Interpersonal aggression PDF

Title Interpersonal aggression
Author Sarah Hill
Course Social Psychology
Institution Miami University
Pages 13
File Size 124.1 KB
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Lorenz says that aggression in humans is intrinsic, in animals there are mechanisms that make them not like each other, but in humans these mechanisms do not exist, this is because among animals they are necessary, because if they had not disappeared the species, in humans there isn't. It argues tha...


INTERPERSONAL AGGRESSION First definitions Buss; aggressive behavior is a behavior that always causes harmful effects on another organism. This definition causes errors, as you need to talk about intent. Aggression; behavior whose intent is to harm another person. Taking into account the intention, we have Hostile; whose intention is to harm. Instrumental; those that cause harm but their intention is another. We'll talk about hostile aggression. Zillman; excludes the concept of aggression in cases where the victim is not motivated to avoid such harm. The conduct whose person being attacked is motivated by.

Origin of aggression It is explained by different theories, we will go from the most individual to the collective ones. Innatist or instintivist theories All that explain aggression based on internal biological mechanisms or instincts. Therefore, they marginalize the importance of social, situational factors.... Everyone argues that aggression is innate (biologically determined and many are based on evolutionary theories. Two stand out; Psychoanalysis and Ethology Psychoanalysis According to Freud there are two great instincts in the human being; "eros" or instinct for life that encompasses any kind of energy aimed at maintaining life-tocreate. In the face of "eros" he defends that there is the instincts of destruction also innate in the human being. Aggression for him is the projection out of the "thanatos"; instinct for death. It cannot be destroyed, but needs to be downloaded. Eliminating aggression would be harmful, because if we do not discharge this energy we internalize it to ourselves. The problem is that this download would cause us problems in social relations. Society will be in charge of suppressing the instinct of death.

Psychoanalysis puts the possibility of aggressively unloading that energy. Freud received much criticism of his theory and psychoanalysis is based on concepts that cannot be operatively. Freud's theory is not proven. Ethology Main representatives; Lorenz and Eibl-Eibesfeldt It argues that it is an instinct and a hydraulic model of aggression, which is a system that generates its own energy, so that energy builds up and from certain levels almost any stimulus can cause the system to discharge. Sometimes even spontaneously it can be unloaded. Lorenz says that aggression in humans is intrinsic, in animals there are mechanisms that make them not like eachother,so in the human human they do not exist, this is because among the animals are necessary, because if the species had not disappeared, in the human there is none. In front of him Eibl-Eibesfeldt; says that if there are mechanisms of inhibition in humans to avoid aggression between us. E.g. That he puts are the rites of appeasement (smile). The very existence of these rites is evidence of our high tendency to assault. Conclusion of ethological thesis Adaptive behavior at the service of survival Aggression will depend on the amount of energy accumulated There are mechanisms of inhibition between individuals of the same species. Criticism of etiology. It's a behavior learned It is based on animal studies. And you can't generalize from animal behavior to human behavior. Cultural anthropology says that transcultural studies do not support the idea that aggression is an instinct. Because there are cultures that know no aggression in wars or interpersonal.

Frustration-aggression theory Every frustration carries aggression and all aggression is preceded by frustration. Frustration; interference or blocking in achieving a goal. Top reviews;

Bandura; Every frustration does not involve aggression. Lewing Other studies; frustrations do not influence when; It's considered reasonable. *No negative intentions are perceived in the listener frustrating. Still, it is a widely used theory, especially since it has two important concepts related toit.

