Lloyd-LDM 1 Practicum Portfolio PDF

Title Lloyd-LDM 1 Practicum Portfolio
Author jennifer SAYONG
Course Bachelor in elementary education
Institution Cebu Technological University
Pages 27
File Size 4.9 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 69
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school head...


REQUIRED ARTIFACTS LDM Implementation Plan 1. 2 School Planning & Implementation

SELF-SELECTED ARTIFACTS Class Organization/ Load of Teachers/ Supervision of Teachers 2.4. Management of Staff

LDM Decision Tree 1.4 Research & Innovation 1.6 Learner Voice

LDM Readiness Results and Action Plan 1.4 Research & Innovation 2.1 Records Management 2.6 Emerging Opportunities and Challenges

Monitoring & Evaluation Plan 1.7 Monitoring and Evaluation Processes and Tools

Technical Assistance Plan for Teachers 3.3 Teaching Standards and Pedagogies 3.5 Learning Assessment 4.5 Learning and Development of School Personnel

Reflective Summary 4.2 Professional Reflection and Learning

Risks Management Plan 2.5. School Safety for Disaster, Preparedness, Mitigation and Resiliency

Learning Resources Development 2.6 Emerging Opportunities and Challenges 3.2 Teaching Standards and Pedagogies

Learning Assessment 3.5 Learning Assessment

Community Engagement 5.5 Community Engagement


The LDM Decision Tree had helped me as a school head in taking the right decision as to what learning modality the school has to adopt based on the community resources capacity and voice of the learners. Based on LESF, most of the learners in the community had chosen Printed Modules as modality since mostly are having no gadgets and access to Online, TVBI and RBI.

Annotation: The LDM Readiness Result (Baseline/Pre-Implementation) helped me and the school determine the extent of readiness in terms of pupils/learners and parents’ capacity, teacher’s competencies, school and community resources capacity and other considerations pertaining to the implementation of the chosen LDM. With these results, the school was able to assessed the risks that might hinder from reaching our targets and devise strategic plans to mitigate those risks.


The LDM Readiness Result (Midline) helped the school tracked the progress in the implementation of the chosen LDM, which is Modular-Printed. Assessments were conducted to measure the gains and gaps in the midline implementation of the LDM. Identified gaps were addressed by devising mechanisms and strategies to meet our desired outcomes and targets. Practices that were found contributing to the success of the implementation were intensified.


This action plan was crafted due to the emerging needs to address based on the results of the LDM Readiness Results. It manifests the intervention that the school have to undertake to address the needs in terms of teachers, parents and learners readiness.

Annotation: The Monitoring & Evaluation Plan is a tool to track progress of the implementation and helped me to make timely decisions to address risks and challenges and to leverage on opportunities through an efficient and effective manner. This helped me provide relevant support mechanisms to teachers.

Annotation: This Technical Assistance Plan encapsulates the school based-mechanisms on giving support to teachers in terms of learning management, LR management, capacity & competency, and household and community capacity.


Technical Assistance to teachers were given through the conduct of socially-distanced in person LAC Sessions and School-Based In- Service Trainings (INSETs) . Social media platforms like Facebook Messenger had also been a tool in giving technical assistance to the teachers.

The shift from the normal education setup to the so-called “new normal setup” was a big challenge for me as a school administrator. It was a challenge for me on how to make my teachers be ready for the setup , how would the parents would accept and react and mainly how would the learners would respond to it. But the school, being the catalyst of change should always be ready to adopt and adjust to whatever shift might have in the educational system. This was a challenge that led me to a new kind of learning experiences as an educator and a school administrator. The making of the LDM Decision Tree made me realized that as a school we should not only be contented on the resources that the school have, rather we should look and put into considerations the resources that our learners have. I came to a realization that contextualization really matters and by having a deeper look in the community, we will be able to implement policies that are beneficial to both the school and learners. This new normal set-up of education now proved the saying that says, “ It takes a village to teach a child”. Without the community, it would be hard for a school to successfully implement this Modular Distance Learning Modality that the school have adapted. Everyone was adjusting and little by little were able to get used to it. I have observed that teachers have difficulties during the start but with constant technical assistance and supervision they were able to adjust and adopt. By having constant positive guidance to my teachers had really helped me to achieved the goals of the school I set in this COVID-19 school year. Engaging learners, teachers, parents and teachers as the vital factors and prime movers of this educational endeavor had helped much to the success of the MDL implementation, for in the absence of support of one could hamper the goal of implementing the school learning continuity plan. With this, I can say that this collection of work reflects my ability and what I have achieved because I was able to learn and applied new things which were vital to me being a s school head, and these includes how to manage my teachers and the school resources as well as community and learners resources and being able to weigh things right based on gaps to be able to find the best solution with community support and engagements without compromising the quality of education that we can give even in times of pandemic. This made firmly believed that many hands makes work easy.



