Jack-the-Ripper - Exposé complet sur jack l\'éventreur (époque victorienne), avec bibliographie PDF

Title Jack-the-Ripper - Exposé complet sur jack l\'éventreur (époque victorienne), avec bibliographie
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Institution Université de Haute-Alsace
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Exposé complet sur jack l'éventreur (époque victorienne), avec bibliographie complète.
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English presentation : Jack the ripper INTRO Jack the Ripper is a Serial Killer, who commit his murder between August and November 1888 in in or near the Whitechapel district of London’s East End. Officially he kills five women. This five women were all prostitutes. The murders took place during the Victorian era. This British historic period who go to 1820 to 1914. It is this period that England know an Industrial Revolution but also political reform and social change. It is during this period that England was characterize by a classbased society, there was also a growing number of person who can vote or also a growing state and economy. It is also during this period that the British Empire was recognize as the most powerful empire. England know also during the Victorian era “a demise of rural life as cities rapidly grew and expanded, long and regimented factory hours”. And know also the start of the Crimean war. So it is in this context that Jack the Ripper do his murder. So we can ask : Who was Jack the reaper ? We will see the murders of a stranger arousing public interest and paranoia. I. The murders of a stranger… 1) The murder of Jack the Ripper Jack the Ripper is a serial killer who lived in London at the end of the 19th century. 1888 was the year of terror that reigned over the one considered to be the first serial killer of modern times. It should be noted that he is considered as the first serial killer in the history, but you should know that the term "serial killer" appears much later in the judicial and psychiatric literature. The number of assaults on women in the East End of Whitechapel during this period does not allow it to be established with certainty how many people were murdered by a single killer. Eleven murders, committed from April 3, 1888 to February 13, 1891, were the subject of a police investigation which includes them in a file called "Whitechapel murders". The murders of Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Elizabeth Stride, Catherine Eddowes and Mary Jane Kelly form a group of five victims also called "canonical victims". Victims killed on the same modus operandi (mode opératoire). The victims are prostitutes from the most miserable part of the British capital, they all have had their throats cut, they have suffered from atrocious mutilations and sometimes until the extirpation of organs! The dismemberments are new, but the victims were not stolen (we kill women who have nothing, we even find money on the bodies). Mary Ann Nichols is the first victim; her body was found 15 minutes after her murder. She was found almost beheaded. The pouring rain washed away the blood and the fingerprints. The body was taken to the morgue where the doctors found that there was worse to see than the large throat wound. They found that the victim did not die from the throat cut, she was strangled. Annie Chapman was found in a yard. The savagery has gone up a level. Her head was almost separated from her body. The assassin, who took pieces from his victim, left with it. The vagina, the uterus and two-thirds of the bladder were missing. He also placed the intestines of the dead body on her shoulders. On September 30, it’s Elizabeth Stride’s turn to meet Jack. The same night, Kate Conway is much less lucky, we found her with her nose and an ear mutilated. A “V” was mutilated all over the face. A kidney and the uterus were missing. Her stomach and intestines rested on her shoulders. But this is still nothing compared to the 5th and final victim, Mary "Ginger" Kelly, killed on November 9, 1888. She was the youngest of the victims, barely 25. Out of sight, Jack took his time. The crime scene was unbearable, even for doctors and investigators, some of them were voluntarily transferred to the depths of the English countryside following this story. The victim was dismembered, her arms separated from her body. The outer surface of her thighs and her stomach was torn off. The breasts were cut, the intestines removed and literally thrown all over the bed. The uterus, her kidneys and a breast were placed under the victim's head. The second breast was under her left foot. The liver and the viscera at her feet. Jack had put more pieces of flesh on a small table and the heart was missing.

