MKT Reviewer Ch. 13 s Quizlet PDF

Title MKT Reviewer Ch. 13 s Quizlet
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Marketing Ch. 13


Marketing Ch. 13 Terms in this set (101) In countries like the United States, services

e. account for an increasing share of jobs.

a.are replacing property taxes as a source of government revenue. b.will decrease in demand as the population ages. c. have almost all been replaced by technology. d.are a small portion of GDP relative to manufacturing. e.account for an increasing share of jobs.

Monique was looking for a venue for her

b. tangibles

wedding reception. When she visited one potential location, she noticed that the landscaping was not complete, and there was stained carpet in the lobby. Which of the service quality building blocks caused Monique to select an alternative venue? a. responsiveness b. tangibles c. reliability d. empathy e.Assurance

Effective service recovery efforts can lead to all

a. increased dependence on technology to prevent future service

failures. of the following EXCEPT a.increased dependence on technology to prevent future service failures. b.increased purchase intentions. c. increased positive word of mouth. d. lower levels of satisfaction than prior to the service failures. e.increased customer satisfaction. Which of the following is NOT one of the five dimensions used by consumers to determine overall service quality? a.assurance b. reliability c. responsiveness d. acceptability e. Empathy

d. acceptability

Many product-dominant firms use quality service Marketing Ch. 13 advantage.

e. to maintain a sustainable competitive


products. a way to minimize the cost of production. c. to install a voice of the customer program. support a standards gap. maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.

When corporate headquarters announced new

e. they were not involved in setting the goals

service quality standards for pizza franchise owners, Roland knew he would have trouble gaining employees' support because a.they were not allowed to diverge from existing standards. b.customers were required to create service quality standards. c. the process involved both part-time and full- time employees. d. perishable services were being replaced with tangible services. e.they were not involved in setting the goals

Bank of America uses a complex polling system

e. voice-of-customer

coupled with a customer response measurement system to assess consumers' responses to new products and services. Bank of America is using a __________ program to improve service quality and service offerings. of tolerance b. empowerment c. standards analysis d.quality gap analysis e.Voice-of-customer

When marketers state that services are________,

b. inseparable

they are referring to the fact that services are produced and consumed at the same time. a.intangible b. inseparable c. perishable d. variable e. Peripheral

Marketing Ch. 13 wine list, and gourmet chef, residents and tourists flock to the restaurant. Recently, Trey took a large group to the Saltdust Grill and almost every diner sent their entr ée back to the kitchen. The Saltdust Grill was experiencing a __________ gap in service quality. a.empowerment b. communication c. delivery d. knowledge


e.Standards Saltdust Grill is known as the premier restaurant

c. delivery

in town. With their elegant dining area, extensive Customers have a defined_________when it comes

e. zone of tolerance

to waiting in line at a retail checkout counter. The amount of time consumers are willing to wait varies with the type of store. a.tangibles gap b.quality gap c. voice-of-customer quotient d. empowerment standard of tolerance

Which service gap is the Ritz-Carlton Hotel

a. standards gap

trying to address when it takes time and spends up to $1,700 to train a new employee? a.standards gap b.performance gap c. knowledge gap d. recovery gap e.communication gap

Randall arrived at the hotel to find that, although

e. distributive fairness

he had a guaranteed reservation, the hotel had no rooms available. He became angry when the hotel made him a reservation at a more expensive hotel but refused to pay the difference in room rates. Randall was upset because, in his opinion, the hotel's solution did not incorporate a.service fairness. b.empowerment fairness. c. intangible fairness. d. procedural fairness. e.distributive fairness

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Marketing Ch. 13 The dilemma centers on a.when to advertise versus when to use personal selling. b.which images create a better impression on consumers. c. which media are appropriate for promoting intangible services. d. how to gain clients while retaining an image of professionalism and integrity. e.who should be the spokesperson for professionals offering intangible services.



For many professionals offering intangible When________are authorized to make decisions services, an ethical marketing dilemma exists. to help their customers, service quality generally

d. to gain clients while retaining an image of professionalism and integrity. d. how frontline employees

improves. a.middle managers b. consultants c. corporate executives d.frontline employees e.production control managers

What is the problem associated with service

they are not specific

quality standards such as "be nice" or "do what the customers want"? a.Most employees are unwilling to do what customers want. b.They create a delivery gap. c. They do not allow for the voice-ofcustomer process. d.They are not specific. e.They create low expectations.

Barnes & Noble bookstores have computers

. instrumental support.

available for associates to use to search for books requested by customers and to place special orders. These computers are an example of a.instrumental support. b.line extensions. c. emotional support. d.the delivery gap. e.employee incentives.

