Module 5 - notes PDF

Title Module 5 - notes
Course Medical Terminology
Institution University of Saskatchewan
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Module 5 – Circulatory System, Lymphatic System and Glands The truth about -IA and -OSIS Rule of Thumb - If X names a physical object, o Translate x-ia / x-osis :  An abnormal condition involving x

- Plan A o The abstract ideas signified by the equivalent of -ness, generates -

a formulaic translation conditioned by the nature of the x in each case. Plan B o X-ia / x-osis o An abnormal condition involving x

X-ORRHEA and X-ORRHAGIA x-alg-ia - Plan A o Pain in x  Where x is capable of feeling pain  Like humans - Plan B o Pain involving x  Where x is NOT capable of feeling pain  Blood

Combining forms : The Circulatory System and Glands G+ -ism - Thyroidism o A condition caused by the malfunction of the thyroid gland

- Adrenalism o A condition caused by the malfunction of the adrenal gland Glands and secretions

- When we have a combining form which denotes a gland and which is followed by a termination which contains a verbal idea, then the resulting medical term typically refers to a secretion. o Pinealorrhea  The flowing of secretions from the pineal gland

o Thyroidopenic 

Pertaining to a deficiency of secretions from the thyroid gland.

Nomina Anatomica and Latin Phrases : Singulars Latin forms - On far right of textbook

- Carp/o = wrist = carpus - Cox/o = hip = coxa Nominative singular inflectional endings

- Muscul/o/plegia brachi/al/is o The paralysis of the muscle, pertaining to the arm - Gon/algia arthr/it/ic/a o Pain in the knee, pertaining to the inflammation of a joint THEY ARE SINGULAR NEVER PURAL unless stated other wise. Agreement

- Case o Nominative - Number o Singular

o Plural (in module 6) - Gender o Masculine o Feminine o Neuter (anyone) - Os o Latin form for bone 


- Right to left o Of the first word, then move onto the second word 

Musculus tarsalis  The muscle pertaining to the tarsus

- Os in the middle of the word means PERTAINING TO o Ven/OS/o/graphy



- Capillary are usually PLURAL - Lymph is a FLUID Module 5 : Putting it Together x-(h)emia

- The abnormal presence of blood in x o NOT an abnormal condition involving blood, 

Which we might expect from “x-hem-ia”

- Ophthalm/emia o The abnormal presense of blood in the eye(s) - Plasmathemia o The abnormal presence of blood in the plasma? 

NO, the blood cannot be in something, then x-emia means “the abnormal presence of x in the blood”  So then it will be, o The abnormal presence of plasma in the blood.

- Sphygm/o o Pulse 

What would be the medical term for “ a record of the pulse?”  sphygmogram

Module 5 – Quizzes Quiz : The truth about – ia and -osis True or false: a medical term which ends in -ia will always be defined as an abnormal condition involving - False, o In many medical terms this word is part of a larger termination which indicates the nature of the medical condition.  X-o-plasia True or False: the endings -ia and -osis have an independent meaning, unlike the endings - -y - -is - -esis o These do not have an independent meaning. o This is why an abnormal condition involving x is not part of the definition of the double-termination terms  Like x-o-plasia

True or False: Medical terms ending in -ia and -osis are only translated as an abnormal condition involving when the -ia and -osis immediately follows the combining form, rather than being part of a longer termination.

Quiz : X-orrhea For each definition, supply the missing word: if x =hand, then x-orrhea = [ the hand - The flowing of something from


For each definition, supply the missing word: if x =bone, then x-orrhea = [ the bone - The flowing of something from


For each definition, supply the missing word: if x =milk, then x-orrhea = [ the milk - The flowing of Quiz : Nomina Anatomica Singulars Define the following Nomina Anatomica phrase : - Tendo tarsalis o A tendon pertaining to the tarsus Define the following Nomina Anatomica phrase : - Membrana ulnaris o A membrane pertaining to the ulna Define the following Nomina Anatomica phrase : - Nervus cervicalis o A nerve pertaining to the neck Define the following Nomina Anatomica phrase : - Ligamentum radiale o A ligament pertaining to the radius

