Loutan, ADAM English SBA 2020 PDF

Title Loutan, ADAM English SBA 2020
Author ie. adam
Course Caribbean Economy
Institution The University of the West Indies St. Augustine
Pages 19
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Adam Loutan


Rio Claro West Secondary






Ms. Abigail Ignacio


Causes of a Stroke


Lifestyle Diseases



Plan of investigation………………………………………………………………………3 Artefact #1…………………………………………………………………………………4 Artefact #2…………………………………………………………………………………5 Artefact #3………………………………………………………………………………....6 Reflection #1…………………………………………………………………………….....7 Reflection #2…………………………………………………………………………….....8 Reflection #3……………………………………………………………………………….9 Plan for oral Presentation………………………………………………………………......10 Written report……………………………………………………………………………....11 Artefact #4………………………………………………………………………………....12-13 Artefact #5…………………………………………………………………………………14-15 Artefact #6………………………………………………………………………………....16-17 Reference page……………………………………………………………………………..18-19


PLAN OF INVESTIGATION “The Causes of a Stroke” was chosen for my English SBA. As a future doctor in the field of neurosurgery this topic sparked my interest since I believe it will prepare me for this field of work. To successfully complete this investigation, I intend to use the internet and the school’s library services to find poems, newspaper articles and surf the internet to find videos. In doing this English SBA I hope to develop my writing skills, be able to identify the main idea and themes of a context, be able to interpret and analyze literary devices. The information gathered from my articles will aid me in formulating my oral presentation which will take the form of a speech.





ARTIFACT #3 A stroke is a type of cardiovascular disease that affects the cerebral arteries, those blood vessels that carry blood to the brain. A stroke occurs when one of those blood vessels in the brain is obstructed or ruptures flooding the brain with blood. Depriving blood and oxygen to the brain results in those immediate cells death, causing the brain not to function properly. Once parts of the brain stop functioning, it can directly affect the areas of the body controlled. A stroke can be generally be defined in two types of categories. The first and most common type of stroke is called ischemic stroke. This occurs when a blood clot (cerebral thrombosis) blocks a blood vessel in the brain. They can cause blood to seep out of the brain and accumulate around it, resulting in increased pressure in the brain. This build-up of pressure within the brain can cause altered brain function. In many cases, strokes can be diagnosed, prevented and treatable. Symptoms of a stroke can occur quickly and may cause: sudden numbness, tingling, or weakness, or paralysis in your face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of your body. Sudden: vision changes, trouble speaking (slurred speech), confusion or trouble understanding simple statements, problems with walking or balance, severe headache. It's recommended to call a doctor or 911 even if these symptoms last for a short amount of time because a transient ischemic attack, or mini stroke may have occurred. The transient ischemic attack may be a precursor to a stroke occurring soon. Catching these symptoms can dramatically increase chances of prevention additional damage to the body.


REFLECTION #1 The title of my SBA is ‘The causes of a stroke’ and the materials I chose are a video, a newspaper article, and a report. These articles have changed my thinking upon close examination of each article. My first piece is a video entitled ‘What causes a stroke’, This video spoke about a stroke being caused in numerous different ways, from analyzing this article I learned that a stroke can be caused because of cardiac abnormalities, atrial fibrillation which is an abnormal heartbeat or other abnormalities of the heart which influences the growth of plaque in the heart resulting in clots which cause oxygenated blood to be transported to various parts of the body. In rare cases genetic conditions can contribute to a patient having a stroke. Article two was a poster that illustrates the causes of a stroke with the use of pictures. With the use of colored images in this article, it has opened my mind to give me a better understanding of the different ways in which a stroke may be caused. My three articles all discussed the ways in which a stroke can be caused. In my third article it hinted on the causes with not much detail but also gives symptoms to look out for if you or someone is experiencing a stroke being; sudden numbness, trouble speaking, paralysis, and weakness.


REFLECTION #2 In writing, a writer or author uses different types of techniques or language to relay to his or her audience. The techniques an author uses are known as narrative techniques and these provide a deeper meaning for the target audience, it is also used to help the reader use imagination to visualize situations. In all three of my articles the language used was formal, Standard English as it was addressed to the public on a serious epidemic. In formal language first-person pronouns such as “I” and “We” are not used. Formal language was used in all artifacts above because these articles dealt with a serious topic, therefore the use of a formal language register was suitable. Evidence or statistics is often used to support the writer’s opinion, although statistics were not used within these artifacts emotions were used. Within my three artefacts, the tone used was a sense of seriousness as an important issue is being addressed. This is highlighted with statements such as “ Depriving blood and oxygen to the brain results in those immediate cells death, causing the brain not to function properly” and “They can cause blood to seep out of the brain and accumulate around it, resulting in increased pressure in the brain.”


REFLECTION #3 In formulating this SBA, I benefitted in many ways. I learnt many skills and facts about my topic, ‘The causes of a stroke’ that can benefit me in the future as I would like to become a doctor. This SBA has also developed my skills to conduct research on the necessary topic and analyze the information collected. The oral presentation has also improved my ability to speak more effectively about my topic in public context, my views and opinions. Not only did I develop as an individual, but also a team player. Through group work I have learnt about compromise, cooperation, negotiating and I have also improved my social skills. With all the skills I have developed from this assessment I would be able to apply them in other situations in life.


