MBU 3721 Final Exam Review PDF

Title MBU 3721 Final Exam Review
Course Public Relations in the Music Industry
Institution Belmont University
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Belmont University Public Relations / Public Relations in the Music Industry (MBU 3721) Final Exam Review and Notes...


Public Relations in the Music Industry Final Exam Review and Notes In which broad category of public relations jobs are practitioners least likely to have the term public relations included in their job titles? governments According to Professor David Dozier, persons whose primary role is to prepare communications that help execute public relations policies created by others are known as public relations ________________ . technicians Public relations differs from marketing because________ . public relations efforts focus on a broad range of publics In values-driven PR, the practitioner should consider _____. All of the above Penn State officials failed to reveal what they knew about the child sex abuse scandal as quickly as they should, and the school's greatest loss was ____. the National Collegiate Athletic Association fine of $60 million Which of the following is/are essential to any comprehensive definition of public relations? all of the above ________is one of the four steps in the public relations process Planning Which of the following describes the Contingency Theory of Accommodation? The practice of public relations exists somewhere between accommodation and advocacy. On average, the highest-paying jobs in public relations are in corporations. True Public relations is licensed by state and federal governments. False Practitioners fulfill a boundary-spanning role when they refuse to listen to or consider the interests of outside publics. False The process of building corporate and product identities is known as _____________________________________________________ . branding

Many public relations practitioners record how they spend their working hours ________________ . All of the above Both PRSA and IABC have accreditation programs that serve as a voluntary form of public relations licensing. True Early publicity agencies were not successful/didn't last because of credibility issues, lack of understanding and newspaper publishers' opposition to their efforts. True Demographics Age Gender Income Race / Ethnicity Psychographics opinions attitudes The "Railroad-Truckers Brawl" of the 1950s is significant because it led to ____________ . a court ruling establishing public relations as a legitimate activity in public policy debates Edward Bernays gets more credit for being the "father of public relations" than Ivy Ledbetter Lee because. [THIS QUESTION HAS TWO ANSWERS] WRONG: Lee worked for the Nazi sympathizers; Bernays did not The most important event in the development of modern U.S. public relations is _____________________________________. the ratification of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the largest minority group in the U.S. is currently Hispanic or Latino. True A group that can directly influence your organization's abilities to achieve its goals is known as ___________. a primary public The origins of public relations can be traced back to 1800 BC in what is now known as Iraq. True

Which of the following is not mentioned as one of the five social trends that led to the development of modern public relations? the aging of the Baby Boom generation A public in public relations is defined as________ . any group whose members share a common interest in a particular situation B2B means "back to business." False The group that spends the most money is consumers ages ______ . 45-54 This element of the communication model represents the content of communication. message This theory of mass communication says that the public has the power to decide whichmedia may influence them. WRONG: Magic Bullet Theory The theory that some needs are more basic than others and, therefore, provide us with greater motivation than others is ________. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Logos logical Ethos credibility Pathos Emotion The source is always the same as the message encoder. False The public opinion process starts with ________. an already present mass sentiment The effort to sway public opinion through the use of half-truths or by putting narrow interests ahead of broader ones is known as ________. manipulation

Communicating an idea in such a way that an audience is influenced, either intentionally or unintentionally, by the way it is expressed is known as ________. framing When it comes to public opinion, you should trust your "hunches" and"gut reactions." False When people have their minds made up on an issue, they tend to seek out information that reinforces their position. True In an ethical dilemma, when you try to understand the situation from others' viewpoints, you are applying the ethical principle known as _______ . veil of ignorance In the wake of financial scandals in recent years, business and public relations leaders recommend that corporations should ___________________ . [THIS QUESTION HAS TWO ANSWERS] build relationships based on mutual trust and define a set of values Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative requires one to make ethical decisions as if________ . they would be applied as rules that everyone had to follow Ethical considerations play an important role in every phase of the four-step process of public relations (Research, Planning, Implementation/Communication, Evaluation). True Doing something illegal also means that you're doing something unethical False The golden mean is a point of ethical harmony and balance between two extremes. True Misalignment between its expressed mission/values and behaviors can negatively impact an organization. True Which of the following is not considered a secondary research source? focus group interviews A communication audit________ . determines whether communications are consistent with stated goals and values

You can just poll any 15,000 people to gauge how everyone in the U.S. feels about an issue. False When conducting a focus group, you should not ask participants_____________________________________________________ . WRONG: to give you their attitudes on a subject ROI stands for________ . return on investment "What is your favorite color?" is an example of________ . an open-ended question The research technique used in compiling existing information generated by others is known as secondary research Primary research is information you look up False The research technique that determines whether an organization's communications are consistent with its stated goals and objectives is known as ______________ . WRONG: a communication audit Which of the following questions should one ask in developing a research strategy? [THIS QUESTION HAS TWO ANSWERS] How will I gather needed information? and What do I want to know? When everyone in a sampling frame is included in the sample, the sampling technique is known as ____. a census An easy way to remember distinctions is - quantitative research is hard data and qualitative research is rich data. True Which of the following has/have been identified as among the key components for evaluating relationships? [THIS QUESTION HAS TWO ANSWERS] communal relationship And trust When you reduce variables to numbers, you're conducting qualitative research. False

