Lecture 2 - prof- Pamela Robbins PDF

Title Lecture 2 - prof- Pamela Robbins
Course race and ethnicity in the US
Institution Florida State University
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prof- Pamela Robbins...


AMH2097 9/12/19 QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER: PAPER #2 1. Who is “White?” Who are WASPs? 2. Who are the English? Are they a homogenous group? 3. What are the factors leading to English immigration? 4. What are the three main models of immigration? How are they different? What are their main ideas about immigration and citizenship (rights)? 5. How did the WASPs keep their power? 6. What does majority and minority mean in this class? 7. What are the factors of success for immigration according to WASPs? 8. What is the main idea of the political cartoon, “Looking Backwards,” Puck Magazine, January 11, 1893? LECTURE 2  “White” = WASP o W = White o A = Anglo o S = Saxon o P = Protestant  A protestant is a Christian who is not Catholic  Protestants only like certain types of Christians  Their enemies are the Catholics, such as the Irish because of their Catholicism o This term did not come out in writing until the 20th century  The Invention of the “white race”  Formative Wave 1607-1830 o Africans were the third group to come during this wave o Africans did not consider themselves immigrants because they did not come here by choice o 1607 - real first English settler o Story begins in Britain with people who think they are the best and believe that it is their burden to go out and spread their perfect civilizations to others o The “Colonization” of Britain  Not a homogenous group  The 43 AD Roman Conquest  The fifth to sixth century Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain  The eighth to eleventh century invasions by the Vikings  First of many French invasions: 1066 Norman conquest of England under William the Conqueror  Various invasions by the Scots from 1214-1513  Britain is like a “melting pot,” people intermarry and create offspring of combined people

o Conquered so many times, rapes, etc. makes people called British o Not at all one group of everyone who is the same  U.S. is more like a Salad; people can be easily differentiated  Creation of British Superiority  They believe that they are the best and are perfect in every way; see others as less than them and try to force others to be more like the Brits. Factors leading to the Immigration of the English o Economic  Definition of Class in Europe: In America, your class is based on your financial status. In England, you are born into your class; it is not based on money (1600s)  You cannot work your way into a higher class, or vise versa  Upper class is specifically defined by people who are related to royalty  Their land is their “money”  You can’t really sell your land because technically it all belongs to the King/Queen  Gentlemen - someone who does not do work with their hands o These people still may want to leave, especially if they are not the first-born, or if they are a girl, because the eldest son gets all of the inheritance. Many go to America because there are more opportunities and no class structure yet.  Either can become a minister or join the army (not a good choice, because a bitch gonna die)  Upper class are educated and are non-laborers; they do not even touch money, because that is considered work  Middle class is usually people with money, some have education, they are skilled  Middle class are the ones who are able to work and have a disposable income (spending money)  Middle class cannot own property because it’s owned by royalty  Many go to America to own their own property and gain more opportunities  Lower class is defined by laborers who work for people in the middle or upper class  People who farm the land, sweep streets, etc.  Make very little money  Largest class by far  Many go to America because they have literal shit and will never gain anything more so they move to America where they can actually work, but they usually do not have the money to leave  Indentured Servants  Upper class pay for those in the lower class to come to America  Contracted labor that they must sign that it is impossible to get out of

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A type of slavery They are sent to work for someone in America for a set period of time; worked incredibly hard Indentures are usually equivalent to $500 and agree to work nonstop for 5-7 years Upper class would rather have an indentured servant than a slave You don’t have to keep an indentured servant alive Unlike a slave, you are not permanently an indentured servant

o Religious  The “Formative Protestants”  Church of England o If you are not a member, you will be persecuted  They cannot own land, go to school, hold political office  Vs. Pilgrims, Puritans, and Quakers o They go to America to find their own protestant groups o Pilgrims  Group of Protestants in England who feel like the Church of England is still too catholic  Name in England is Separatists, because they wanted to separate themselves from the Church of England o Puritans  Wanted to “purify” the Church of England  Wanted to get rid of a little bit of Catholicism, but not all of it o Quakers  “Society of Friends”  Quake in their seats thinking about Jesus and the Holy Spirit  Believed in ALL equality  Really pissed off the Church of England o Involuntary Migration  Convicts  Involuntarily brought over to America  Two types of jails: one like we have in America today and a “Debtor’s prison” o People in debtor’s prison owe people money… does not make sense because if they are in jail, they cannot make any money to return to the person who they owe o They all eventually got put on a boat and were sent to Georgia o Created a colony in Georgia, a penal colony, where all of these convicts can work; could not go back to see their family  Kidnapped

