MATH120 Lecture Notes 31 - Applications of maxima and minima PDF

Title MATH120 Lecture Notes 31 - Applications of maxima and minima
Course Introductory Mathematical Methods in Science and Economics
Institution University of New England (Australia)
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Applications of Maxima and Minima

Many situations arise in practice when we want to maximize or minimize a certain quantity. The general rule is that we express this quantity as a function of a certain other quantity which is regarded as a variable, for example, the cost function is a function with variable x, which stands for the number of items to be produced. The extremum of the function in general occurs at a critical point of the function, and we can use the second derivative test to confirm whether the critical point is a local minimum or local maximum point. We will explain the use of this general method through various examples. Example 1 (Maximizing Profits) A small manufacturing firm can sell all the items it can produce at a price of $6 each. The cost of producing x items per week (in dollars) is C(x) = 1000 + 6x − 0.003x2 + 10−6 x3 . What value of x should be selected in order to maximize the profit? Solution The revenue from selling x items at $6 each is R(x) = 6x dollars. Therefore the profit per week is P (x) = R(x) − C(x)

= 6x − (1000 + 6x − 0.003x2 + 10−6 x4 ) = −1000 + 0.003x2 − 10−6 x3

To find x which maximizes P (x), we first find the critical points of P (x). P ′ (x) = (−1000 + 0.003x2 − 10−6 x3 )′ = 0.006x − 10−6 3x2

Letting P ′ (x) = 0 we obtain 0.006x − 10−6 · 3x2 = 0

x(0.006 − 10−6 · 3x) = 0 It gives x = 0 or x =

0.006 10−6 ·3

= 2000.

Thus we have two critical points x = 0 and x = 2000. We now use the second derivative test to determine which critical point is a maximum point. P ′′ (x) = (0.006x − 10−6 · 3x2 )′

113 = 0.006 − 10−6 · 6x P ′′ (10) = 0.006 > 0, P ′′ (2000) = 0.006 − 10−6 · 6(2000)

= 0.006 − 0.012 = −0.006 < 0

Therefore x = 2000 maximizes P (x), that is x = 2000 should be selected in order to maximize the profits. ✷ Example 2 (Price Decision) The cost of producing x items per week is C(x) = 1000 + 6x − 0.003x2 + 10−6 x3 For the particular item in question, the price at which x items can be sold per week is given by the demand equation p = 12 − 0.0015x Determine the price and volume of sales at which the profit is maximum. Solution The revenue per week is R(x) = px = (12 − 0.0015x)x = 12x − 0.0015x2 The profit is therefore given by P (x) = R(x) − C(x)

= (12x − 0.0015x2 ) − (1000 + 6x − 0.003x2 + 10−6 x3 )

= −1000 + 6x + 0.0015x2 − 10−6 x3

To find when P (x) has a maximum, we first set P ′ (x) = 0 to find the critical points. P ′ (x) = 6 + 0.003x − (3 × 10−6 )x2 = 0 To find x, we use the quadratic formula and obtain p −0.003 ± 0.0032 − 4 × 6 × (−3 × 10−6 ) x = 2(−3 × 10−6 ) √ −0.003 ± 0.00009 + 72 × 10−6 = −6 × 10−6 = 2000 or − 1000 The negative solution has no practical significance, and when x = 2000,

P ′′(x) = 0.003 − 6 × 10−6 x

= 0.003 − 6 × 10−6 × 2000

= 0.003 − 0.012

= −0.009 < 0


31 APPLICATIONS OF MAXIMA AND MINIMA Therefore P (x) has a maximum when x = 2000. By the demand equation, p = 12 − 0.0015x

= 12 − 0.0015 × 2000

= 9

Thus the sales volume of 2000 items per week gives the maximum profit, and the price per item corresponding to this value of x is 9 (dollars). ✷ Example 3 (Minimizing Cost) A tank is to be constructed with a horizontal, square base and vertical, rectangular sides. There is no top. The tank must hold 4 cubic meters of water. The material of which the tank is to be constructed costs $10 per square meter. What dimensions for the tank minimizes the cost of material? Solution Let x be the length of the sides and y the height of the tank. Then the square base has area x2 , and the four rectangular sides each has area xy.

The total area of the material used is A = x2 + 4xy The volume of the tank is V = x2 y but by requirement, V = 4. Thus x2 y = 4 which gives y = x42 . Substituting this into the expression of A we obtain µ

4 A = x + 4xy = x + 4x x2 2


= x2 +

16 x

Now we can find for what value of x the area A has a minimum, and therefore the cost is minimized. dA = dx

¶′ µ 16 16 2 = 2x − 2 x + x x

115 To find critical points of A we let 2x −

16 x2

= 0,

2x =

16 , x2

dA dx

= 0, i.e.

2x3 = 16, x3 = 8,


There is one critical point x = 2. To use the second derivative test, we calculate µ ¶ 16 ′′ d2 A 48 = 2x − 2 = 2+ 3 dx2 x x and at x = 2, 48 48 d2 A >0 = 2+ =2+ 3 2 8 (2) dx Therefore A has a minimum when x = 2. From y = when x = 2.

4 x2

we deduce y =

4 22


Thus the tank should have the sides each 2 meters in length and 1 meter in height to minimize the cost. ✷...

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