When an effort is made to make a sample representative by selecting names from a sampling frame following a predetermined pattern, such as picking every fourth name, the sampling technique is known as _________. systematic sampling The ideal number of focus group participants is 16. False Observational research can include examining an organization's web traffic patterns. True We use research to glean information that help us make good decisions. True Social science processes are inherent n PR's four-step process of Research | Plan |Implement (Communication) | Evaluation. True AVE (ad value equivalency) is the most accurate metric for PR effectiveness. False A public relations plan that contains strategies for dealing with a situation that may arise is called _________. a contingency plan SMART objectives are specific, micro-managed, attention-getting, relevant and timely. False Public relations practitioners engage in planning because ________ . [THIS QUESTION HAS TWO ANSWERS] it keeps actions in line with an organization's values-based mission AND it helps an organization to secure needed resources Broad/Generalized statements of the outcomes you hope your plan will achieve are _________. goals The general, nonspecific descriptions of actions called for in a public relations plan are known as _________. strategies The completion of tactics helps to fulfill measurable________ . objectives

Public relations planning aids the effective management of resources. True Plans are executed using tools like Gantt charts or project management software. True Tactics are what's done or produced, so they're generally what's produced or seen first, but in the four-step process, they should determined last True Which of the following is written as a news or feature story? A News Release Third-party endorsement refers to the credibility associated with messages in uncontrolled media. True PR tactics, in context of the basic communication model (source-message-receiver-etc.), involve both messages and channels. True Some tactics are required legally, such as ________ published by publicly-held corporations. annual reports News conferences should be a practitioner's first choice when it comes to choosing tactics for generating publicity. False Which of these is not a factor in executing tactics? team members liking each other enough to hangout after work The best planning and implementation (communication) meets people where they are with the best, error-free, properly formatted, well-delivered message designed to achieve specific results. True In the context of PR's four-step process, where might you use the terms goal, objective, strategies, tactics? WRONG: Implementation (Communication) Differentiating goal, objective, strategy and tactics: Tapping the power of influencers is a how and can therefore be considered strategy, but what of actually reaching out to them, sending product samples and getting featured in their social circle is an example of tactics.

The internet, smartphones and social media have taken organizations and their publics further from true two-way communication. False The acronym "IDEA" -- idea generation (discovering the right message), arrangement (organizing the message), expression (finding the best words and images), and delivery (selecting the most effective media) -- encapsulates principles of message construction that can be traced back to ancient Greece and Rome. True All of the following are social ramifications of the Digital Revolution except ___. global warming Even when document distribution is delegated to others, the writer should double-check to make certain it has been successfully accomplished. True When deciding which medium to use to communicate, ________. WRONG: the medium is the message "Snackable" content both helps with and contributes to humans' decreased attention spans. True Writing something for use in broadcast media is different from writing something for print media because ______. the broadcast audience usually gets only one chance to understand the message The first step in the creative thinking process is to __________ . gather Approval is not a part of a professional communicator's writing process. False AIDA is an acronym that copywriters love; using it helps guide the audience through these steps: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. True The inverted pyramid is the writing style favored by journalists. True The goal-oriented, objective, comprehensive, systematic mental exploration of a subject is known as _______. critical thinking

Your text authors use of the terms macro editing and micro editing roughly equates to your instructor's rubric distinctions of content and mechanics. True Which of the following statements is not true? Values are linked to changes in technology. Some people are creative and others aren't; creativity can't be learned or cultivated. False A good website ________. assists in building and maintaining relationships A successful IMC campaign should do all of what's listed below except ____. communicate only to mass audiences using traditional media outlets Integrated Marketing Communication is essentially the intersection of public relations, marketing and advertising and the PESO model provides visualization of how it all works together. True There is much automation and even AI (artificial intelligence) in today's customer communication, but all organizations except the smallest can still thrive without using customer relationship management tools. False Controllable, paid communication with an identified sponsor that is designed to inform or persuade an audience is ____. Advertising In crisis situations, it's OK for organizations to withhold information people need to protect themselves False An unpleasant occurrence that is commonplace, can be addressed in a limited time frame, and doesn't drain organizational resources or arouse public attention is ___________________________________________________ . a problem Which of the following is not one of Lauterborn's four C's of IMC? consumer commitment The designated crisis management team needs to be properly trained. True Which of these is not good advice related to crisis communication?

