Life Without Social Media PDF

Title Life Without Social Media
Author Md Ohidur Rahman
Course Fundamentals of Management Information Systems
Institution University of Dhaka
Pages 5
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Life Without Social Media There are always two sides to every decision and situation likewise life without social networks have also two sides. The positive sides and negative sides. Let’s see how life without social media can have a positive and negative impact on our personal and social life. Starting with positive things: Our private life won’t be a public gallery: The first and the most important thing about living without social media; we’ll learn the true meaning of private life. We’ll learn that nobody cares about what we have for breakfast or how we’re spending our Friday night; cause it’s the truth. They don’t care about our details; we just give them access to see them. We’re going to know what to share with whom; to the only ones who truly care about us; not to some strangers or even some acquaintances, we won’t be available and easily reached anytime by anyone, our life is going to be our OWN life. Our privacy will bring us closer to the people who care about us. We won’t be taking pictures just because we have a nice outfit on Who would always want to talk about how stunning of an outfit someone might be wearing or keep wondering are they looking good enough just to “fit in” with some shallow people who only care about how they should look? How many times have we thought an outfit was gone to waste just because we hadn’t taken a picture of it? There’s more to life than that, I think we know it. No more pictures of fake “happy” moments. I’m sure we all had at least one of these; I’m sure we all had these meaningless outings which are full of people holding their smartphones to capture every single detail of the day, people we’re not on speaking terms with. It’s tiring, it’s dreading, and it brings negativity. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t sound very pleasant to us as well, we’re better off without these. We’ll cut off some connections. And I mean the ones who aren’t too important or not even important at all. We have a brain; it gets exhausted from meaningless interactions with several people. Ever wonder why it feels so heavy sometimes? like we just need a break away from the human noise; in complete silence. It’s scientifically proven that the human brain can maintain five relationships in their inner circle; and 150 in their outer circle. And of course, we know the definition of outer circles: acquaintances (n). These are the ones who know us by name, only by our name. We might have had conversations once in a while, but we cannot refer to them as friends.

No more faking to look flawless. No more obsessing over pretty people, no more editing blemishes and filtering a bad quality away. Because who gives a damn shit? We only do filters just because it might decorate reality for a stranger’s eye. It’s sad to see that people are still posting for the likes and might sadly enough see this only shallow version of the life. They might not care about the traits of a person and how good they can be. They only care about Instagramming their “perfect” life. They only care about getting that perfect Instagram shot to capture some hearts. They only care about how a person dresses like, where do they spend their summer, where do they shop at, who’s dating who, are they dating someone rich? No? So, they must look good? Yeah? And it keeps going on like this. Stalking random profiles, scrolling, clicking on something completely different, and suddenly noticing we’ve been doing this for over an hour. Is this really what we want to do with our whole day? Why does it always seem to be “post it online or it didn’t happen”? So, now let’s focus on the negative sides of life without social networks: Social affiliation Many of us use social networks to contact friends and relatives. If we are accustomed to social networking online, if we do not have the Social networks, we will not find a way to share our latest travels with friends around the world. Meeting and engaging with people who live outside of our area will be difficult and more difficult. Maybe join a club or community in our neighborhood to find new friends. We will have to use the phone to be able to talk to our family and friends. In the absence of online social media, we will often say that we should go see them and chat with them. Entertainment: Without Social media networks, entertainment will be more costly than now and won’t be easily accessible like the current time. So, without entertainment people will get more and more depressed. Connecting When communicating via email, instant messaging, chat, or social media is not possible, we will have to resort to old ways of communicating with people. We will have to choose options for meeting face-to-face, telephone conversations, or sending and receiving letters. Communicating through Social networks is free, while other forms of communication are timeconsuming and costly. We have to write a letter and buy the stamp to send it, which is what we used to do before the Social networks. Post offices and telephone service providers will benefit greatly from increased demand for their services.