2) The difficulty of the investigators to found the identity of the killer. At the beginning of the investigation of the murder of Jack the Ripper, it was the Metropolitan Police Whitechapel Division Criminal Investigation Department who conducted the case. It was the Detective Inspector Edmund Reid who direct the investigation at first. But after the murder of Nichols some help were send. Indeed, three inspectors were send, there were : Frederick Abberline, Henry Moore and Waleter Andrews. The three inspectors were send from Central Office at Scotland Yard. But later there was a problem, indeed the “overall direction of the murder enquiries was hampered by the fact that” Robert Anderson, who was the new head of the CID, was on leave when Chapman, Stride and Eddowes were killed. Noted that during the early stages of the investigation, the crime didn’t interest the police, in fact, a prostitute murder in White Chapel district didn’t shocked because it was a dangerous district. But the police interest of this affair with the second murder 1 week later, and the process. For his identity we don’t know his true. With this investigation, Scotland Yard The police suspected a doctor, a butcher or a barber. Because the abuse on the victim’s corps proved a knowledge of anatomy, and the cut out and the sample was do with a long knife. With the paranoia, the white chapel district searched a responsible. The Jude was designed. A certain number of Jude (80 000) come in England for to run away the pogrom in the Middle of the Europe. Or they were not appreciated and became the target of persecutions in particular where John Pizer, a Jude was accused and arrested. But he was to release, because the police had not evidence. The killer sent a letter to newspaper written in blood, where he mocked the police and gave detail of this next murder. The police published letter in the hope a person recognize the written. This letter was signed Jack the Ripper. A second letter was sent and published. A third letter was sent but not to the newspaper was send to police and not to newspapers. This letter was note confirmed by write the ripper. Faced with the difficulty of the police who found nothing, some people decided to create the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee in September 1888. This group patrolled in the street looking for suspicious characters. This people were motivated by the failure of the police to found something, but the other reason who push this people to looking for is because some of them were concerned by the murders. Because the murder were affecting their business area. A number of witnesses said that they saw the victim with a man before the murders. But the description of the men was all different A certain form of paranoia takes place in white chapel. The case of the murder of Jack the Ripper, was the first occasion to use for the first time in the history to do the psychologics portrait of the killer. Indeed, at the end of October, Anderson asked to a police surgeon called Thomas Bond to gave his opinion about the knowledge and the skill of the murder’s surgical. This opinion become the earliest surviving offender profile. Unfortunately, his opinion didn’t help the investigation. Because of the knowledge of the killer on anatomy, the police interrogated 300 persons who was doctor or butcher (out of a total of 2000 people interviewed). And 80 were arrested, but that gave nothing. The police were desperate, a policeman was disguised in prostitute, see if they were approach by a suspect. The Commissioner of the City Police, called Sir James Fraser promise to the person who arrested Jack the Ripper to give him £500. But that gave nothing. The last murder takes place in November 1888, after that he stopped, and nobody know why. but a crazy theory had circulated on his identity. The queen Victoria’s doctor William Bull, his grandson Albert Victor because he frequented prostitute in whitechapel…. Or, James Mabrick, a trader in Liverpool. Because in his personal diary find in 1991, he accused himself of the murder. But this track was not explored because that appeared 100 years after the last murder, and the DNA find in the crime scene didn’t correspond. Or Walter Sickert, famous tortured painter of the Victoria area. Or John McCarthy owner of building in White Chapel and had logged 1 of victim, and a woman was suspected during a time … but nothing of this track was judged serious. In March 2019, a new revived the affair, the identity of jack was found, it would be Aaron Kosminsky, a Poland Jude. That provided DNA was found near the fourth victim and it was corresponding with the descending of Kosminsky. But this hypothesis is discussed because the DNA is very old and could have been altered. In some, Kosminsky is dead 30 years