PLAN FOR ORAL PRESENTATION My oral presentation will be based on the topic “The causes of a stroke”. This presentation will take the form of a speech since I am skilled in this form of writing and it will also capture the attention of my audience as it will contain factual information and be an interesting presentation. The purpose of my presentation will be to inform my fellow classmates on the causes of a stroke and it will hint on ways to assist a person if they are experiencing a stroke. My presentation will take the form of a formal register as it will relay to my audience. In conducting my SBA articles were collected, I intend to use these articles in formulating my speech as information in these articles were detailed. By the end of my presentation I hope that my peers will be well informed on the causes of this crippling disease.


WRITTEN REPORT For this SBA, our group collectively selected the broad topic “Lifestyle Diseases” which later branched into five subtopics chosen by each member. Accumulating three artefacts per person using accessible resources such as poems, blogs, articles and YouTube videos was not a tedious process due to our topics being a serious epidemic and worldwide. We’ve been issued a process of illumination to select three artifacts out of fifteen, voting on which were the most captivating and informative. Some challenges had hindered this process due to lack of communication through absenteeism during discussions but was later resolved when we came upon a democratic decision after creating a group chat via social media. The final three artifacts were all in the point of view of someone living with a lifestyle disease, making it the best choice since we can directly learn and sympathize with the speakers experience through descriptive literature. The first poem being ‘Blood Pressure’ by Thomas Plotz. The second entitled ‘Roll your way to childhood obesity’ by Aman Aluja and finally ‘Cancer’ by Jessica Louise Wheeler. The poems had an entertaining and eye-opening effect of delivery which captivated and enlightened our members on the reality of the diseases. This educated the members on how severe Lifestyles Diseases are. As a group, we all learned how to cooperate with our peers and overcome challenges while getting in the habit of meeting deadlines. Due to having to read through each other’s articles to select three most satisfactory ones, we all became knowledgeable on each individual topic.


Overall, throughout the process of this SBA we were permitted to amplify our literary, research and analysis dexterity.

ARTICLE #4 POEM ON HIGH BLOODPRESSSURE Blood Pressure - Poem by Thomas Plotz Blood pressure,

Does this happen to you, Blue, it makes me, when I'M unable to see,

When pressure, gets too high My vision, becomes unclear, and uncertain, Both near, and far, ticks' me off,

Unable to read, no matter the distance, and Eye, specks doesn't seem to help…

Lesser changes becomes', undeterminable, and upsetting Letting, my younger self to stay inside, needing to hide

I exercise, and don't use salt,


What is it, is someone trying to kill me?

The people at the morgue, Will point, with finger extended, It's the roll, that's what did him in, Case closed,

I should ask for an, Independent autopsy, Just to be sure,

Charging my estate with the bill, Saying, yep he's dead, R.I.P., and thanks for serving, us


ARTICLE #5 ROLL YOUR WAY TO CHILD OBESITY BY AMAN AHUJA A monster you can see and feel, I will make you kneel. I grow and I grow And nothing you do can immediately stop me. Healthy bodies I can attack And unhealthy I can make worse; I am what you call “overweight”, I am obesity’s curse. I ruin your looks, I ruin your life; Illnesses you haven’t heard ofI bring them and create a strife. Diabetes I am a cause of


And early heart problems; High cholesterol you may have heard ofYes; that, too, I bring about. Asphyxiation, hypertensionNow do you see a premonition? So, eat right A balanced diet And you can feel light With a whole lot of might. But if you don’t, You know what you can doKids, kids! Roll your way to childhood obesity


ARTICLE #6 CANCER One day you showed up, With no reason why, You claimed your victims, You've made grown men cry.

I'm warning you now, That we're all fighting back, One day we will stop, Your unprovoked attacks.

You've proven your point, You make me sick to the core, You've left so many waiting, Outside of death's door.

Enough is enough,


You can't ruin lives forever, You've torn apart families, That were happy together,

Nobody knows, Why you're even here, You're not wanted, you're hated, You take those that are dear.

There's no explanation, But I want an answer, I know what you are, you're that murderous coward they call cancer.

You've got nowhere to run, And nowhere to hide, We are coming to get you, So say your final goodbyes!


BIBLIOGRAPHY Blood Pressure Poem by Thomas Plots-Poem Hunter. Retrieved From: https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/blood-pressure-2/

Inspirational Poem For Fighting Cancer, Cancer (n.d). Retrieved From: https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poem/inspirational-poem-for-fighting-cancer

My Stroke. (n.d). Retrieved From: https://www.astrokeofpoetry.com/my-poetry/

Roll your way to childhood obesity. (2010,August 4) Retrieved From: https://www.teenink.com/poetry/all/article/246362/Roll-Your-Way-to-Childhood-Obesity/

What is cardiovascular Disease? (n.d). Retrieved From:



Youtube. (n.d). Retrieved From: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uEAEjNSFxwI


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