Mission trip essay PDF

Title Mission trip essay
Author George Nagle
Course College Mathematics
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
File Size 96.6 KB
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Essay for mission trip assignment...


George Nagle Mat-144 May 3, 2018 Steve Hughes Mission Trip to Japan For my mission trip I chose to provide help to the Japanese people who have been infected by the earthquake and tsunami that hit them in 2011. There were 150,000 Japanese people who were affected by the quake, and in 2017 there are only 50,000 of those people who are in temporary shelter (Oskin, 2017). Our main goal of this mission trip is to help the remaining people, approximately 100,000, by providing a meal for them as well as cleaning up the damaged area. The current population of Japan as of today is 126,185,850 with an annual growth rate of -0.21% per year. Using the formula to calculate population, p ( t )=126,185,850 (1−0.0 0 21)5 =11 3,720,063 . The main goal at the end of this mission trip is to be able to help as many people as we can in the time we have planned for and we also anticipate to help many of those who are not aware of God’s love to be aware of his love. Gaining the funds for this trip will not be easy as stated by an excel budget, it would cost approximately $1,137,943.90 to be able to go to Japan and preform the mission trip. By investing 30% of our projected budget into a sponsorship, we can use the following formula to determine how much extra money we can receive in the next 5 years: Α=30 %∗1,137,943.90 . With the sponsorship we can expect an additional $23,216,132.06 for the mission trip. The trip can also can a financial boost if we can fundraise at least $100 a

month for the next five years. With an APR of 10%, the formula used helps calculate the amount we will receive:


A=100∗( 1+

10 % 12




10 % ) . $7,743.71 is the total projected amount of what we 12

should receive by fundraising a minimum of $100 a month. If fundraising and sponsorships do not work out, or a plan is running short, a loan is always a third option in any financial situation. A loan is a great easy way to have access to a large amount of money quickly, however there are also drawbacks because you will always pay back so much more in interest. Chase bank offers a loan at 16.24% APR with a loan rate of 20 years. Bank of America allows the same loan to be taken out at 23.49% APR but with the loan rate of 10 years. The monthly payment formula for the loan from Bank of America will be:

0.2349 ) 1,137,943.90( 12 PMT = 0.2349 −12∗10 1− 1+ 12



. Chase bank follows the same formula, but its APR is used


0.1624 ) 1,137,943.90( 12 PMT = . Paying back the loans will take some time and the 0.1624 −12∗20 1+ 1− 12



payments will be very large in portions. The monthly payment amount from Chase Bank comes out to be $16,036.96 a month and Bank of America comes out to $23,738.87 a month.

Leviticus 19:15-18 reads: “15 You shall not act dishonestly in rendering judgment. Show neither partiality to the weak nor deference to the mighty, but judge your neighbor justly. 16 You shall not go about spreading slander among your people; nor shall you stand by idly when your neighbor’s life is at stake. I am the LORD. 17 You shall not hate any of your kindred in your heart. Reprove your neighbor openly so that you do not incur sin because of that person. 18 Take no revenge and cherish no grudge against your own people. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD” (Inspirations, 2017). Loving your neighbor as yourself is a practice that we as human beings must use every day if we want our world to have more peace. Whenever someone is hurt or need assistance we all look towards one another for help. But what if the people who you look towards to are also in need just like you. There are 100,000 Japanese people who are living without shelter or a proper meal and that is why a mission trip to come and provide a meal for them is very important to establish a vital relationship with ourselves and with Christ. My worldview has always been to be fortunate for life I have been giving. My family has always told me that there will be people out there who are less fortunate than myself, and I can see from this mission trip that they were not wrong about that. While we plan to serve meals to those in need, spreading the message of God’s word is also a big part of the trip as well. We have put into budget that 100,000 people in the Sukoiso area will be getting a bible, so they can continue to be reading the good word. The target population of this mission trip is located in Sukoiso; Northeastern Japan. Compared to the whole country of Japan, the Japanese people who are not seeking shelter make up of only 0.09% of the population in 5 years. The earthquake/tsunami that hit Sukoiso costed Japan a rough estimate of 16.9 trillion yen which will then put the total economic cost

could reach up to 235 billion dollars, or 25,802,647,500,000 Japanese yen (Oskin, 2017). The services that the mission trip can provide is that it can help reduce the economic cost. However, there is not a way to accurately know how much money the mission trip team will be saving as a whole. Keeping the people of mission trip, and the target population safe is very important. According to the World Factbook, there is a terrorist group, Aum Shinrikyo, located north in Hokkaido (CIA,20180. The distance between the mission trip location and Hokkaido is 789.4 kilometers, or 490.51 miles. As stated by the world Factbook, Aum Shinrikyo aims to “attract new members seeking religious guidance and exhibiting a willingness to financially support the organization; historically, leaders sought to overthrow the Japanese Government and to spark a nuclear war between Japan and the US to create a global Armageddon, “cleansing” the world so its members could achieve salvation” (CIA, 2018). This information is important to know when coming into japan so the team can be aware of any ongoing issues of members recruiting uneducated visitors coming into the country.

Reference: Oskin, Becky. “Japan Earthquake & Tsunami of 2011: Facts and Information.” LiveScience, Purch, 13 Sept. 2017, www.livescience.com/39110-japan-2011-earthquake-tsunamifacts.html.

“The World Factbook: JAPAN.” Central Intelligence Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, 1 May 2018, www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/ja.html.

Tvaraj. “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself.” Inspirations, 23 Sept. 2017, tvaraj2inspirations.wordpress.com/2012/03/16/love-your-neighbor-as-yourself/....

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