Information Social networks have become a huge source of information and resources. The lack of social networks means that one cannot quickly and easily access the information with just one click. For information, we need to go to the neighborhood library and virtually move the entire library to get the information we need and, of course, we can quickly find what we want very little. Students who are accustomed to complete their homework and projects through Social networks will face difficulties and will have to choose an alternate option. Students or students are forced to attend school or college. For news, we will have to go to the TV or the morning newspaper. Workplace Everything will be in our workplace. If our work is mainly done with the help of Social networks, our company may have to shut down our work. If we use part of the Social networks at our workplace and, for example, use an online system to get figures and statistics from the Social networks, this simple and easy task will become a complex and time-consuming process. Organizations will have to radically change their practices and processes to survive. Our desk will be full of records and records, and their search and categorization will turn into a nightmare. Trade and economics Without Social networks, the world economy will suffer the most. The emergence of a longterm economic downturn in the world will cause millions of people to lose their jobs and many businesses to shut down. The economy is shrinking and will be limited to local merchants and shops. For many industries, it may not be possible to do business with cities or other countries. The price of goods will rise because players in local markets will face less competition. The speed of business operations, which is possible thanks to the Social networks, will be slower. Most transactions will be done manually, and most commercial communications will be possible through mail and courier services. The demand for jobs that do not work with Social networks will increase sharply. Before the Social networks became part of our lives, we were able to manage our lives. And if the social networks were to be out of our day, surely without it we would be able to manage our lives, although it might well be the time to use the social networks. We cannot do this. But the good news is that, given the wide scope of global infrastructure and the breadth of Social networks technology, the emergence of this hypothetical situation is highly unlikely. So, enjoy and enjoy the life of the Paradise that we call the Social networks because, in the future, there will be more Social network technologies and initiatives that will evolve and act in a way that will change our lives. According to the forecast, by the year 2021, about 60% of the world's

population will have regular access to the Social networks, and a large share of this figure is related to mobile Social networks.

How to Fix our addiction to social media Being prepared to be forgotten Probably one of the rudest awakenings to be experienced after deactivating all our social media is we will be someone who could be forgotten. To some people, if we don’t have Facebook or Twitter, we don’t exist. We will end up not talking with a lot of people simply because we no longer had a Messenger account. Don’t be frightened by this, though – we can quickly get over it because the people that forgot us, we weren’t very close to. Our true friends will still be there for us – we’ll still able to make our friendships work. But be sure to realize there are people we’re going to stop talking to after hitting that deactivate button. Making sure we and our friends have a different form of communication. If we and our friends use social media as the leading means of communication, it’s time to change that. Texting is always a convenient option, but if our friend is outside the coverage area, e-mail is another great way to communicate – or we can download an app solely for chatting and talk there. Of course, we and our friends can start sending each other letters! Come on; we’ve already deactivated our social media – look for more chances to live like it’s 1989! Letters are incredibly fun to write and to send, and receiving one always feels more exciting and personal than receiving a text message. Put that stamp collection to good use! Find a different website to go to. Just because we’re swearing off social media doesn’t mean we’ve got to swear off all websites whatsoever. After we deactivate, we may become obsessed with reading blog posts and articles. we can go to movie sites and we even can develop a WordPress account, so I could follow blogs and write our thoughts. Of course, if we’re not into that, we can always go back to playing online games. Oh, and this is a perfect time to sign up for multiple newsletters and read them. That way, we’ll have multiple contents to read when we open our e-mail every day. Try theism for the news, or Dog-a-Day for cute puppies.

Have a hobby outside of surfing the web. Everybody has a hobby, and if we have at least one hobby that doesn’t involve staring at a screen, even better. We’ll have more time to invest in these hobbies, and who knows – we might even get better at them! Even if it’s as simple as playing Jenga or reading the newspaper, make sure we have something to preoccupy we during a slow Sunday afternoon. Other things to do: Meditation: Every day, we can have a meditation for one hour. That may make our minds constant and hassle-free and help to find inner peace. Building positive habits: we can build powerful habits after limiting our social media activities we can build positive habits like positive self-talk, thinking before we act, reading at least three pages a day, meditating for one to two hours every day, practicing public speaking, writing every day, etc. Using a productivity challenger app: we can download different productivity challenger apps from the Play Store for instance Brilliant. It helps to enhance productivity and to utilize time through increasing mental ability to solve the problem related to math, codes, logics. Reading self-help books: we can read a self-help book. We can read books like The Power of Now by Echkart Tolle, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. They may give outstanding feelings about life and helped us learn to be positive all the time. We can read over other self-help books too. Helping people: we can start to help people in various ways, and we even can try to give positive vibes in people's lives when they're frustrated. We can try to help and mentor people by motivating them. Trying to help poor children continue their studies will another good option. Doing all of the tasks discussed above, we may not vanish all the problems facing without social media but we can reduce it to a great extent....

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