Lesson 4 - frågor och svar PDF

Title Lesson 4 - frågor och svar
Course Engelska, ett till trettio
Institution Högskolan i Halmstad
Pages 2
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EN1001 Ortsoberoende

Lesson 4

Lesson 4 – Answers Chapter 7 1. Identify all the parts of speech used in this sentence (e.g. woman = noun). The woman kept a large snake in a cage, but it escaped recently I will but the identification before the word: [Article] The [noun] woman [verb] kept [article] a [adjective] large [noun] snake [preposition] in [adjective] a [noun] cage, [conjunction] but [pronoun] it [verb] escaped [adverb] recently 2. How many adverbs are there in the following sentence? Really large objects move very slowly An adverb is often formed by adding and “y” or “ly” ending to an adjective. Therefor I would say there are 3 in this sentence – Really, very, slowly 3. What is the tense and voice of the verb in the following sentence? My parents were married in Rome The tense I would say is past tense because it describes them getting married before the present. I would say the voice being passive because it is not the “me/I” doing the action but another part – the parents. If the sentence would be “I were married…” then it would be active voice. 4. What is the difference between grammatical gender and natural gender? Natural gender means to describe the relationship between a name and their pronouns. As for example Cathy and she/her. This is mainly derived from a biological distinction of male and female. Grammatical gender is based on the type of noun (masculine and feminine), and is used in for example Spanish. The sun would be “el sol” and the moon would be “la luna” where “el” indicates a masculine noun and “la” indicates a feminine noun. 5. How does Spanish differ from German in the number of grammatical genders. Spanish has two – feminine and masculine, German has three – masculine, feminine and neuter.

6. What prescriptive rules for the “proper” use of English are not obeyed in the following sentences and how would they be “corrected”? a. The old theory consistently failed to fully explain all the data. The first part of the Prescriptive Approach says “you must not split an infinitive”. When saying “to fully explain” you split infinitive. The infinitive in English has the form to + the base from of the verb. Therefor. It should be “The old theory consistently failed to explain fully all the data” b. I can’t remember the name of the person I gave the book to. The second part of the Prescriptive Approach says “You must not end a sentence with a preposition”. The preposition “to” is at the end of the sentence here, therefor I would say it should be like this instead: “I can’t remember the name of the person to whom I gave the book”

EN1001 Ortsoberoende

Lesson 4

Chapter 8 1.What was the original literal meaning of syntax in Greek? “a putting together” or “arrangement” 3. What is the main difference between a generative grammar and a traditional grammar? Generative grammar is used to generate sentence structures and the traditional grammar just describes the sentence structures, in other words a grammar that is used for analysis. 5. Which of the following expressions are structurally ambiguous and in what way? a. There are designed for small boys and girls. This sentence can be read and interpreted as “all girls” because the boys has a description of small but not the girls OR for both small boys and small girls. b. The parents of the bride and groom were waiting outside. This could be expression that there is two sets of parents (both for the bride and groom) or that the parents of the bride were waiting outside with the groom, just the three of them. c. How come a bed has four legs, but only one foot? The problem with this sentence is that they probably mean that each leg is one foot high, and not that the 3 legs does not have feet. This is called lexical ambiguity. d. We met an English history teacher. This can be either a teacher that teaches English history OR that there is a teacher from England that teaches any kind of history. e. Flying planes can be dangerous This can mean that planes in the sky can be dangerous maybe for example if they crash and hit people, OR that it can be dangerous for the person flying the plane if maybe for example they crash but then they would hurt themselves. f. The students complained to everyone that they couldn’t understand. Either the students complained to everyone that themselves could not understand and took it out on everyone, OR that they only complained to the specific people that couldn’t understand and not to anyone else....

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