Mtuner 3 PDF

Title Mtuner 3
Author ainhare selvakumar
Course Introductory Psychology: Part II
Institution University of Toronto
Pages 3
File Size 43.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Mtuner 3 which is based off chapters 13 and 14 ...


1. A mother jumps in front of her child in order to protect her from physical harm, putting herself at risk. What is this an example of? a. Kinship Selection 2. Which of the following scenarios is NOT evidence for the frustration-aggression hypothesis? a. A male human drives more aggressively on a hot day than on a cool day 3. Claire was raised by her grandparents in a loving and stable environment. When she takes the Implicit Association Task with the options young/old and good /bad, with which combination would she expect to have the fastest reaction time? a. old/good 4. Tom got in a bad accident while on his bike. Although a crowd of people formed surrounding Tom and got larger and larger, several minutes had passed and nobody had called 911 for assistance. Which of the following best explains this behaviour? a. diffusion of responsibility 5. A monkey is playing with leaves that have fallen on the ground. He looks up to see a tiger staring at him 50 feet away. Which of the following best describes the monkey's primary and secondary appraisals of the situation? a. Primary appraisal: the monkey determines that the tiger is a stressor Secondary appraisal: the monkey determines whether it can escape by climbing a nearby tree 6. To encourage her employees to be more engaged at work, a manager permits them to leave early on Christmas Eve as a reward if all of their reports are finished. What principle is the manager appealing to here to control her employees' behaviour? a. Hedonic principle 7. Which of the following is a societal/cultural explanation for high sexual selectivity in partners among women compared to men? a. reputational costs of promiscuity 8. Blair joins a new soccer team, and notices that everyone wears the same blue Nike cleats. Blair feels pressure to buy the same blue Nike cleats so that he will be accepted by his new team. This is most likely an example of: a. Normative influence 9. Mahlia is very scared of bees, and every summer is difficult for her. One day, she decides to try to get over her fear of bees by engaging in rational coping. She joins a beekeeper club and starts slowly spending lots of time with bees. Eventually she no longer becomes stressed out at the sight of them. What strategy is Mahila using? a. Exposure 10. When interacting with his friends, Josh is observed making jokes that can be crude at times. He does not make such jokes with his employer, however. Josh’s change in behaviour at work is due to what? a. Social norms 11. A new mother who is breastfeeding is likely experiencing increases or decreases in the release of what hormone? a. Increased release of oxytocin

12. Ryan smokes cigarettes, which he knows is bad for his health. Because he feels guilty for smoking, he rationalizes his behaviour by saying smoking is the only strategy that works to manage his stress. This is an example of what? a. cognitive dissonance 13. Max is taking his first course in physics. He has no prior knowledge and does not feel he has a good grasp on the concepts taught thus far. He is assigned to work on a project with three other students, all of which who have taken physics courses in the past. He ends up doing very little on the group project. What factor is likely encouraging Max’s behaviour? a. Low efficacy beliefs 14. You have been extremely stressed out at work, and when Friday comes, you decide that you should just let loose and go out with your friends, ignoring the responsibilities of the upcoming week. When your friend asks you about work, you tell him that you don't want to talk about it. What type of coping strategy are you using? a. Repressive coping 15. I feel less bad if something goes wrong for something I didn’t do compared to something that I did do. What kind of bias is this? a. Inaction bias 16. Pick the term that best matches the following definition: 'Behaviour that favours or advantages members of a certain group. a. Discrimination 17. According to the Holmes and Rahe stress scale, the experience of what event is the most likely to be associated with illness? a. Death of a spouse 18. A person just experienced a large raccoon jump out of a garbage can and run away as they were throwing out a coffee cup. They notice some physiological changes immediately after this experience. If the person is undergoing general adaptation syndrome, what stage of the stress response are they experiencing? What kinds of physiological changes do you expect them to experience? a. They are experiencing the alarm stage, which might include increased muscle tension. 19. Your professor has asked you to complete the term project in groups of four. You are assigned to a group and quickly realize that several of your group members are not carrying through on their parts of the project. This is an example of what? a. Social loafing 20. According to Dr. Johnston's guest lecture, exercise decreases which obesity related risk factors? a. Exercise decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hip and knee arthritis. 21. A cohort of first year Ph.D. students go through six years of training together. They become very close friends and continue to get together 10 years post-graduation. What type of attraction is this? a. Situational

22. You receive a poor grade on an exam. In speaking with your friends, you explain that you did poorly because the instructor makes difficult, unfair exams. This is an example of what? a. External attribution 23. When participating in a lab experiment, Priyanka is seated in a group with 5 other students. The students are told they will have to answer a series of math problems. The research assistant asks each one of them what the solution to 2+2 is and each of the participants answers '5'. When it's her turn, Priyanka answers '5' too, even though she knows the answer is incorrect and the true answer should be '4'. Why might Priyanka say '5' given what we know about the current scenario? a. Conformity 24. fMRI studies have indicated that meditation could potentially lead to increased in speed and efficiency of processing. What is the neural reason for such change in speed and efficiency? a. Increased myelination 25. Brendan went on a first date with Paula without ever having met her before. What is most likely the first thing he noticed about her? a. her brown hair...

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