Notes UNIT 6 MOD 8 - d072 PDF

Title Notes UNIT 6 MOD 8 - d072
Author Courtney Ryann
Course Fundamentals for Success in Business
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 10
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UNIT 6 MOD 8 STUDY GUIDE: Lesson 17: Key Attributes of Leadership and Their Benefits Define leadership.

As you read the lesson, answer the following questions in your own words. The activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do so How do leaders gain power? Leaders inspire primarily through intrinsic processes such as internal inspiration Define manager. An individual who oversees a certain group of tasks or a certain subset of a company and often has a staff of people who report to them How do managers gain power? managers motivate primarily through external rewards and punishments. How can individuals exhibit leadership? Among the core traits identified are drive, motivation, integrity, self-confidence, cognitive ability, knowledge of business, and charisma. Define locus of control. Extent to which an entity believes the current and anticipated circumstances and their response to them are within their control Define internal locus of control. People who believe they control their life Define external locus of control. people who attribute their success or failure to outside influences (such as luck, timing, or other people) What are the 7 core traits of successful leaders drive, motivation, integrity, self-confidence, cognitive according to Edwin Lockert? ability, knowledge of business, and charisma What traits of successful leaders have other studies intelligence and integrity and personality traits such as shown? extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, and high selfesteem. Identify two types of leader behaviors. Consideration, Initiating Define job-centered behaviors and provide an example. refer to supervisory functions such as planning, scheduling, coordinating work activities, and providing resources. Define employee-member centered behaviors and focus on supporting employees. provide an example. What are the five leadership styles identified in the Accommodating, Sound, Status Quo, Indifferent, Blake Mouton Leadership Grid? Controlling According to Blake & Mouton, what determines which organizational focus and level of concern for people leadership style a manager should use? versus the concern for production What does a status quo management style indicate Balance and Compromise according to the Blake & Mouton leadership grid? What does an indifferent management style indicate Evade and Elude according to Blake & Mouton's leadership grid? What does a controlling management style indicate Direct and Dominate according to Blake & Mouton's leadership grid? Yield and Comply What does an accommodating management style indicate according to Blake & Mouton's leadership grid? Contribute and Commit What does a sound management style indicate according to Blake & Mouton's leadership grid? Why is integrity an important quality for leaders? the values of the leader are often directly translated into the values of the organization.

Lesson 18: Bases of Power Define power. Define influence tactics.

Answer in your own words. Use the Activity tab questions to guide your answers. The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want The way individuals attempt to influence one another in

organizations Using facts, data, and logical arguments to try to convince others that one point of view is the best alternative Define inspirational appeals. Engage values, emotions, and beliefs to gain support for course of action What are the six sources of power used by leaders? Legitimate, Reward, Coercive, Expert, Information, Referent Where does legitimate power come from? from one's organizational role or position. What is reward power? s the ability to grant a reward to an employee in exchange for job performance. Provide an example of coercive power. such as firing an employee or denying privileges. How is reward power different than coercive Reward vs. punishment power? Define expert power. power based on knowledge and special skill or experience How is information power different than expert Information other want/need vs. expert in field power?

Define rational persuasion.

Lesson 19: Process of Design Thinking List and define the six-stages of design thinking.

What leadership style aligns closely to the design thinking model?

As you read the lesson, answer the following questions in your own words. 1. Empathize—Research your users' needs. 2. Define—State your users' needs and problems. 3. Ideate—Challenge assumptions and create ideas. 4. Prototype—Start to create solutions. 5. Test—Try your solutions out. 6. Implement—Introduce your idea to markets. The transformational leadership approach highlights the importance of leader charisma, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation, and individualized consideration as methods of influence that align closely to the design thinking model.

ACTIVITY: Question

Your Response


_________power is based on knowledge and special skill or experience.



________ power is based on an employee possessing knowledge that others need or want.



______power is based on one's organizational role or position.



_______power is the ability to grant incentives to an employee in exchange for job performance.



_____ power comes from being trusted and respected.



_______ power is the ability to take something away from or punish someone for noncompliance.




Your Response


Start to create solutions.



Research your users' needs.



Introduce your idea to markets.



Try your solutions out.



State your users' needs and problems.



Challenge assumptions and create ideas.




Your Response


A supervisor who provides employees with extra time off when they meet a major project objective is exhibiting what type of power?



Lady Gaga is a famous singer and song writer who is respected by her peers in the industry. Lady Gaga has what type of power?



John has worked at his current company for 2 years, but he is already considered a SME based on the knowledge and experience he has developed over his career. Which type of power has John gained?



A manager is working to create a more effective and streamlined recruitment and selection process. The manager meets with each of the hiring managers to discuss their concerns about the current process and understand the various steps needed to hire a new employee. Which stage of the design thinking process is the manager performing?



