Jurnal karbohidrat DOC

Title Jurnal karbohidrat
Author Cindy Erlinda
Pages 10
File Size 95 KB
File Type DOC
Total Downloads 636
Total Views 819


1 PENENTUAN JENIS KARBOHIDRAT DENGAN UJI KUALITATIF MENGGUNAKAN REAGEN PADA SAMPEL MIE INSTAN Oleh : Agus Sulistiyono 412013016 Program Studi Biologi Fakultas Biologi ABSTRACT Carbohydrates are composed of atoms C, H, and O. Carbohydrates are organic compounds that are most widely in the earth. Carb...


1 PENENTUAN JENIS KARBOHIDRAT DENGAN UJI KUALITATIF MENGGUNAKAN REAGEN PADA SAMPEL MIE INSTAN Oleh : Agus Sulistiyono 412013016 Program Studi Biologi Fakultas Biologi ABSTRACT Carbohydrates are composed of atoms C, H, and O. Carbohydrates are organic compounds that are most widely in the earth. Carbohydrates are one of the natural macromolecular organic compounds that are found in living things, especially plants. In plants chlorophyll, carbohydrates formed by reaction between carbon dioxide and water molecules with the help of sunlight, called the fotosientesis. Carbohydrates are natural products that perform many important functions in plants and animals. Through photosynthesis, plants convert carbon dioxide into carbohydrates, which is in the form of cellulose, starch, and other sugars. Very complex carbohydrate constituent. The purpose of this experiment is to study the difference between monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides, as well as the properties of carbohydrates. The material used is some kind of a solution of glucose carbohydrates (pentose and hexose monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides), concentrated H2SO4, distilled water, reagents (molisch, iodine, benedict, selliwanoff, and bial), and samples of instant noodles. The main equipment used is a test tube. The results of the experiment can be seen by observing the color change on each - each test that has been done. Keywords : carbohydrates, reagents and instant noodles PENDAHULUAN Mie instan sudah bukan makanan asing lagi bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Hampir tiap orang sudah pernah mengkonsumsinya, atau malah sudah menjadi makanan wajib sehari-hari. Kebiasaan memakan mie instan biasanya ketika makanan utama yakni nasi sudah habis. Memakan mie instan dianggap lebih praktis dan cepat. Hanya membutuhkan waktu tidak lebih dari lima menit mie sudah siap disantap sambil menonton televisi. Mie dibuat dari campuran tepung, minyak sayur, garam, dan beberapa bahan aditif seperti natrium polifosfat (berfungsi sebagai pengemulsi atau penstabil), natrium karbonat dan kalium karbonat yang berfungsi sebagai pengatur asam. Selain itu, mie juga ditambahkan zat pewarna kuning (tartrazine). Selain mie itu sendiri, ada pula bumbu mie yang...

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