor activities include walking, hiking, riding, motocross and fishing. The Islands are an excellent location for artists and photographers too, as they benefit from clear light, abundant wildlife, open scenery and big skies.

Argentine Military Cemetery The Argentine Military Cemetery, is a military cemetery on East Falkland that holds the remains of 237 Argentine combatants killed during the 1982 Falklands War (Guerra de las Malvinas). The Argentine Cemetery contains graves marked with individual white crosses, many adorned with rosaries and flowers.

Te invitamos a que puedas ver más imágenes sobre las Islas Malvinas en este sitio web y más información sobre la actualidad y cómo viven hoy los habitantes de las Islas Malvinas (en Castellano está la lectura!!!) en este link!

ACTIVITY Para la realización de estas actividades pueden ayudarse con un diccionario de Inglés. 1) Answer these questions 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)

What`s the name in English of the Islas Malvinas? How many islands do the archipielago have? How many species of birds are there? What sports do the people practice? Are there reptiles in the Islas Malvinas? How is the archipelago like?

2)Read the text and complete the chart below. Islas Malvinas: Population:_____________ Capital:____________/_____________ Official language:_____________ Animals:____________________________________ Birds:______________________________________ Weather/climate:____________________

3) Match the words with the picture. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

1 Sailing 2 Hiking 3 Peregrine falcon 4 Wool 5 Sea lion 6 Black-browed albatrossess 7 Pipits 8 Striated caracaras 9 Archery 10 Sheep...

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