Medication Template Quetiapine PDF

Title Medication Template Quetiapine
Author Jennifer Brown
Course Mental Health Nursing
Institution Tarrant County College
Pages 1
File Size 75.2 KB
File Type PDF
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MEDICATION: Quetiapine (Kwe-TIA-a-pene) generic Seroquel brand name CLASS: Therapeutic- antipsychotics, mood stabilizers DOSAGE & INDICATION: Schizophrenia. Depressive episodes with bipolar disorder. Acute manic episodes associated with bipolar I disorder (as monotherapy [for adults or adolescents] or with lithium or divalproex [adults only]). Maintenance treatment of bipolar I disorder (with lithium or divalproex). Adjunctive treatment of depression. PO (Adults): Immediate-release— 25 mg twice daily on Day 1,qby 25– 50 mg 2– 3 times daily on Days 2 and 3, up to 300– 400 mg/day in 2– 3 divided doses by Day 4 (not to exceed 800 mg/day); Extended-release— 300 mg once daily, ^by 300 mg/ day (not to exceed 800 mg/day); elderly patients or patients with hepatic impairment should be started on immediate-release product and converted to extended-release product once effective dose is reached. MECHANISM OF ACTION: Probably acts by serving as an antagonist of dopamine and serotonin. Also antagonizes histamine H1 receptors and alpha1-adrenergic receptors. Therapeutic Effects: Decreased manifestations of psychoses, depression, or acute mania INTERACTIONS: Drug-Drug: Concurrent use of macrolide antiCONTRAINDICATIONS/ PRECAUTIONS: Contraindicated in: SIDE/ADVERSE EFFECTS: infectives (erythromycin, CNS: NEUROLEPTIC Hypersensitivity; Lactation: Lactation; Concurrent use of clarithromycin), dofetilide, sotalol, EDUCATION: MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION: mental agentsMonitor that prolong the QT interval,PATIENT including dofetilide, ● Instruct patient to take MALIGNANT SYNDROME, quinidine, disopyramide, medication as directed. Take missed doses as soon as status (mood, orientation,sotalol, behavior) before and SEIZURES, dizziness, quinidine, disopyramide, amiodarone, procainamide remembered unless almost time for next dose; do not periodically during therapy. ● Assess for suicidal dronedarone, thioridazine, chlorpromazine, droperidol, cognitive impairment, thioridazine,chlorpromazine, double doses.trioxide, Consult health care professional prior to tendencies, especially during early therapy. Restrict pentamidine, extrapyramidal symptoms, moxifloxacin, mefloquine, arsenic droperidol, gemifloxacin, stopping quetiapine; should be discontinued gradually. amount of drug available to patient. Risk may be dolasetron, tacrolimus, ziprasidone, erythromycin, sedation, tardive dyskinesia. moxifloxacin, mefloquine, Stopping abruptly may cause insomnia, nausea and increased in children, adolescents, and adults 24 yr. ● EENT: ear pain, rhinitis, citalopram, escitalopram, and clarithromycin ( ^risk of pentamidine, arsenic vomiting. ●including Advise patient and caregiver that trioxide, AssessResp: weight and BMI initially andarrhythmias); throughout History of arrhythmias, serious pharyngitis. cough, dolasetron,citalopram, escitalopram quetiapine should therapy. ● Monitor BP (sitng, standing, Hypokalemia lying) and or hypomagnesemia bradycardia; ( ^risknot of be given to elderly patients with dyspnea. CV: ^BP (children), tacrolimus, ziprasidone ^the dementia-related psychosis; may ^risk and of death. ● pulse before and frequently duringarrhythmias); initial dose Congenital long serious QT syndrome (^risk palpitations, peripheral risk of serious ventricular Inform of the possibility of extrapyramidal titration. during dose titration, of serious arrhythmias). Use Cautiously in:patient Cardiovascular edema, posturalIf hypotension occurs and should be avoided. symptoms. Instruct patientarrhythmias to report symptoms return to the previous dose. ● Observe patient disease, cerebrovascular disease, dehydration or hypotension. GI: depression may occur with immediately to health care^CNS professional. ● Advise carefully anorexia, when administering to ensure (^risk medication is hypovolemia of hypotension); History of seizures, PANCREATITIS, alcohol, antihistamines, opioid patient swallowed not hoarded or cheeked. ● Monitor Alzheimer’s dementia; Diabetes (may ^riskto ofchange positions slowly to minimize constipation, dry and mouth, sedative/hypnotics. hypotension. ●analgesics, May cause and drowsiness. for onset ofSTEVENSextrapyramidalhyperglycemia); side effects (akathisia— dyspepsia. Derm: Patients at risk for orthostatic aspiration pneumonia; ^risk of hypotension with acute to avoid driving or other activities restlessness; dystonia—muscle spasms and twisting Hepatic impairment (dose decreaseCaution may bepatient necessary); JOHNSON SYNDROME, ingestion of alcohol or requiring alertness until response to medication is motions; or lowered pseudoparkinsonism—masklike faces, sweating. Hemat: Hypothyroidism (may be exacerbated); History of suicide ● Advise patient toantihypertensives. avoid extremes in Phenytoin and rigidity,leukopenia. tremors, drooling, attempt; shuffling OB: gait,Neonates dysphagia). at ^risk for known. extrapyramidal hemoglobin, thioridazine ^clearance and lower temperature; this drug impairs body temperature dose or Endo: Report weight these gain, symptoms; reduction symptomsofand withdrawal after delivery when exposed effectiveness of quetiapine (dose ● Advise patient to notify health care discontinuation may be necessary. Trihexyphenidyl during the 3rd trimester; or use only ifregulation. maternal benefit hyperglycemia, change may be necessary); similar professional of all Rx or OTC medications, vitamins, or benztropine may be used to control these hyperlipidemia, outweighs risk tosymptoms. fetus; Pedi: May ^risk of suicide effects may occur with herbal products ● Monitor for tardive dyskinesia (involuntary attempt/ideation especially during early treatmentbeing or taken and to consult with health hyperprolactinemia, carbamazepine, barbiturates, careinprofessional rhythmic movement of mouth, and extremities). hypertriglyceridemia, dose face, adjustment; risk may be greater children or before taking other medications and rifampin, or corticosteroids. Effects alcohol,doses especially Report immediately; may be irreversible. ● Monitor adolescents; Geri: May require decreased ^risk other of CNS depressants. ● Advise hypothyroidism. MS: may be ^by ketoconazole, patient and family for development of neuroleptic malignant syndrome rhabdomyolysis. Misc: flumortality and stroke in elderly patients treated for to notify health care professional if itraconazole, fluconazole (fever, respiratory distress,dementia-related tachycardia, seizures, thoughts about suicide or dying, attempts to commit psychosis. like syndrome. diaphoresis, hypertension or hypotension, pallor, suicide; new or worse depression; new or worse tiredness). Notify health care professional anxiety; feeling very agitated or restless; panic attacks; immediately if these symptoms occur. ● Assess for trouble sleeping; new or worse irritability; acting rash periodically during therapy. May cause Stevensaggressive; being angry or violent; acting on dangerous Johnson syndrome. Discontinue therapy if severe or if impulses; an extreme increase in activity and talking,...

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