_______(s) inspire primarily through intrinsic processes such as internal inspiration.



The R&D manager uses production controls to ensure the system can make the item to the expected specifications. Which stage in the design thinking process is being used during this task?



A group of employees share with their manager that there is conflict within the team. The manager tells the employees to resolve the problem themselves. Which style of leadership is this manager using?



The manager supports team action in a way that invites involvement and commitment. He explores all facts and alternative views to reach a shared understanding of the best solution. Based on Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid, which style of leadership is being used?



Juan is leading a team to design a new technology that will be used across the organization. Juan has invited employees to a brainstorming meeting in which all employees are encouraged to think creatively and outside of the box. Which stage of the design process does this situation describe?



A manager is very focused on the sales numbers of the team and expects the employees to demonstrate high results each month without considering the feelings or opinions of the team. Based on Blake and Mouton’s Leadership Grid, which behavior is the manager exhibiting?



NOTES: Unit 6: Leadership and Influence Introduction Unit 6: Competency The graduate identifies leadership opportunities to enhance organizational performance.

Module 8: Exploring Elements of Leadership Module 8: Proficiency Statement The student identifies elements of effective leadership that influence positive impact in teams and organizations.

Lesson 17: Key Attributes of Leadership and Their Benefits Learning Objectives ● Characterize key attributes of leadership and their benefits. Lesson Introduction While personal traits are important for becoming a leader, the leaders' behaviors in various situations also determine the effectiveness of their leadership. Leadership Leadership: The activity of leading a group of people or an organization or the ability to do so ● Leadership usually involves establishing and sharing a clear vision that others will follow and providing others with tools to realize that vision. Manager: An individual who oversees a certain group of tasks or a certain subset of a company and often has a staff of people who report to them ● focus on planning, organizing, and directing Leader: A person who holds a dominant position in a field and can exercise a high degree of control or influence over others ● Leaders inspire primarily through intrinsic processes such as internal inspiration, while managers motivate primarily through external rewards and punishments. ❖ This process involves several key components: the leader, the followers, the context (situation), the leadership process, and the consequences. Locus of Control: Extent to which an entity believes the current and anticipated circumstances and their response to them are within their control Traits and Qualities of Leaders Research led by Edwin Locke from the University of Maryland observed that successful leaders possess a set of core characteristics. Among the core traits identified are drive, motivation, integrity, self-confidence, cognitive ability, knowledge of business, and charisma. Other studies have shown that traits that show a relatively strong relationship with leadership are intelligence and integrity and personality traits such as extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, and high self-esteem.

Behavioral Approaches to Leadership Ohio State University: two major sets of leaders' behaviors: consideration and initiating ● Consideration: The relationship oriented behaviors of a leader ○ such as communication and respect ● Initiating: The task-related behaviors of a leader ○ such as planning, problem-solving, and scheduling. University of Michigan: two types of leader behaviors: job-centered behavior and employee–member-centered behavior. ● Job-Centered Behaviors: Refers to supervisory functions, such as planning, scheduling, coordinating work activities, and providing resources ● Employee-Member-Centered Behaviors: Behaviors that focus on supporting employees Other researchers, Blake and Mouton, developed a classification scheme that outlines five behaviors that can be used depending on the organizational focus and level of concern for people versus the concern for production.

Benefits That Leaders with Integrity Bring to Organizations ● Integrity is an important quality for organizational leaders because the values of the leader are often directly translated into the values of the organization. ● Leaders with integrity provide their organizations with stability, safety, and guidance. ● Benefits of leadership integrity include a stronger organizational reputation, higher employee satisfaction, higher-quality product or service, and a clearer focus. Other benefits include better long-term outlook, better company culture, and stronger sales QUESTION: What is an attribute of leadership? ● It maintains a private vision for the leader to follow. ● It is an influence relationship between at least two individuals. ● It is interchangeable with management. ● It provides followers the tools required to execute team members' visions. Correct! Leadership occurs when two or more persons rely on each other to reach goals as a group.

