Noah Essay Reviewed - Grade: A PDF

Title Noah Essay Reviewed - Grade: A
Course AP English Language and Composition
Institution High School - USA
Pages 3
File Size 48 KB
File Type PDF
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create a essay that represents yourself ...


I never doubted that I would live up to my own high expectations until the AP classes set in. The challenges and obstacles I had faced in high school formed the quality that I am most proud of, the ability to think positively and to understand other points of view. After living in Indianapolis, Indiana for 11 years, my mother decided to move to Texas to raise her children to achieve great things and with full opportunities for intellectual growth. Although being in an entirely different environment was indeed a challenging task, I was more excited than scared to experience and observe the state I was yet to discover. From a young age, I took a keen interest in different cultures and wanted to find out more insights and ideas behind them. The first two years of high school were rewarding due to my intellectual curiosity and determination for success. My mother valued the importance of education greatly and always taught me that learning is the worthiest cause that never betrays your effort and time. I admired her courage to earn her degree in her early 20's in Indiana, and her words triggered my eagerness to learn. However, being a single mother and having to raise 4 children put stress on her, but she relied on God to ease her pain. For the past few years, she has changed dramatically from the person I had known. She had hope for everything in her future. Seeing my mother's faith and having someone to look up to greatly encouraged me, and soon enough, her support became part of the motivation I have in myself.

By the summer when I finished my Sophomore year, a change had then occurred. It was then I realized how great was the sacrifice that my mother made in order to give me every opportunity to achieve my dream. If my inquisitive nature gave me an eagerness to learn new knowledge, experiences with my mother taught me the importance of depth of understanding than just

knowing the facts. For example, I was able to accomplish my dream of being close to the top of my class, and being in the National Honors Society. Nobody in my family had the chance to live the dream I had always had in mind. I believe I learned more from my failures than success because the loss made me grateful for the things that I took for granted. Now, I have learned that I should not be arrogant when I am successful and that I should not let myself down when I am failing. There is one story that changed my life for the better good. When I was transferring from one school to another, there was one person that had spoken to me and the words that she had said to me made me know I am special in my own way. At the beginning of the school year at Thomas Haley Elementary, a teacher named Ms. Phillips took me aside and told me how she noticed a glow everywhere I went. I never thought of it as I just thought it was a nice compliment. She then continued to say that I had a special future ahead of me, and any opportunity, I needed to take it. I was in 3rd grade and really didn't understand what she was trying to tell me. Growing up, I still remember those powerful words and I know that I am coming into new things as I succeed.

In the past years, I made excuses for my failing grades. But I now realize that the motivation has to come from loved ones, myself and my own aspiration. My own aspiration is to discover many unknown facts, understand other medicine and culture in more depth, and be able to make better choices throughout my life. It always varied when I wanted to decide what I wanted to pursue career-wise. Either from a veterinarian, dentist, practitioner, and then to finally a family doctor. I wanted to help those in need and want to succeed through everything I do. I know that I have inspired myself and even those around me. Elbert Hibbard once said, “there is no failure except in no longer trying.” I want to inspire more people who felt the pain of not succeeding, and I

want to show them no matter how hard they fall, it’s not the end until you say it is. The past few years' experiences have given me an opportunity to look at things differently and find the strength to fight during hard times. “Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all.”...

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