Displacement concept The search for a scapegoat, something to download (blame himabout). Aggressive impulse appears about the person who frustrated us or may move to other people or objects. E.g. -Fear of reprisals. This concept of displacement has been used to explain prejudice, which occurs in 4 phases; Frustration-aggression sequence Inhibiting aggressive behavior. Displace it to minority or disadvantaged groups. All accompanied by rationalizations or justifications for such aggressive behavior so that it is recognized as a prejudice Different groups; Blaming the group for our own failures. Projecting on the group the unacceptable of us. Stereotype; Attributing a set of negative traits Why do you have prejudices about minority and determined groups? Concept of catharsis Elimination of aggressive energy through aggressive acts. According to this theory we experience two types of catharsis; Emotional catharsis; Reduction of activation. Behavioral catarsis; Decreased tendency to re-attack. Indirect Catarsis; from the previous two; concludes that there is a shift in aggression towards others who are not the one who has assaulted me.

Catarsis vicariously (model observation); depends on these models exposed to violence, we can also get emotional and behavioral catharsis. This is a theory, but it is not truly proven, although if proven otherwise; violence and aggression leads to violence and aggression. All the theories seen so far refer to the characteristics of the individual. From now on they leave it taking into account external factors.

Bandura's learning theory Behavior that is learned (aggression) like all and is governed by reinforcements and punishments. According to this theory there are two ways to learn behaviors; From direct experience; the behavior is going to be controlled by its consequences. If it has pleasant consequences it will be repeated, otherwise. They may also be generalized to other situations. Vicararioly. Observing models that act aggressively. Several ways that facilitate it; Showing that this is acceptable conduct. Outof observers. Directing observers' attention to objects that can be used aggressively. Bandura Learning happens even if it doesn't manifest directly. It can also be transferred to other situations. The main implication of this theory is the study of the effects of violent models on the behaviors of observers, with special attention on children. There are quite a few studies that show a link between violence and aggression in the media. There are no definitive results and it is believed to be modeled by a number of variables. As many studies are related, for some authors the most aggressive subjects are the ones who see the most violent programs. The effect of the media would be to reinforce pre-existing attitudes; The predisposition to aggression Family atmosphere

Identification with TV characters Belief in the reality of the story presented Consequences of the behavior. Real or human violence, it's a greater impact than drawings. Violence justified, the impact is greater. From all TV studios, we're going to differentiate into two types; Effect of short-term violence. It seems and has been shown that there is a relationship between the mission of violent acts and committing aggressive acts. It is explained in several ways; to begin with, it seems that the issuance of violence provokes the emergence of hostile feelings and thoughts; In addition, the view of violence weakens inhibitions; repeated exposure causes habituation that reduces our sensitivity; makes us empathize mered with the victim. Children who see violence show greater hostility in school play more aggressively, and when they have to seek solutions they opt for aggressive alternatives. The impact on children is greater, and the more aggressive they are, the greater the impact. The vision of violence influences attitudes, they are more aggressive. Long-term violence effect Longitudinal studies have been done, taking samples in children. There is a relationship between the degree of exposure to violent behaviors, the greater chance that older people will show more aggressive tendencies; influence on attitudes; the more violence of children, the more aggression of the elders. Although the results are not definitive, if there is a relationship between violence and aggression in the media.

Goldstein model In any social situation we will find a number of factors facilitating aggression. And a series of opposing forces; Inhibitors. Both can act long or short-term. In the short term; contingent factors in the situation (are present at that time) Long-term; factors that act in any situation. E.g., An impulsive person is either always. Whether aggressive behavior appears in the end or will not depend on the number of facilitators and inhibitors.

Factors that facilitate short-term aggression Actor Features: Immediately previous aggressive acts Loss of cognitive control of behavior Moderate amount of alcohol Consequences of the actor's conduct: Victim devaluation Cognitive justification for aggression Environmental factors: Weapons availability Family atmosphere Recent exposure to the family Actor Features: Deindividualization; loses its personal identification Impulsivity; as a trait Low level of moral judgment Consequences of the actor's conduct: Rewards for aggression Parental features: Aggressive models not punished Environmental factors: Aggressive situations Exposure to aggression in others

