Lecture 11 Notes - Professor: Dr. Paul L. Vasey PDF

Title Lecture 11 Notes - Professor: Dr. Paul L. Vasey
Course Comparative Sexuality
Institution University of Lethbridge
Pages 9
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Professor: Dr. Paul L. Vasey...


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Erotic Target Location Errors Lecture

- overwhelmingly represented in heterosexual men • more heterosexual guys in the population • women tend not to be interested in unusual sexual behaviours. - Paraphilias (DSM) • Recurrent, intense, sexually arousing fantasies or behaviours involving - 1. nonhuman objects - 2. suffering or humiliation of self or partner - 3. children or non consenting persons - Classified as mental disorders - Nonparaphilic sexuality is normophilic • nothing unusual - Recognized Paraphilias (DSM): • Voyeurism- spying on persons while they are naked, undressing, or engaged in sex

• Exhibitionism- exposing yourself to non-consenting individuals • Frotteurism- involving touching or rubbing clothed genitals against a stranger without their consent or without their knowledge.

• Pedophilia- a persons whose sexual feelings are directed mainly toward prepubescent children

• Sadism- Sexual arousal by the infliction of pain, bondage, or humiliation on others, or by witnessing the recipient’s suffering

• Masochism- Sexual arousal from being subjected to pain, bondage or humiliation • Fetishism- sexual arousal by inanimate objects, materials, or parts of the body

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

• Transvestic Fetishism- wearing clothes of the other sex for purposes of sexual arousal

- Features of paraphilias: • Occur almost exclusively in men • Tend to cluster - co-morbid - if you have one, the likelihood of having more than one is very high • Not necessarily one’s only sexual interest - might be someone’s peak sexual arousal, but it doesn't have to be the thing that gets them to orgasm

- Pedophiles are not that common, much more common to have individuals are are attracted to peri-pubescent children (hebephiles)

- Teleiophiles: normophilic pattern of attraction- attracted to adults - Paraphilic dimensions: • Unusual partner preferences: children, animals, persons with unusual features • Unusual activity preferences: sadism, masochism, voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotteurism

• Erotic target location errors: attraction to a peripheral part of target, or to impersonating target — fetishism, transvestism, or to transforming oneself into a facsimile of the target

- peripheral aspect of the target • such as their shoes, hair, • things that aren't central to the secondary sexual characteristics - Erotic target identity inversion (a type of ETLE) • sexual attraction to women gets turned back onto himself • he locates the erotic target on himself • want to temporarily or permanently transform yourself into your target

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 ETLEs in men attracted to women (gynephiles) Heterosexual fetishism: sexual arousal to women’s clothing or a peripheral part of a woman’s body

- Fairly common • 5% of the male population - Develops early in life (puberty) - Most popular fetishes: • 1. parts of the female body (feet) • 2. women’s clothing - don’t want to put the clothing on, just want to hold it • 3. special materials (rubber, leather) - Fetish often treated like a living object - individuals may also have an emotional behaviours to the fetishistic objects - positive and negative emotions- may get angry at the fetishistic object


- Literally, “love of oneself as a women” - Definition: sexual arousal to the thought or image of oneself as a female • Heterosexual Transvestism: sexual arousal to wearing women’s clothing and imagining oneself to be a woman

- usually a desire to cross-dress fully (unlike fetishism) - Develops early in life - Fairly prevalent • Note: - Homosexual cross-dressers (drag queens) do NOT have ETLE - motivation is different

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

- doing it for a laugh (entertainment) not for sexual arousal

• Anatomic Autogynephilia: sexual arousal to the thought or image of being anatomically female

MtF transsexuals: (2 kinds) (Male to female)

- Homosexual: • Do NOT have ETLE • exclusively attracted to men • Extremely feminine in childhood • Transition early • Not sexually aroused by cross-dressing • Not paraphilic • What’s the motivation for the homosexual transsexuals to transition? - makes it easier for them to find sexual partners - don’t do well sexually in a gay club because androphilic males, like masculine men

- the other option is straight guys.. they don’t like penises though - because these “women” have male mating psychologies, they like lots of sex - Autogynephilic: • Choose women and men, or neither as partners - sexuality is not outwardly directed sometimes • Analoerotic • Not feminine in childhood

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

• Often marry and have children • Transition later in life • Sexually aroused by the thought or image of one’s as a woman • paraphilic • As time goes on, the sexual charge of transitioning reduces (just like any relationship)

- more about love of oneself as a woman, rather than lust

ETLEs in men attracted to children (pedophiles)

- Pedophilic fetishism: 5 case reports of pedophilic men aroused by children’s clothing or diapers, who did NOT fantasize themselves as children

- Pedovestism: Pedophilic men aroused by wearing children’s clothing and imagining themselves to be children

