Medical Terminology I Prefix List PDF

Title Medical Terminology I Prefix List
Author Tarek Safadi
Course Medical terminology
Institution Central Piedmont Community College
Pages 10
File Size 107.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Medical terminology prefix-list...


Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

CPCC/Spring 2017

Medical Terminology I (Prefix List)

Prefix a an ab abdomin acanth acetabul acous acro acromi actin acu ad aden adip adren(al) aer(a/o) af agglutin agora alb(in) albumin alges alveol ambly amni amyl an ana andro(s) aneurysm angi anis ankyl ante anter anthrac anthro anti anxi aort apo apo(neur)

Meaning no, not, opposite no, not, without, opposite away from abdomen thorny, prickly acetabulum - hip socket hearing top, extreme point, extremities acromion - shoulder bone extension light sharp, sudden and severe toward gland fat adrenal gland air toward sticking together, clump marketplace white protein pain sensitivity or awareness air sac dull, not easily seen amnion - sac surrounding embryo starch anus up - sometimes backward or new male widening of blood vessel vessel (blood) unequal stif before, forward front coal human against anxiety, uneasiness aorta - largest heart artery away from, of aponeurosis - type of tendon 1

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

append(ic) aque arter(i) arteriol arthr articul asbest atel ather atri audi(t) aur(icul) auto axill azot bacill bacteri balano baro bartholin baso bi bio bil bilirubin blepharo bolo / balo brachi brachy broncho bronchio bronchiolo bucco burso byssino/sis caco calco calcaneo calcio calio capillar capno carcino cardio carpo cata caudo causo

CPCC/Spring 2017

appendix water artery small artery joint joint asbestos incomplete, not finished plaque (fatty substance) atrium (upper heart chamber) hearing ear self, own armpit urea, nitrogen bacilli (bacteria) bacteria penis pressure and / or weight Bartholin glands base two life bile - gall bilirubin (formally hematoidin) eyelid cast - throw - toss arm short bronchial tube bronchial tube bronchiole cheek bursa (sac of fluid near joints) cotton dust / brown lung disease bad / evil calcium calcaneus (heel bone) calcium calyx capillary (smallest blood vessel) carbon dioxide cancer - cancerous heart wrist bones down lower part of body - tail burn 2

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

cautero ceco celio cephalo cerebello cerebro cerumino cervico cheilo chemo chiro chloro chlorhydro chole cholangio cholecysto choledocho cholesterolo chondro choreo chorio choriono choroido chromo chrono chymo cibo cineo cirrho ciso claustro claviculo coagulo coccygo cochleo colo colla colono colpo comato comio con conio conjunctivo contra coro coreo corneo

CPCC/Spring 2017

heat - burn cecum (part of colon) hernia head cerebellum (exterior part of brain) cerebrum (largest part of brain) cerumen neck or cervix (neck of the uterus) lip chemical - drug hand green hydrochloric acid bile - gall bile - vessel gallbladder bile duct cholesterol cartilage dance chorion = outermost fetus membrane chorion choroid layer of eye color time to pour meal movement yellowish color to cut enclosed space clavicle = collar bone coagulation or clotting coccyx = tail bone cochlea = inner part of ear colon = large intestine glue colon = large intestine vagina deep sleep care for together - with dust conjuctiva = eyelid lines against - opposite pupil pupil cornea 3

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

corono corporo cortico costo cranio craso crino cryo crypto culdo cutaneo cyano cyclo cysto cyto dacry dacryoadeno dacryocysto dactylo de demo dent derm dermato desicco dia diaphoro diplo dipso disto dorso dorsi ducto duodeno duro dys ec echo ecto electro em emmetro en encephalo endo(s) entero eosino epi

CPCC/Spring 2017

heart - crown body cortex - outer region rib skull mixture - temperament to secrete cold hidden cul-de-sac skin blue ciliary - cycle - circle urinary bladder = cyst = sac of fluid cell tear tear gland tear sac - lacriman sac fingers - toes down - less - removal of - lack of people tooth skin skin drying through / throughout sweat double thirst far away - distant back of body back to lead or carry duodenum dura mater bad - difficult - abnormal -painful out - away from - outside reflected sound outside electricity in with full or due measure in - within brain (within head) in - within samll intestines (usually) smt large red; rosy; dawn-colored above; upon; on 4

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

epididymo epiglotto episio epithelio equino ergo erythemo erythro eso esophago estheso estro ethmo etio eu ex exanthemato exo extra facio fascio femoro fibro fibroso fibulo flex fluoro folliculo fungi furco galacto gangliono gastro gero geronto gesto gestero gingivo glauco glio glosso gluco glyco glycogeno gnoso / gnosi gono gonad gonio