Factors that inhibit short-term aggression

Features of the actor: Anxiety, guilt,

Fear of punishment Activating pleasurable emotions High identification; you can identify who committed the act. Environmental factors: Presence of an authority figure Non-family atmosphere Actor Features: Ability to delay Gratification/reinforcement High level of moral judgment Positive consideration of the others Consequences of the actor's conduct: Rewards for non-aggression Parental features: Affection, care, control Environmental factors: Non-aggressive situations

Innatista or instintivist theory (psychoanalytics and ethologists) They think aggression can't be eliminated. They propose to accept it as part of nature and discharge it in a controlled manner or redirect it to non-destructive purposes. Most of his proposals are based on catharsis. Regarding thecathartic effect it is not proven that the aggression commits again, it increases the possibility that it will happen again. The cathartic effect of other activities is also not proven. Social learning theory Avoid learning to exchange it for other behaviors, if it has already been learned. Avoiding exposure goes violence. Expose models that exhibit alternative behaviors and are reinforced by it.

If the behavior is already there, punishment, which has to meet certain requirements, can be used, and in moderation; Requirements; should be immediate (so you know what is being punished), relatively strong (it is important) If they are met it is effective, but it only suppresses the behavior, it is always necessary to implement an alternative behavior because otherwise the subject remains helpless. The ideal way to do this is by modeling. Includes short-term and long-term proposals. Long-term; They are similar to Bandura's, that aggressive behaviors are not learned. Aimed at impacting the factors that affect the factors that affect long-term aggression; Implementing non-aggressive models Avoid aggressive models and of course not reinforcing aggressive behaviors Strengthen alternative behaviors. In the short term; It focuses on how to change the legal-criminal system, and its triple level at the police, judicial and prison levels. Police level They are on their way to bring the police closer to the community, recruiting the police from minorities to be monitored, so that prejudice is avoided, so that there is greater empathy or having the policemen live in the same neighborhoods so that they become more involved. Judicial level Correct (accelerate) the time from when a person is detained until the trial is held. Prison level Prisons actually do their job; Rehabilitation Control of arms sales as they facilitate aggression Design programs for young offenders who influence aggressive behaviors, such as programs to control impulsivity, In conclusion to say, the main thing is primary intervention.

Psychology intervention ind elincuentes The psychologist's mission is to make a report to assess whether the behavior of the subject who is assigned a crime is skewed because of cognitive and volitional processes, to establish the sequencing between the criminal act, its execution and the willfulness of the Same. The professional of psychiatry intervened under the criterion of the apprehension of the globalization of the person and the idiosyncratic particularities and characteristics of the person, understanding that the final reason for his intervention relates to the subject in question and to the judicial body for which it works, that is, by projection for society. The presence of the psychologist as a coroner in the Judicial Instance must be positively appreciated, both for the consequent judicial economy and the facilitation to bring together criteria, its independence in reference to the parties to the dispute and its specialization. Juvenile Justice dictates on subjects who have not reached a criminal majority, established, since the Criminal Code of 1928, at the age of 16, so it considers them unimpeachable, as it declares them exempt from criminal responsibility. Pre-sentencing phase Information and advice to legal bodies. Orientation to the training of users in their environment, valuing accessibility, reliability and validity. It does this by obtaining information and knowledge of the child and sources of information. Objectizing the valuations. Coordinating resources in specific cases. Ensuring confidentiality. Developing a useful information system. Resolution phase Psychological, social, educational contribution and intervention proposal. Participation in appearances and hearings. It does so by becoming a creditor of the circumstances determining the commission of the facts. Communicating information. Developing and transmitting knowledge, in support of decision-making, guiding measures, so that they have educational, formative and reintegration value. Making technical suggestions and ratifying the information. Phase after sentencing It links compliance monitoring, in order to restore a system of feedback between measures and judicial decision-making; To do this, he knows the different institutions and services, as well as the different programs. Develop a coordination system with the person who executes the measure. During the procedure, the channels used are: report issuance and oral expression of the criteria: obtaining

