Module 3 Discussion Historical Lenses PDF

Title Module 3 Discussion Historical Lenses
Author Tammey Smith
Course History
Institution Southern New Hampshire University
Pages 1
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Discussion post on historical lenses...


3-1 Discussion: Historical Lenses Which historical lenses did the article use? Use at least 2 quotes to justify your choice of lens

South African Apartheid Researching South African Apartheid has opened my eyes to the similarities to many other historical events aimed to segregate and separate people thought to be less than. The American Slave period, Hitler’s reign of terror on the Jewish, and the rounding up of the American Indians just to name a few. In the article “The End of Apartheid”, Sara McGill (2017) took a brief look at this grim period in history through all 3 of the historical lenses discussed in this module. Even though the article was rather short the author manages to outline several of the injustices placed on non-white South Africans during this time. Social lenses are utilized as she discusses the governmental belief that “different races could peacefully coexist only if there were separated” pointing out a great bias built of fear on the part of the White minority that was in power. This perspective also crosses over through a political lens by highlighting the drive by a substantially smaller group of people who wanted all of the power and money for themselves. The passing of laws allowing the White minority to put the non-white citizens on reservations to separate them from the White minority and allowing that minority to gain power is a great example of the political lens. The economical lens is the least outlined but is still present in the article. As the non-white majority were being forced to give up their lands, jobs and overall dignity the economic lens becomes evident in the article while not outwardly being discussed in any detail. McGill (2017) points out that “economic and political power was stripped from non-whites that they could do nothing but succumb to a life in poverty”. This clearly shows the cross over between the economic and political lenses but also confirms the social lens is also being used. Even though this article is just over one page long it is a great example of how these historical lenses are used and overlap in history and historical research.

References McGi l l ,S.A.( 2017) .TheEndofApar t hei d.EndofApar t hei d,1–2....

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