CPCC/Spring 2017

epididymis epiglottis vulva skin horse work redness flushed color red inward esophagus (inward food) nervous sensation female sieve cause good - normal - correct away from - out rash out - away from outside face fascia = membrane supporting muscles femur = thigh bone fiber fibrous connecting tissue fibula to bend luminous - shining follicle - small sac fungus = lacking chlorophyll forking = branching milk ganglion - collection of nerves stomach old age old age pregnancy pregnancy gum gray glial cells = neuroglial cells tongue glucose = sugar sugar - sweet glycogen = animal starch knowledge seed sex glands angle 5

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

granulo gravido gyneco hallucin hemo hemato hemi hepato hernio hidro histo/io homeo hormono hydro hyper hypno hypo hypophyso hystero iatro ichthyo idio ileo ilio immuno in infra inguino insulino inter intra iodo iono ipsi ir iro irido iso ischo ischio jaundo jejuno kali karyo kerato kern keto ketono

CPCC/Spring 2017

granules pregnancy woman - female sex hallucination - hallucinagen blood blood half liver hernia sweat tissue same - unchanging hormone water excessive - above normal sleep below - less than normal - under pituitary gland uterus - womb physician - doctor - treatment dry - scaly distinct - unique - individual ileum ilium immune - protection in - into - not below - beneath groin insulin between within - into iodine to wander same in iris (colored portion of eye) iris (colored portion of eye) same - equal back - holding back ischium (part of hip bone) yellow jejunum potaassium nucleus cornea - horny, hard tissue nucleus ketones - acetones ketones - acetones 6

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

kinesi klepto kypho labio lacrimo lacto lamino laparo laryngo/i latero leiomyo lepto letho leuko lexo ligamento linguo lipo lobo logo lordo lumbo luteo luxo lympho lymphadeno lymphangio sacro salpingo sarco scapulo schizo scinti scirrho sclero scolio scoto sebo sebaceo secto semi semini sepso sialo sialadeno sidero sigmoido silico

CPCC/Spring 2017

movement to steal humpback lip tear - tear (lacrimal) duct milk lamina abdominal wall - abdomen larynx side smooth muscle thin - slender death white word ligament tongue fat - lipid lobe study curve lower back - loin yellow to slide lymph limph gland lymph vessel sacrum salpingo fallopian tube flesh - tissue shoulder blade split spark hard sclera - white of eye crooked - bent darkness sebum sebum to cut half semen - seed infection saliva salivary gland iron sigmoid - colon glass 7

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

sinuso somato somno sono spermo spermato spheno sphero sphygmo splanchno spino spiro spleno spondylo squamo stapedo staphylo steato stero stereo sterno stetho stomato strepto stylo sub submaxillo supra sym syn syncopo syndesmo synovo syringo tachy tarso taxo telo teleo teno tendino terato testo tetra thalamo thalasso theto theco

CPCC/Spring 2017

sinus body sleep sound spermatozoa - sperm cells sperm cells wedge - sphenoid bone round - globeshaped pulse viscera - guts (internal organs) spine - backbone to breathe spleen vertebra - backbone scale stapes - middle ear bone uvula fat - sebum solid - steroid solid - threedimensional sternum chest mouth twisted pole - stake under - below mandible = lower jaw bone upper - above together - with together - with cut of - cut short (faint) ligament synovial membrane - 'sheath' around tendon tube fast hindfoot or ankle coordination - order complete distant tendon tendon monster - malformed fetus testis four thalamus sea put - place sheath 8

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

thelo therapeuto thermo thoraco thrombo thymo thyro thyroido tibio toco tomo tono toneo tonsillo topo toxo toxico tracheo trans tri tricho trigono tropho tympano ulno ultra umbilico unguo uni uro uretero urethro urino utero uveo uvulo vago vagino valvo valvulo varico vaso vasculo veno ven/i venero ventro ventriculo

CPCC/Spring 2017

nipple - want treatment heat chest clot thymus gland thyroid gland thyroid gland tibia (shin bone) labor - give birth to cut tension to stretch tonsil place - position - location poison poison trachea (windpipe) across - through three hair trigone (triangle -area within bladder) nourishment tympanic membrane - eardrum ulna - lower arm bone beyond - excess umbilicus (navel) nail one urine ureter urethra urine uterus (womb) uvea - vascular layer of eye uvula vaugus nerve vagina valve valve varicose veins vessel - duct vessel - blood vein vein venereal - sexual contact front side of body ventricle - of heart or brain 9

Medical Terminology I (MED-121-05)

venulo vertebro vesico vesiculo vestibulo viscero vito vitro vitreo vivo volo vulvo xantho xeno xero xipho zoo

CPCC/Spring 2017

venule (small vein) vertebra - backbone urinary bladder seminal vesicle vestibule of the inner ear internal organs life vitreous body (of the eye) glass life to roll vulva yellow stranger - foreigner dry sword - blade life


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