the relevant and sufficient data for decision-making. Streamlined process and immediacy and contingency of the measure. Leveraging existing information. Avoidance of duplication. Facilitation of coherence between the different phases of the ontological procedure. Co-responsibility in decisions. Search for professional objectivity. Humanize the instance and the judicial process. Given the above, we can reflect on the future, to see that a stage full of hopes and challenges opens up, where our work is mandatory and is valued superlatively. This recognition consequently entails the award of means that facilitate the work with maximum efficiency, since the volume of the same increases to the limit that makes it difficult to balance the quality with the immediacy, that the function and the instance where we develop it needs. To accommodate our method to the requirement of the law that marks a period of 10 days to explore and release report (understanding that there must be many arouses within that time frame), requires all those involved in the process an adaptability and flexibility that d it helps the stress and anxiety that such short deadlines produce. Alongside this, we have to attend the countless appearances and hearings, which will allow a smooth communication with judges, prosecutors and lawyers. The variation in the procedure and the demands that are made to us, forces us to reorient the action, balancing the response strictly expert with the widest technical advice, although the accent will be evaluator, diagnosis and guiding, because the implementation of the measures is beyond our competences, with the Autonomous Communities. We must also design 'discrimination tools', which make it possible to discern when responding to the reports we are interested in, as well as an approximate formula for the reality of the questions addressed to it, in their declamation. In any case it is indispensable for any psychologist to carry out his task with temporary, instrumental and methodological minimums, which only he has to estimate individually, otherwise his intervention would be devalued, to the point of demotivating those who so conducted, leaving with reason without reason being his participation, having emptied the Psychology of the rich content in nuances that he provides. The law opens up new possibilities for action, such as: proposing to initiate extrajudicial reparation, reasoning the why it, demanding a plus of creativity and allowing the knowledge of the victim / injured, with the enrichment of perspectives that this implies. Finally, we will point out that the psychologist in this area can be summoned to ratify the report, once his opinion has been delivered. This act, which has been called 'sacred cow slit', where 'an expert's discredit strategy is proposed', holds us accountable for each statement contained in the report, impels us to question the methods and instruments used, questioning the knowledge of each particular case and not leaving the 'type' reports. All this forces us to "stay in good shape" (as experts in our science, we will be aware of its progress).

Ratification will help to raise reports as objectively as possible, limiting both inferences and behavioral predictions and avoiding the capture of dubious and unresolved aspects, sticking to conclusions that are justified "based on valid concepts or solid empirical data" Along with the above, day-to-day work and the development of rules and regulations will fill the recent legislative enactment with content. Means will be made possible to optimize the results of this law in order to conclude a renewed legislation on child reform, which responds to new social demands. Functional aspects and tasks and method We could summarize the functions of the psychologist in the assessment of the psychological aspects of the child (covering more the resources that he has, than his deficits), psychological orientation, contribution of specific objectives with the Intervention Program Individualized and relevant evaluation systems; planning intervention strategies; coordination with other team members and other social resources; proposition of objectives when the involution of the case so advises. In addition, the law includes its attendance at the hearings and hearings, where it will challenge the child from his knowledge and present his assessments to both the judge and the Public Prosecutor's Office. The psychologist must carry out his role, with a judicial orientation. And social welfare. It has a certainly great responsibility for him, for he must bring the courts closer by reporting the reality of the child, so the brief tends to be a piece of static conviction, with the risks that they are, fighting against the immediacy that every convilinear judicial process (as La Bruyere put it: "An essential circumstance of justice is to administer it promptly, to make it wait or defer it is already an injustice". But we have to combine with a different "time", which is the clinician. It must converge the lawsuit and judicial interests with the analysis of the entire context, circumstances and history of the child. This is through a maturity to be analysed individually; for a modifiable environment or not; interacting with an evolving personality; where both criminal facts and behaviours and their etiology, process and primarily resocializing alternatives must be weighed. The psychologist will make social and individual interests compatible, trying to ov...

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