The________gap can be reduced by managing

e. communication

consumers' expectations. a.empowerment b. delivery c. knowledge d. standards e. communication

Marketing Ch. 13 customers' service quality expectations. One of Colin's problems is that services are_________, making evaluation of service quality difficult. a.intangible b. quantifiable c. inconsequential to customers d. substantial e.unequally distributed


Colin has been directed his boss to When choosing where to eatbylunch, Veronica's determine whether their company is meeting major service criterion is speed: being seated

a. intangible c. responsiveness

promptly and served her meal quickly. For Veronica,_________is the most important of the five service quality dimensions. a.assurance b. tangibles c. responsiveness d. reliability e. Empathy

The new hotel manager asked the chef, "Are you

c. reliability

sure you know how to cook a beef Wellington?" Which of the service dimensions was the hotel manager expressing concern about? a.assurance b. responsiveness c. reliability d. empathy e.Tangibles

If there is a difference between the actual

a. communication

service provided to customers and the service the firm has promoted, a___________gap exists. a.communication b. knowledge c. seniority d. delivery e.Standards

Students regularly seek out Professor Guillory to

e. assurance

advise them. She has an exceptional manner, and students are confident in her and trust her advice. For these students,___________is the most important of the five service quality dimensions. a.empathy b. responsiveness c. tangibles d. reliability e.assurance

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Marketing Ch. 13 following is NOT a factor that affects a person's perceptions of fairness in these kinds of situations? Select one: a.The customer's experience with other firms. b.Observed treatment of other customers. c. Stories of service recovery told by friends and family. d.The nature or severity of the service failure. e.The firm's policy on service recovery.



Most customers want to achieve a fair solution recovery.regularly overstate the expected Physicians

e. The firm's policy on service a. communication

recovery time from surgery, knowing that managing patients' expectations will reduce the __________ gap associated with their service. Select one: a.communication b. delivery c. knowledge d. standards e. empowerment

Food preparation, lawn maintenance, and house

d. household maintenance activities that people increasingly pay others to

cleaning services are all examples of


Select one: a.the price elasticity effect on services demand. b.the ability of empowerment to create tangible service products. c. services an aging population will decrease their demand for. d. household maintenance activities that people increasingly pay others to perform. shifted abroad because costs are lower in developing countries.

Yolanda manages a Best Sleep Inn along an

b. perishable

interstate highway. She knows from experience that five to ten last-minute customers will call after 8 p.m. each evening looking for a room and asking the price. Yolanda has empowered her staff to offer discounts when the motel is largely vacant and to quote the standard price when the motel is close to full. She knows her service is __________, meaning that if no one stays in the room, it generates no revenue that evening. Select one: a.durable b. perishable c. intangible d. inseparable e.variable

Marketing Ch. 13 install a voice of the customer program. support a standards gap. c. to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage. a way to minimize the cost of production. a way to increase the perishability of their products.


Many product-dominant firms use quality Medical services, assisted living care, andservice active advantage. senior travel are all examples of

c. maintain sustainable competitive c. to services an aaging population will increase their demand for.

Select one: a.household maintenance activities that people increasingly pay others to perform. b.the ability of empowerment to create tangible service products. c. services an aging population will increase their demand for. d. services shifted abroad because costs are lower in developing countries. e.the price elasticity effect on services demand.

Firms can close the_________gap by matching

a. knowledge

customer expectations with actual service through use of marketing metrics. Select one: a.knowledge b. seniority c. delivery d. standards e. communication

By setting appropriate service standards and

a. standards

measuring service performance, firms can attempt to close a________gap. Select one: a.standards b. seniority c. communication d. knowledge

A________gap is the difference between the

c. delivery

firm's service standards and the service it provides to customers. Select one: a.communication b. knowledge c. delivery d. seniority e. standards

Marketing Ch. 13 that consumers do not have the opportunity to try out their service before purchasing. Many hotels use___________to overcome the problem of inseparability of services. Select one: a.perishability gap analysis of tolerance allowances c. point-of-purchase displays d. promotional discounts e.satisfaction guarantees


The owners of hotels whose services are produced and consumed at the same time know

A __________ gap exists when a firm knows what it

e. satisfaction guarantees Upgrade to remove ads CA$59.99/year



delivery needs to do to meet customers' service expectations but sometimes fails to do it. Select one: a.empowerment b. delivery c. communication d. knowledge e. standards One afternoon, the clerk at the customer service

d. procedural

fairness. desk of a large retail store got bored and started stating different return policies to each customer. Customers waiting in line and overhearing the different policies would probably feel that the store's handling of returns lacked Select one: a.explanatory fairness. b.variability. c. organizational fairness. d. procedural fairness. e. intangibility.

Training service providers to know exactly what


standards. a good job entails is setting service Select one: b. knowledge. c. standards. d. empowerment. e.quality.

