Lecture notes, lecture Week 11 - Professor abdou youssef PDF

Title Lecture notes, lecture Week 11 - Professor abdou youssef
Course Design & Analysis Of Algorithm
Institution George Washington University
Pages 8
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Professor Abdou Youssef...


Backtracking I. Introduction II. Formulation of the Problem of Generating Combinatorial Objects III. The General Backtracking Algorithm IV. Implementations for the Eight Applications I. Introduction Backtracking is a systematic method for generating all (or subsets of) combinortial objects. Examples of combinatorial objects include 1. Binary strings of n bits 2. Subsets of a given set E of n elements 3. Directed graphs of n nodes 4. Undirected graphs of n nodes 5. Permutations of a given size n 6. Hamiltonian cycles of a given graph 7. K-cliques of a given graph 8. K-colorings of a given graph Back to Top

II. Formulation of the Problem of Generating Combinatorial Objects In most of the generation problems, we have 1. Each object is represented by an array X[1:N] 2. The elements of the array are taken from a domain S={a1,a2,...,am}. Often, S is a finite set of successive integers.

3. The values of array X must satisfy some constraints C so that X represents a legitimate object of the type in question. We will show the specifics in each of the following instances of combinatorial object generation Problem 1: Generation of all n-bit binary strings Every n-bit binary string is represented by an array X[1:n] X[i] takes its values from {0,1} The constrainst C are empty because the values of the individual bits are indepedent Problem 2: Generation of all subsets of the set {1,2,...,n} Every subset is represented by the bitmap (i.e., Boolean array) X[1:n]; X[i] takes its values from {0,1}. X[i]=1 if i is in the subset being represented; X[i]=0 if i is not in the subset being represented. The constrainst C are empty because whether i is an element of the subset has no bearing on whether or not j is an element of the subset. Problem 3: Generation of all directed graphs of n nodes Every digraph of n nodes is representable by a 2D array A[1:n,1:n], which is the well-known adjacency matrix. The values of the entries in the array are binary and also are independent of one another. The 2D array can be represented by a a 1D binary array X[1:N] where N=n2 The value of each X[i] is in {0,1} The constraints C are empty because the values of entries of X (which are the entries of A) are independent Mapping from A to X: Stack the rows of A one after another. Thus, X[(i-1)n + j] = A[i,j] Problem 4: Generation of all undirected graphs of n nodes Every graph of n nodes is also representable by the 2D adjacency matrix A[1:n,1:n]. The values of the entries in the array are binary but are not independent of one another: A[i,j] = A[j,i] for all i and j Which is the symmetry contraint (or property) The 2D array can be represented by a a 1D binary array X[1:N] where N=n2, like in the case of directed graphs, but this time with the symmetry constraint. A preferable alternative is to only represent the upper triangle only, and thus eliminate the constraints as follows.

Map the upper triangle of A into a 1D binary array X[1:N], N=n(n-1)/2: A[1,2:n] goes first into X A[2,3:n] goes next into X A[3,4:n] goes next into X . . . A[n-1,n] goes last into X The value of each X[i] is in {0,1} The constraints C are back to being empty. Problem 5: Generation of all permutations of {1,2,...,n} A permutation is a one-to-one and onto mapping (function) f from {1,2,...,n} to {1,2,...,n}. The mapping of element i is denoted f(i). Another definition: A permutation is a re-ordering (re-arrangement) of the elements 1,2,...,n A third defintion: A permutation is a one-to-one matching. i is said to be matched with f(i). A permutation f can be represented by an array X[1:n] where X[i]=f(i). X[i] takes its elements from {1,2,...,n} Constraints: X[i] != X[j] for all i != j Problem 6: Generation of all Hamiltonian cycles in a given graph G=(V,E) of n nodes A Hamiltonian cycle is a cycle that goes through every node of the graph exactly once. Note that not all graphs have Hamiltonian cycles. A Hamiltonian cycle can be represented by an array X[1:n] where X[i] is the label of the i-th node in the cycle. Each X[i] takes its elements from {1,2,...,n}, which are the labels of the nodes. Constraints: 1. X[i] != X[j] for all i != j 2. (X[i],X[i+1]) is an edge for every i=1,2,...n-1, and (X[n],X[1]) is also an edge. Problem 7: Generation of all k-cliques in a given graph G=(V,E) of n nodes, where k is an integer, 1...

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