Kehpsy I koe Teoriat PDF

Title Kehpsy I koe Teoriat
Author Nita Sorsa
Course Kehityspsykologia
Institution Tampereen yliopisto
Pages 3
File Size 112 KB
File Type PDF
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Keskeiset teoriat 

Kiintymyssuhdeteoria: John Bowlby: Kiintymysjärjestelmä: organisoi käyttäytymistä, joka edistää hengissä säilymistä ja lisääntymistä (ympäristön vaaroista selviytyminen); biologinen, neuraalinen, evolutiivinen perusta; luonteeltaan kyberneettinen = aktivoituu ja deaktivoituu tarpeen mukaan o Kiintymystyylin jatkuvuus vauvaiästä aikuisuuteen on melko matala, muutoksia havaitaan enemmän kuin jatkuvuutta. o Kiintymysjärjestelmään liittyy hoivan antaminen vanhempi-lapsisuhteessa, eksploraatio ja itsenäinen toiminta sekä pariutuminen ja lisääntyminen. o Kiintymysjärjestelmän perimmäinen tarkoitus on läheisyyden säilyttäminen ja turvan kokeminen uhkatilanteessa. Kiintymystyylit: Mary Ainsworth: turvallinen, turvaton – välttelevä, turvaton – ristiriitainen o Kulttuuriset erot niiden yleisyydessä ovat merkittäviä o

Itseohjautuvuusteoria: Richard M. Ryan ja Edward L. Deci: teoria ihmisen motivaatiosta, hyvinvoinnista ja psykologisista perustarpeista: autonomia (merkityksellisyys, mahd. vaikuttaa/valita), yhteenkuuluvuus (tarve kuulua ja tulla hyväksytyksi osana ryhmää) ja pystyvyyden tunne/kyvykkyys (tunne osaamisesta ja pätevyydestä)

Psykoanalyyttinen teoria:


Sigmund Freudin psykoseksuaalinen teoria:  Personality as inner qualities that develop in a stagelike manner. Freud believed the personality was formed in first 5 years of life  More nature (biology drives development; early experience in the family influences it, too)  Passive (humans are influenced by forces beyond their control)  Discontinuous (stagelike)  Universal  Biologically based sexual instincts motivate behavior and steer development through five psychosexual stages, oral to genital


Erik Eriksonin psykososiaalinen teoria:  Humans progress through eight psychosocial conflicts, from trust vs. mistrust to integrity vs. despair. We all experience stagelike personality changes at similar ages  Growth and change continuing through adulthood.  Interactionist; nature and nurture equally  Active  Discontinuous (stagelike)  Universal (although stages may be expressed differently in different cultures)

Oppimisteoria: o

B.F Skinnerin behavioristinen oppimisteoria:

     o

Albert Banduran sosiaalis-kognitiivinen oppimisteoria:  Development is the product of cognition, as illustrated by observational learning and human agency.  Personality as behavior that is influenced by situational factors and changes if the environment changes. We should not expect universal stages of personality development or enduring traits.  More nurture  Active (humans influence their environments)  Continuous  Context specific

Kognitiivisen kehityksen teoria: o





(tabula rasa) Development is the product of learning from the consequences of one’s behavior through operant conditioning. Mostly nurture Passive (humans are shaped by environment) Continuous (habits gradually increase or decrease in strength) Context specific (direction of development depends on experiences)

Jean Piagetin konstruktivismi:  (Tabula rasa) Development proceeds through four stages of cognitive development, from sensorimotor to formal operations. Children come to know their world by constructing their own schemes or cognitive structures through active exploration (p.229)  Interactionist (maturation interacting with experience guides all through the same stages)  Active  Discontinuous (stagelike)  Universal neuroconstructivism theory:  new knowledge is constructed through changes in the neural structures of the brain in response to experiences Lev Vygotskyn sosiokulttuurinen näkökulma:  emphasizes cultural and social influences on cognitive development more than Piaget’s theory does. Cognitive development is different in different social and historical contexts.  Through guided participation in culturally important activities, children learn problem-solving techniques from knowledgeable partners sensitive to their zone of proximal development.  Language is the most important tool that adults use to pass culturally valued thinking and problem solving to their children. Language shapes their thought and moves from social speech to private speech and later to inner speech. Kurt Fischerin dynaaminen taitokehys:  Development results from changes in skill levels. Skills reflect what a person can do on a particular task in a specific context

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Systeemiteoria: o



“It is not possible to analyze behavior outside the context in which it occurs. Behavior is not something that a person ‘has’; it emerges from interactions between person and context”. People operate within a developmental range, with higher levels of performance demonstrated within a supportive context and after more experience with a task Skill is both task-specific and context-specific. psychologists need to put development back into its natural context and not study it in isolation.

Bronfenbrennerin bioekologinen malli:  Development takes many directions depending on transactions between a changing person and a changing environment.  Nature and nurture co-acting, influencing one another  Active  Both continuous and discontinuous  Context specific

James Gibsonin ekologinen havaintoteoria:  Everything we need to understand the world around us is available in the environment itself. We can directly detect the affordances of objects what they offer us in terms of how we might interact with them.  nature and nurture are integrally related Trait theory: o Big Five personality traits  Personality as a set of dispositional traits (the Big Five) that are enduring over time and consistent across situations....

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