Marketing Ch. 13 service quality at the hotel is not consistently meeting customers' expectations, and she believes that the biggest problem is that her employees are not sure what is expected of them. To improve service quality, Kayla will Select one: a.empower customers to meet their own service needs. b.establish a broad zone of intolerance to reduce customer complaints. c. narrowly define a knowledge gap. d. separate intangibles from tangibles. e.set specific, measurable goals based on customers' expectations.


Kayla is the new manager of a resort hotel. Because of________, many companies have She knows from reviewing customer complaints thatto altered their "no questions asked" return policies

e. a. set highspecific, costs measurable goals based on customers' expectations.

include time limits, restocking fees, and storecredit-only refunds. Select one: a.high costs b.accounting concerns Incorrect c. Better Business Bureau guidelines d. well-publicized liability cases e.government regulations

Which of the following is NOT a recommended

e. silencing an irate customer before the individual makes any angry outbursts

strategy for service recovery? Select one: a.listening to the customer b.finding a fair solution c. resolving problems quickly d.following procedural fairness when solving problems e.silencing an irate customer before the individual makes any angry outbursts

Rob was complaining to another member of the

e. instrumental support

lawn crew, "I don't know how they expect me to do an adequate job. The mower doesn't work right, the trimmers are so dull they don't cut anything, and the rest of the equipment is so old we can't get parts." Rob's company lacks the __________ workers need to be able to do a good job. Select one: a.service infrastructure inventory c. customer expectation mechanisms d. maintenance schedule e.instrumental support

Marketing Ch. 13 during the visit that he didn't like the one he had chosen, and he knew he'd never go back to that doctor. From a marketing perspective, his situation highlights one of the key differences between products and services, known as Select one: a.inseparability. b.variability. c. perishability. d. professional competence. e.intangibility. Incorrect


Sean to take a new and when he got Whenmoved marketers state that job, services are________, sick he needed to find a doctor. He discovered they are referring to the fact that services cannot

a. b. inseparability. perishable

be stored for use in the future. Select one: a.intangible b. perishable c. inseparable d. durable e.variable

When Jaime arrived at her hotel room and saw

e. zone of tolerance

that the bed sheets had not been changed from the last hotel guest and there were cockroaches in the bathroom, she chose to go elsewhere. An undone, bug-infested room was not in Jaime's __________, which is the difference between what she really wants and what she will accept before looking for another hotel. Select one: gap b.service gap c. patience zone d. zone of intolerance of tolerance

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Services marketing managers have learned that


a. they are involved in setting the

goals. more employees will support a quality-oriented process if Select one: a.they are involved in setting the goals. b.they are required to diverge from existing standards. c. the process involves both part-time and fulltime employees. d. customers are responsible for setting service quality standards. e.perishable services are replaced with tangible services.

Marketing Ch. 13 services are Select one: a.intangible. b.variable. c. viable. d. inseparable. e. portable.


The old restaurant saying, "You between are only as A________gap is the difference thegood as the last meal served," reflects the fact that firm's service standards and the service it provides

b. c. variable. delivery

to customers. Select one: a.standards b. seniority c. delivery d. knowledge e. communication

When marketers state that services are__________,

e. heterogeneous

they are referring to the fact that services are not always of the same quality from one time period to another or from one service provider to another. Select one: a.inseparable b. perishable c. intangible Incorrect d. viable e. heterogeneous

When confronted with an angry and emotional

e. listen carefully and with empathy until the customer feels he or she has

customer, the best first step toward service

been heard.

recovery is to Select one: a.gently but firmly tell the person you will not tolerate being addressed in that tone of voice and turn away until he or she calms down. b.match the person's voice in intensity and volume to gain control of the confrontation. c. ask a coworker to take over handling the complaint to get a neutral perspective. d. call security in case it is necessary to escort the person from the building. e.listen carefully and with empathy until the customer feels he or she has been heard.

Marketing Ch. 13 Select one: a.minimize the zone of tolerance. b.avoid negative word-of-mouth from upset customers. c. avoid a situational ethics conflict. d. keep management from finding out what happened. e.increase empowerment zones.


If One there of the is aher reasons difference service between the firm's need to be Nicole knows restaurant is failures understaffed addressed perceptions quickly of customers' is to expectations today. She is hoping to get through the dayand the

e. b. standards avoid of negative word-of-mouth from upset customers. c. zone tolerance

without falling below her customers'_________, the difference between what her customers want and what they will accept before going elsewhere. Select one: a.quality gap b.empowerment standard c. zone of tolerance d.tangibles gap e.voice-of-customer quotient

For years, the Mogul Sheraton, a four-star hotel

d. knowledge

overlooking the Taj Mahal in India, offered free elephant and camel rides to hotel visitors. Few customers took advantage of this service. This is an example of a__________gap in services marketing. Select one: a.communication b. seniority c. delivery d. knowledge e. standards

The Gaps model is designed to highlight those

d. customers believe they are getting less or poorer service than they should.

areas where Select one: a.service providers know more than their customers. b.delivered service exce...

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