5.1a : Match terminations and definitions 1 -

pinealocentesis o The surgical puncturing of the pineal gland


pinealopexy o The fixation of the pineal gland



pinealitis o the inflammation of the pineal gland

5.1b : Match terminations and definitions 2 -

lymphadenostomy o The making of an opening in the lymph node


cardiostomy o The making of an opening in the heart


arteriostomy o The making of an opening in an artery

5.1c : Match terminations and definitions 3 -

splenoplasia o The formation of the spleen


splenagra o gouty pain in the spleen


splenostenosis o the narrowing of the spleen

5.3a : Pick the correct definition - suprarenalo-optotic o Correct : pertaining to the downward displacement of the adrenal gland

o Incorrect :    

Pertaining to the ossification of some thing involving the adrenal gland Pertaining to the ear, the eye, and the adrenal gland Pertaining to the ear, the iron, and some thing above the adrenal gland Pertaining to the downward displacement of something above the adrenal gland

- oculemic o Correct : pertaining to the abnormal presence of blood in the eye o Incorrect : 

Pertaining to the presence of blood in the eye

  

Pertaining to an abnormal condition involving the blood and I Pertaining to blood in the eye Pertaining to an abnormal condition involving blood in the eye

5.4a : Analogies - Complete the following analogy: o If pinealograph is an instrument for recording secretions from the pineal gland, then a condition caused by the malfunction of the pineal gland is:  pinealism

- Complete the following analogy: o If cappilarokinesis is the movement of some thing involving Capillary, then the rapid flowing of some thing from a Capillary is:  capillarorrhagia

5.4b : Complete the Term and Definition -

Supply what is missing in order to complete both the medical term and its definition:  The (BLANK) of the lymph = (BLANK) orrhea  Flowing, lymph


Supply what is missing in order to complete both the medical term and its definition:  The (BLANK) of the vein = (BLANK) opathy  Disease, ven

5.5a : Provide the Medical Term -

Provide the Medical Term for:  A cell of the thyroid ú thyroidocyte


Provide the Medical Term for:  The protrusion of something through the varix ú varicocele

5.5b : Define the Term

- Define the following term: sphygmometry o The measurement of the pulse - Define the following term: thymiastic o Pertaining to the anormal presence of the thymus - Define the following term: adenectome o An instrument for cutting out the gland 5.5c : Synonym - In some/many cases, there are two (or more) ways to say the same


thing, and these words are known as "synonyms." For example, omphalosis, umbilosis, and umbilicosis all mean "an abnormal condition involving the navel." o Provide a synonym for valvocele  valvulocele In some/many cases, there are two (or more) ways to say the same thing, and these words are known as "synonyms." For example, omphalosis, umbilosis, and umbilicosis all mean "an abnormal condition involving the navel." o Provide a synonym for splenorrhexis  lienorrhexis

5.6a – What is the gender of the noun - The first word in the following phrase is a noun; what is the gender of the noun? o Hint : remember that it might be the adjective that tells you this, rather than the noun itself.  Dermis cephal-ica  Feminine

- The first word in the following phrase is a noun; what is the gender of the noun? o Hint : remember that it might be the adjective that tells you this, rather than the noun itself.  Ganglion vestibul-are  Neuter

- The first word in the following phrase is a noun; what is the gender of the noun?

o Hint : remember that it might be the adjective that tells you this, rather than the noun itself.  Tendo calca-neus  masculine

Review Quiz : Module 5 - Complete the following analogy: o If retinogenesis is the production of the retina, then the movement of something pertaining to the retina is:  retinalokinesis

- Define the following term: neuropenia o A deficiency of nerves -

Supply what is missing in order to complete both the medical term and its definition:  The (BLANK) of the canthus = (BLANK) opexy ú Fixation, canth


Choose the correct definition of the following term  coreoscopic ú Correct: pertaining to the examination of the pupil ú Incorrect: ú P.t. the examination of something involving the pupil ú The examination of the pupil ú P.t. the examination of the cornea ú P.t. an instrument for examining the cornea


Provide the Medical Term for : the rupturing of the sclera  sclerorrhexis

- In some/many cases, there are two (or more) ways to say the same thing, and these words are known as "synonyms." For example, omphalosis, umbilosis, and umbilicosis all mean "an abnormal condition involving the navel." o Provide a synonym for dacryorrheic  Lacrimorrheic...

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