after the last murder in a Psychiatric hospital. In some, we don’t know the real identity of Jack the Ripper and probably we never know. 3) Assumptions about the Identity of Jack the Ripper (1888-present) The Jack the Ripper case know a lot suspect. During the contemporary of the case, the police do some assumption of the real identity of Jack the Ripper. For example, the police believe that the murder was do by one of a local gangs. But later, they finally think that there is only one person who kill. The knowledge of Jack the Ripper of the anatomy cause the police to think that Jack the Ripper can be a Butcher or a slaughter man. But during their investigation the alibis were checked but all was good. During the murder and after, a full of name was give as the potential. Indeed, many theories were advanced by the contemporaneous police but also the contemporaneous press and public, or by some authors. For the contemporaneous police, there were seven suspect: ►Montague John Druitt (1857-1888) a dorset-born barrister. He was a serious suspect for the police, because “the day after the first canonical murder, Druitt was in Dorset playing cricket, and most experts now believe that the killer was local to Whitechapel, whereas Druitt lived miles away on the other side of the Thames in Kent. Inspector Frederik Abberline appeared to dismiss Druitt as a serious suspect on the basis that the only evidence against him was the coincidental timing of his suicide shortly after the last canonical murder.” ►Seweryn Klosowsli (1865-1903) He was an emigrated between 1887 and 1888. This suspect was the favorite of the inspector Frederick Abberline. This suspect will be hanged in 1903 for the murder or three women. ►Aaron Kosminski (1865-1919). he was a Polish Jew. In 1891, Kosminiski was admitted to Colney Hatch Lunatic Asylum. He «was named as a suspect by Sir Macnaghten in his 1894 memorandum » and also « by former Chief Inspector Swanson in handwritten comments in the margin of his copy of Assitant Commissioner Sir Robert Anderson’s memoirs. » ►Michael Ostrog (1833-1904). He was a “Russian-born professional con man and thief.” It was Mascnaghten who mentionned him as a suspect. ►John Pizer (1850-1897). A polish jew who work as a bootmaker in Whitechapel. After the two murder of Mary Ann Nichols and Annie Chapman, Pizer will be arrested by Thicke. But was released later. ►James Thomas Sadler (1837-1906 or 1910). Sadler was a friend of the last victim “added to the Whitechapel”, Frances Coles. After the murder of Frances Coles, Sadler was arrested. ►Francis Tumblety (1833-1903) He earn «a small fortune posing as an "Indian Herb" doctor throughout the United States and Canada, and was commonly perceived as a misogynist and a quack ». For the theories of the press and the public opinion, concerning the real name of Jack the Ripper. There are six names. The first is William Henry Bury, the second Thomas Neil Cream, Thomas Hayne Cutbush, Frederick Bailey deeming, Carl Feigenbaum, and the last name is Robert Dontson Stephenson There were others theories, some famous people were accused as to be Jack the Ripper. For exemple we can say : Lewis Carroll, William Whitney Gull or also the Prince Albert Victore, the Duke of Clarence and Avondale. But also not famous people as Joseph Barnett, David Cohen, or George Hutchinson. II. ...arousing public interest and paranoia. 1) The role of the press in the case On September 27, 1888, a letter written in red ink arrived at the central police. The author specifies that the blood with which he wanted to write has dried and claims the murders and promises to do more and signs "Jack the ripper". In a context where the population is increasingly literate and reads these newspapers, the affair has a big impact, a sordid story in several episodes that no one wants to miss. Each murder is detailed with precision, we launch leads on the potential culprits, we make fun

of the police. The lack of results of the police gives way to the (popular) press a criticism keen on crimes and sensationalists who prospered since the 18th century, and with this affair that obtained an unprecedented hearing, "The star" founded a year earlier passes 20 000 to 200,000 copies. "The illustrated police news" provides a weekly visual summary of the ongoing investigation. The press is fueling anxiety in British society. Thousands of letters arrive at the press or at the police, some letters are messages of fear, proposals for help ... Before Jack the Ripper, the news was produced only by the press. The proliferation of letters shows a change in mentalities, with the electoral reform of 1884 which extended the right to vote to new categories of voters. It was the newspapers that allegedly created Jack the Ripper's name and it was them who wrote the letters that the central police received. 