Considering the small number of pupils per grade in school, classes were organized in just one group per grade. Relative to class sizes , clustering of pupils/learners was not applied. Each class/group has a designated area in school where they can get and return SLMs and LASs.



For health and safety of school personnel, the school was implementing Skeletal Work Scheme in which teachers are in an onsite duty for two days and in a Work From Home schedule for 3 days. Class Schedule also are printed and given to each parents as their guide in helping their children in accomplishing the modules/ LASs.



To ensure quality of teaching and learning services delivery, teachers were being supervised on their practices on the application of standards teaching strategies and pedagogies. Class observations were conducted using the new Class Observation Tool (COT). Teachers were also supervised on how they assess their learners learning through their initiated individual learning assessment strategies. The modified school forms were utilized to track learners participation in modular learning activities and.



The absence of face to face class did not stop the school in ensuring safety of the school, personnel and learners. In response to COVID-19, a school-based health and safety protocols were implemented. IEC materials for COVID-19 were also given to parents and learners. A-school based COVID-19 Contingency Plan was also drafted. In addition, participation in the Global Handwashing Day, NSED and Dengue Prevention were also implemented. Parents were frequently reminded to observed health and safety protocols during SLMs and LASs distribution and retrievals.



Weekly Home Learning Plan is a weekly plan that aids teachers and parents in keeping track of the day-to-day home-based learning activity of pupils. These are required to be and checked each week before giving to the parents along with the SLMs and LASs. Its components and contents are being assesses whether it is attainable and within the capacity and resources of the learners . Findings in the assessments were noted and given feedbacks for improvement.



As supplementary learning materials for pupils, teachers were trained on how to make Learning Activity Sheets that are MELC-based. Grades 4,5 and 6 teachers were assigned to develop TLE and EPP Learning Activity Sheets for the 3rd and 4th Quarters – (District-based)



Annotation In the implementation of the modular- printed learning modality, pupils learning were assessed through summative test done every two weeks. Performance tasks were also given which is at least 4 in every quarter. Teachers were required to submit quarterly grading sheets and class General Performance Average to determine the areas needed to be given strategic interventions . Quarterly Card Day were also employed to conduct feedbacking on pupils performance.



Posters were posted in conspicuous places in the community . Leaflets and information packets were also printed by teachers and distributed to each houses observing minimum public health standards and protocols.



The school was able to maximize the use of social media particularly Facebook and Messenger as part of our communication efforts in reaching out parents , stakeholders and the community as a whole. Announcements and informations are posted in our school FB page. One teacher had also initiated her own communication system with her learners and parents through group chat.



As a result of the school donation drive and as a support to the school learning continuity plan, the school was able to received support from external stakeholders in terms of supplies augmentation for SLMs reproduction, COVID-19 essential items and hygiene kits,500 pcs of assorted books, WIFI set , TV, radio sets and Gulayan sa Paaralan Starter Kit with complete apparatus.



ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The school implementation of Modular –Printed learning modality was a collaborative effort of the following offices and individuals making this compilation of work possible.          

Department of Education-ROXII Schools Division Office of Cotabato Local Government Unit of Banisilan, Cotabato Barangay Local Government Unit of Tumbao-Camalig Monica D. Bermejo, Principal In-charge of Banisilan North District Teaching Force of Tumbao Elementary School Parents and other stakeholders of Tumbao Elementary School Parent Teachers Association (PTA) of Tumbao Elementary School Learners of Tumbao Elementary School Donors, Sponsors and Benefactors of Tumbao Elementary School

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