- Anatomic autopedophilia in pedophilic men? • has been reported in the literature, despite the difficulties to actually achieve this • people may undergo foreskin restoration • sphincter muscle may be cut, se he cannot control bowel movements and have to wear a diaper all the time

• often co-morbid with transvestism - dress up as little girls, rather than little boys

ETLE’s in men attracted to men:

- Homosexual fetishism: sexual arousal to a men’s clothing or a peripheral or inessential part of the male body

- Homeovestism: sexual arousal to wearing other men’s clothing and imagining oneself to be those men

• about wanting to transpose the other person onto themselves - Anatomic autoandrophilia in androphilic men?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

• How would you be able to identify this? • want to make himself look more manly, want to become the erotic target (other males)

• where are you going to go? - the gym - looking at themselves

Acrotomophilia: preferential attraction to amputees; called “devotee”

Amputation-related phenomena & ETLE

- Stump fetishism: preferential attraction to a specific peripheral part of an amputees’ body

- “pretending”: pretending to be an amputee, with or without sexual arousal - Apotemnophilia: desire to become an amputee, often with sexual arousal; called “wannabes”

Furries and Plushophiles: Plushophilia: person with an erotic interest in plush animals ETLEs in men attracted to plush animals (plushophiles)

- Fursuitism: sexual arousal to wearing a first and imagining oneself to be a plush animal

- Autoplushophilia: sexual arousal to the thought or image of being a plush animal

Zoophilia: sexual arousal to real animals ETLEs in men attracted to real animals (zoophiles) Animal fetishism: sexual arousal to a peripheral on inessential part of an animal’s body (not described)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 (Some) Fursuitism: Sexual arousal to wearing a first and imagining oneself to be a real animal Anatomic autozoophilia: sexual arousal to the thought or image of being a real animal

Toonophilia: sexually attracted to cartoon characters

- No matter what the erotic target, there will always be a subset of these men with ETLE Erotic Target

Uncomplicated attraction to target (no ETLE)

Attraction to clothing or part of target

Attraction to impersonating target

Attraction to changing one’s body into target



Heterosexul fetishism

Heterosexul Transvestism

Anatomic autogynephilia



Pedophilic fetishism


Anatomic autopedophilia



Homosexual fetishism


Anatomic autoandrophilia



Stump fetishes



Plush animals




Anatomic Autoplushophilia? - can’t actually do this

Real animals


not described?

some fursuitism?

anatomic autozoophilia?

Courtship Disorders & BDSM:

- Some paraphilias involve unusual activity preferences (e.g. voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotteurism, non-sadistic preferential rape)

• Rapist doesn't want to hurt the women, what is arousing is the lack of consent Courtship Disorder Theory:

- These behaviours are thought to represent expression of the same underlying disorder, namely “courtship disorder” Idealized courtship sequence consists of:

Tuesday, April 14, 2015 1. Finding Phase: locating and appraising a potential partner 2. Pretactile Phase: characterized by nonverbal and verbal overtures 3. Tactile Phase : physical contact is made 4. Copulatory Phase: consensual sexual intercourse occurs

- Voyeurism, exhibitionism, frotteurism and preferential rape reflect disruption in different courtship phases 1. Finding Phase: voyeurism - most turned on by looking and searching 2. Pretactile Phase: Exhibitionism- just expose themselves to interact with someone, without touching 3. Tactile Phase: Frotteurism - don’t want to move on to the intercourse phase, such the sexual tactile interaction 4. Copulatory Phase: Preferential Rape

- Exhibitionism, voyeurism and frotteurism frequently co-occur with each other - Individuals given the primary diagnosis of non-sadistic rape tend to not exhibit other types of courtship disorders

- Sexual Masochism: Sexual arousal in response to experiencing pain, humiliation and loss of control

• Features: - 1. Pain - 2. Loss of control - 3. Humiliation • Ponyplay: - Humans performing as horses under the control of “grooms”, “owners”, or “trainers” in consensual erotic role play

- What do pony players do?

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

• Human ponies dress in various types of equestrian inspired restraining devices

• treated like horses (rewarded/punished) • all about being under someone else’s control - Sexual Sadism: sexual arousal in response to inflicting pain, humiliation and loss of control

- Why would anyone do this? - “Escape from Self” Theory: • Sexual Masochism is a technique for getting rid of one’s sense of self because it is not conducive with the maintenance of self

• It can be stressful and burdensome to be yourself and sometimes it can be nice to take a vacation from yourself

- Pony play fits well with the theory that sexually masochistic activities allow individuals to escape from the “self” by transforming into something other than the self

- Sexual masochism- occasionally seen in women - Feederism: sexual arousal to eating, being fed, and gaining weight • women are usually the feedees • men are usually the feeders • women are sexual aroused to gaining weight, their partners are sexually aroused to watching them gain weight...

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