2) The installation of a paranoia in the British. The installation of paranoia among the English is linked to the role of the press studied above. The police found nothing in the investigation. The newspapers will speculate then. The purpose of newspapers is to sell, and in order to do so, they will not hesitate to expose the crimes in detail. The dissemination of information that the press does on crimes is increasing to such an extent that around 160 newspapers report crimes in different countries of the world. Even the Queen of England will be interested. The paranoia due to the murder is conveyed by the newspapers, the police count 5 dead while the newspapers count 11 to 13. The installation of paranoia among the inhabitants of London will push for the creation of a vigilance committee which makes the turn and alert the police to any potential suspects. We are going to look for scapegoats, the emigrants are accused, including the 80,000 Jews of Central Europe. Some Jews are interviewed without matching the profile. AntiSemitic graffiti appears on the walls, residents blame their neighbors. This Paranoia which was installed in London following the various murders is maintained by the state of certain neighborhoods of the city. For example, the district of Whitechapel is particularly unsanitary, dirty, and infamous. The streets are narrow, dark... The atmosphere which was to reign in the district was, in addition to the past murders, also favorable to fear. Conclusion To conclude, we do not know who was Jacques the Ripper. Different theory has been advanced, going so far as to designate members of the royal family, relatives of the queen. Over time, the character of Jack the Ripper has become a literary figure, also in film. A fictional universe was built around Jack the Ripper. The failed capture of this murderer adds to the mythical side of the story. Sensational articles were written in the newspapers. Over time Jack the Ripper has become a character in popular evidence turned out to be unusable because it was too damaged. The press had a very important role in these murders, it to disseminate information by detailing the facts. Everyone knew what caused paranoia to develop in the city of London. Jack the Ripper will probably never be known. The certainty is that since the time he died, The dissemination of these crimes, however, made him a character in popular culture still present today through cinema.

Online : Britannica [en ligne] Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2021. [consulté le 27 février 2021] Lien: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jack-the-Ripper Britannica [en ligne] Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2021. [consulté le 27 février 2021] Lien : https://www.britannica.com/event/Victorian-era History.com [en ligne] A&E Television Networks. 2021 [consulté le 27 février 2021] Lien : https://www.history.com/topics/19th-century/victorian-era-timeline Jack-the-ripper.org [en ligne] Richard Jones. 2021 [consulté le 27 février 2021] Lien : https://www.jack-the-ripper.org/suspects.htm Wikipedia [en ligne] Wikepedia. 2021 [consulté le 27 février 2021] Lien :https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_the_Ripper_suspects http://lemythedejack.over-blog.com/2014/02/la-presse-folle-de-jack-l-eventreur.html (consulté le 4 mars 2021) Britannica [en ligne] Encyclopaedia Britannica. 2021. [consulté le 24 février 2021] Lien: https://www.britannica.com/biography/Jack-the-Ripper The history press [en ligne], Jack the Ripper and the tabloid press, 2021. [consulté le 24 février 2021], lien : https://www.thehistorypress.co.uk/articles/jack-the-ripper-and-the-tabloid-press/ History today, [en ligne], How the Press Created ‘Jack the Ripper’, 2018. [consulté le 24 FÉVRIER 2021]lien : https://www.historytoday.com/history-matters/how-press-created-‘jack-ripper’ History [en ligne], Jack the Ripper UPDATED: JUN 7, 2019. [consulté le 24 février 2021] Lien : https://www.history.com/topics/british-history/jack-the-ripper BBC HISTORY [en ligne], Jack the Ripper, 2014, [consulté le 24 février 2021] Lien : http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/ripper_jack_the.shtml https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_the_Ripper#Investigation • Book : Russell Edward, Jack l’éventreur démasqué, traduit de l’anglais par Daniel Lemoine, Éditions de l’Archipel, Paris, 2016. • Vidéos Nota Bene : « Qui est vraiment jack l’éventreur », publié le 28 octobre 2019, consulté le 4 mars 2021. https://youtu.be/kgqymYy-H_s Biographics : Jack the Ripper: The Killer from Hell, 18 novembre 2018. Consulté le 28 février. Lien: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_1jolg6b-U BuzzFeed Unsolved Network, The Grisly Murders Of Jack The Ripper, 27 JANVIER 2018, CONSULTÉ LE 28 février. Lien : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qg2nGY1aqlg...

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