LA LOBA Negra Script PDF

Title LA LOBA Negra Script
Author Joselle Biñan
Course Organic Chemistry
Institution University of Cebu
Pages 3
File Size 67.2 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 279
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LA LOBA NEGRA ACT 1 SCRIPTCharacters: 1. Gov. Gen. Bustamante: Tariman 2. Padre Totanes: Andre 3. Dolores: Patrice 4. Luisa: Jean 5. Torralba 6. Macatangay 7. Conchita: Nioda 8. Don 9. Donya 10. FriarScene 1: BALLROOM -People gather around the room and visitors leave gifts on the table- Don: The man...


LA LOBA NEGRA ACT 1 SCRIPT Characters: 1. Gov. Gen. Bustamante: Tariman 2. Padre Totanes: Andre 3. Dolores: Patrice 4. Luisa: Jean 5. Torralba 6. Macatangay 7. Conchita: Nioda 8. Don 9. Donya 10.


Scene 1: BALLROOM -People gather around the room and visitors leave gifts on the tableDon: The man of the hour has arrived. Let us all welcome the new Spanish Governor General of the Philippines, Governor Heneral Fernando Miguel Bustamante. Viva el Rey! Crowd: Viva! Don: Viva Gobernador Heneral Bustamante! Crowd: Viva! Don: Viva Espanya! Crowd: Viva! ((CROWD SINGS IN CELEBRATION)) Bustamante: I appreciate the lavish welcome but I am not a fan of grand greetings. We shouldn't let gold and power make us greedy. King Felipe trusted us to run this land so we must do our duties well. Let's feast and enjoy the night! -Crowd cheers-Bustamante greets people with handshake with his wife, Luisa-

Padre Totanes: Only an arrogant general complains about his party. He doesn't even deserve the position. -Bustamante is preoccupied by the crowd while Luisa is embarassedBustamante: Viva Espanya el Rey! Crowd: Viva! -the couple exit and Macatangay enters Macatangay: There is a message from the Auditor General Torralba Donya: What is it Indio? -Crowd murmursPadre Totanes: As Friar King, the Church will address this properly. We are the messengers of the Lord. The Church should be above the government. Dolores: We all due respect Padre Totanes, but the government will give ease to the Church. My Father will take care of the legislations so you can focus on serving the Lord. Padre Padre Totanes: Oh I sincerely apologize Señora Dolores. A girl would know more than an old friar like me. -Dolores exits, followed by a friar-Padre Totanes moves toward the table with giftsPadre Totanes: These gifts will be offered to the Church. Heaven has a place for you all. Scene 2: PALACE FAMILY ROOM ((LUISA SINGS HUIZTILIPOCHTLI)) -Luisa is singing a lullaby with a harpsichord-Dolores is embroideringDolores: I wonder what that song means... Luisa: What dear? Dolores: I mean... It's about Luisa: Are you thinking okay Dolores? -Bustamante entersLuisa: Where will you go Fernando?

Bustamante: To the Auditor General's office. I'll investigate the King's treasury. Luisa: Stay safe...

Scene 3: AUDITOR GENERAL'S OFFICE Torralba: Here are trading taxes from the merchants. This is your share Padre Padre Padre Totanes. -Torralba gives a chest/wooden box to Padre Padre TotanesPadre Totanes: Thank you General -Torralba exists and Conchita entersPadre Totanes: Conchita, here is your share Conchita: I've missed you Padre Padre Padre Totanes... -Bustamante entersBustamante: Padre Totanes, what happened to the King's Treasury? -Conchita exits fearfully and Padre Totanes hides boxPadre Totanes: You're the politician here! Bustamante: The officials said you received the share. I demand to see it now. -Bustmante sees something behind Padre Totanes and pulls it outBustamante: This is the King's treasury! It is empty! How dare you! Padre Totanes: No, you're mistaken! Bustamante: Guards, take him to Fort Santiago. Lock him up. Padre Totanes: Please! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! -Padre Totanes is held up by guards, leaving Bustamante in shame((BUSTAMANTE SINGS ABOUT HIS SHAME OF THE CORRUPTION))...

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