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Stolen and forced to go to America against their will Mostly women Brought over basically to be sex slaves; human trafficking Also brought children over for child labor, were forced to do jobs that only they could do because of their size No money to go back to England England also got rid of all of their orphans, because they state was paying for them

Ideas on Immigration and Citizenship  Three different models o Virginia Model (1607)  Upper Class, Gentlemen, Indentured Servants  Leaders vs. Laborers  Small group of gentlemen who are plantation owners  Since gentlemen don’t work with their hands, they needed laborers to do it for them o Laborers- Indentured Servants, “Labor Migrants” (convicts, orphans, “breeders”), kidnapped, slaves  15% Leaders, 85% Laborers  Key Ideas:  Profit - economic push and pull factor, did not care about the laborers, only cared about the profit they make  Immigration = Cheap Labor  Pro-Immigration = Recruitment, convicts, kidnapping, etc.  Open Borders = anybody and everybody can come in  Rights/Citizenship? o Upper Class ruled o Laborers have limited to no rights o Massachusetts Model  Formative Protestants, Pilgrims, and Puritans  Theocracy  Government ruled by religion  No separation of Church and State  Pilgrims/Puritans  Middle Class (Artisans, small farmers)  Key Ideas:  Welcome “True Believers” = Equal Rights  Are only welcome and receive rights if they are just like them or are willing to become  Must have letters of recommendation from your ministers to prove that they are “god-like”  If you are not like them, BYEEE  Exclusionary o Native peoples, “poor, vicious, and infirm” and Quakers o Violence

Excommunication, Expulsion, Banishment, Deportation, etc. o Pennsylvania Model  Society of Friends, Quakers  Establishment of Pennsylvania, William Penn  Established under the rules and faith of the Society of Friends, equality  Immigrants - who they are  Quakers/society of friends  Religious mix, ethnic mix  Key Ideas:  Pluralism o “We the People” is ALL the people o Does not matter gender, race, ethnicity, age, etc. o Anybody can come, anyone can be a citizen

9/17/19 1776 - The United States of America: Which models did we choose?  All of them  What WASPs believe is a perfect immigrant: o Want them to become just like us immediately (assimilate)  Most tend to acculturate  Americans want “success factors” from ALL immigrants o Money, must have it to be successful  Even if it’s just a little bit  Most don’t have any, otherwise would not be here o Numbers- smallest possible  More immigrants = loss of POWER  Race suicide – idea that more immigrants will cause white race to be eradicated o Location- move to the middle of nowhere, away from WASPs  Most immigrants will go to the same place, causes overcrowding and ethnic enclave o Stereotypes- have only good stereotypes  hard worker, protestant, good looking, white, rich o Assimilation- must fit in and totally replace your culture  Anglo-conform o **hard for immigrants to control any of this except assimilation  What if we don’t like you? o Nativism/xenophobia o Limitation of your rights  We can restrict immigrants from becoming a citizen/voting o Pass federal laws  Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798  If you are “dangerous”, we can report you/take away rights, arrest o deportation  “Power to restrain or remove alien enemies in case of war”

How could the English do that?  Numerical majority (population)  More of that group that any other How do WASPs keep their power?  1830 WASPs are no longer the numerical majority but retain power  Majority vs. minority o Majority: the group that has the most power o Minority may have more people but less power  Change who is “white” o Dutch, German, Huguenot (French Protestant), Scandinavian, Scottish, Swiss, Scots Irish, and Welsh protestants o Eventually: Irish, Italian, Greek, Russian, etc.… o Was enough for white majority until 20th century  Hispanics came in great numbers  Created “White Hispanic” Political Cartoons  Nativism and xenophobia in action o People who are here in America that are trying to stop immigration are hypocrites  They used to be immigrants, or their parents were  Important in early society b/c many people could not read ...

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