WRONG: Be first Having a crisis plan is important, but folks are generally too busy to practice executing it in advance of when action is needed. False It is a good idea to include a lawyer on an organization's crisis management team. True Which of the following statements is/are true? WRONG: A and C only Which of these statements is not true? one crisis response will definitely work in all similar situations The process of identifying potential threats is known as______ . risk assessment The procedure for verifying the identities of working reporters is known as credentialing. True Something that requires a considerable investment of time and organizational resources while bringing unwanted public attention is ____________ . a crisis Which of these statements is untrue? No good can come from a crisis. At which step of the crisis communications process do you engage in an evaluation of what went well in handling the crisis and what didn't? recovery A crisis plotting grid______ . aids in identifying the most likely and most disruptive potential crises The primary goal behind the establishment of a media information center during a crisis is a desire to __________ . make it the reporters' go-to source for official information Authors and inventors have the right to profit from their work for a limited time according to the _____. U.S. Constitution The use of someone's likeness for a commercial purpose without consent is ____.

appropriation Work produced by someone in the scope of his or her employment ____ & _____. [THIS QUESTION HAS TWO ANSWERS] belongs to the employer and is considered work for hire _______ protect intellectual property, defined as original works of authorship that are fixed in a tangible form of expression. copyrights Publishing false information that wrongfully injures the reputation of others is _____. libel Political speech is more restricted than commercial speech. false The obligation that publicly held companies announce information that may influence the decision to buy, sell, or hold stock is known as ____. disclosure Public relations practitioners should ____. know the laws and agency rules that govern their organization Expression associated with the normal conduct of a democracy is known as ____ speech. political The Federal Trade Commission regulates commercial speech more than any other agency, but many/most federal agencies have rules that impact professional communicators' work because federal agency rules carry the force of law. True Actual malice is defined as ____. knowing falsehood or reckless disregard for the truth Expression intended to generate marketplace transactions is known as ___ speech. commercial There is one distinct U.S. culture. False

According to Hofstede's cultural dimensions, _____ measures how well a society tolerates ambiguity.

uncertainty avoidance It is possible to get information about other nations from the Central Intelligence Agency. True Even with different encoding necessary for different cultures, all messages from an organization should still embrace _____. core organizational values Because of constantly shifting societies, it is impossible to do research on a different culture. False The process of selecting words, images, and other forms of communication that will form a message is known as ______. encoding When the Coca-Cola Company tried to translate the name of its popular soft drink into Chinese, the translation read ___. "Bite the wax tadpole" The term that describes a group of people unified by shared characteristics is ___________. culture The process of producing meaning from a source's message is known as _______. decoding The assumption that all members of a particular culture will always act, think, feel, and believe in the same way can be described as ___. WRONG: Assimilation According to your textbook, the most successful efforts at spreading democracy around the world have been those ___. mindful of local traditions and values PR tools and tactics are used regularly by conflicting forces and ideologies. True In recent years, public relations, marketing and related fields have become increasingly integrated, but such integration is not expected to continue. False PR tools and tactics can be used as much to hurt as to help; it's important that practitioners have a good values system, a strong moral compass and stalwart consideration for the public good.

True PR is more than 85% female, yet leadership roles are often held by males. True ________ is the United Nations' term for "the growing interdependence of the world's people through shrinking space, shrinking time, and disappearing borders." Globalization PR is not a growing field right now. False ____________ are the fastest growing market within the U.S. economy. Hispanics/Latinos What is the nature of the challenge of public relations? Multifaceted What is NOT a representative term of the definitions of public relations? manipulative Which is NOT a component of basic public relations practice? networking Effective public relations is based on actual policies and performance Public relations should always foster... (two answers) open, two-way communication & mutual understanding You have read about the RACE formula. What do those letters stand for? Research, action, communication, evaluation How does public relations contribute to the bottom line? Identifies new opportunities, builds morale and teamwork, ease resistance to change, and ensure public consent all of these What is NOT a component of public relations financial audits CEOs show the following regarding the value of public relations? It pays nearly a 200 percent return on investment

Clients often criticize public relations firms for: superficial grasp of the client's problems Today's public relations firms offer all of the following EXCEPT: executive speech training, research and evaluation, legal counsel, events management, crisis communication legal counsel The standard industry practice among public relations firms is to bill clients: at least three times a person's salary One can determine whether public relations practitioners have influence in their organizations by examining: perception of value by top management, whether practitioners take on managerial role, whether they report to the CEO, their years of professional experience all of the above Other names used for public relations departments include all of the following EXCEPT: sales, corporate relations, public affairs, marketing communications, community relations sales a service many public relations agency provide that is designed to establish company brands and promote reputation Branding and corporate reputation Public relations professionals use research for which reason? Achieving credibility with management, defining audiences and segmenting publics, formulating strategy, testing messages all of the above Which of the following is NOT an example...

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