QUESTION: What determines which traits are needed for effective leadership? ● Location ● Situation ● Gender ● Education Correct! Not all traits are equally effective in every situation. QUESTION: Which type of leader behavior focuses on supervisory functions? ● Job-centered ● Consideration ● Initiating ● Employee–member-centered Correct! This refers to supervisory functions such as coordinating work activities and providing resources. QUESTION: Which personality trait of a follower influences leadership style? ● Conscientiousness ● Integrity ● Locus of control ● Intelligence Correct! Locus of control describes an individual's ability to direct circumstances and events. The more control an individual has, the more likely the individual is to contribute to leading an organization. Lesson Summary ● Leadership usually involves establishing and sharing a clear vision that others will follow and providing them with tools to realize that vision. ● Demonstrating leadership is important for employees at every level of an organization. ● Leaders possess a set of core characteristics such as drive, motivation, integrity, self-confidence, cognitive ability, knowledge of business, and charisma. They also tend to exemplify personality traits such as extraversion, conscientiousness, openness, and high self-esteem. ● While personal traits are important for becoming a leader, leaders' behaviors in various situations determine the effectiveness of their leadership. Researchers have identified several different behavioral leadership styles and structures. ● Leaders' values are important because they are often directly translated into the values of the organization. ● Benefits of leadership integrity include a stronger organizational reputation, higher employee satisfaction, higher-quality product or service, a clearer focus, better long-term outlook, better company culture, and stronger sales.

Lesson 18: Bases of Power Learning Objectives ● Identify the six bases of power. For leaders to lead, they need power and influence over their followers. Influence Power: The ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want Influence Tactics: The way individuals attempt to influence one another in organizations To master the use of influence tactics, you need to learn about persuasion. ● Rational Persuasion: Using facts, data, and logical arguments to try to convince others that one point of view is the best alternative ● Inspirational Appeals: Engage values, emotions, and beliefs to gain support for course of action QUESTION: A manager provides a bonus for some employees to influence job performance. Which type of power is the manager using in this situation? ● Legitimate ● Expert ● Reward ● Coercive Correct! The opportunity for a bonus is an example of reward power. QUESTION: Which influence tactic is used to sway others using data and facts?

● Expertise ● Rational persuasion ● Inspirational appeals ● Coercion Correct! This is the most frequently used influence tactic that includes using data and rational arguments to sway others to one's perspective. French and Raven's Bases of Power Researchers French and Raven identified six sources of power used by leaders—legitimate, reward, coercive (which are formal powers), expert, information, and referent (which are personal powers). ● Legitimate Power: Power that comes from one’s organizational role or position ○ This power is usually given by election, appointment, or hiring, and followers widely recognize this power. For example, the CEO determines the overall direction of the company. ● Reward Power: Ability to grant a reward to an employee in exchange for job performance ○ For example, the supervisor can provide employees a bonus when they meet a set goal for a project. ● Coercive Power: Ability to take something away or punish someone for noncompliance ○ such as firing an employee or denying privileges. ● Expert Power: Power based on knowledge and special skill or experience ○ such as lawyers or doctors who are formally recognized for their expertise. ● Information Power: Power that stems from when a leader possesses knowledge that others need or want ○ For example, a project manager may have all the information for a specific project. ● Referent Power: Ability of the leader to influence people because of their attraction and respect to the leader ○ One example is a human resources employee who is known for ensuring employees are treated fairly and handling personnel issues fairly. QUESTION: Which influence tactic involves appealing to individuals' values, emotions, and beliefs? ● Inspirational appeal ● Coercive power ● Reward power ● Rational persuasion Correct! Inspirational appeal involves gaining support from others by connecting with their values, emotions, and beliefs. Informal Leadership and Influence It has been shown that when employees in an organization associate the leadership's power with expert or referent power, they are more engaged and devoted to the organization and their role within it. Watch "Be Influenceable" (opens new tab) from LinkedIn Learning. This video outlines how to influence others by turning objections into actions, adding more impact to your ideas, establishing urgency, and using the influence advantage checklist. QUESTION: Which outcome occurs when employees associate the leadership’s power with expert power? ● Employees are more compassionate. ● Employees are more collaborative. ● Employees are more secure. ● Employees are more compliant. Correct! When the leader demonstrates expert power, employees feel secure in the decisions that are made. Lesson Summary ● Power is the ability to influence the behavior of others to get what you want. Influence tactics refer to the ways individuals attempt to influence one another in organizations. ● For leaders to lead, they need power and influence over their followers. ● Researchers French and Raven identified six sources of power used by leaders: legitimate, reward, coercive, expert, information, and referent. ● Researchers have identified several distinct influence tactics used to achieve specific outcomes. ● People with expert power but without formal authority can still influence the success of an organization.

Lesson 19: Process of Design Thinking Learning Objectives ● Describe the process of design thinking.

Lesson Introduction

Stages of Design Thinking Design Thinking: A method of problem-solving strategy wherein the data collected are expressed visually in order to create new strategies, ways, and methods to solve problems, create opportunities, or strengthen weaknesses The Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University describes design thinking as a six-stage process: 1. Empathize—Research your users' needs. 2. Define—State your users' needs and problems. 3. Ideate—Challenge assumptions and create ideas. 4. Prototype—Start to create solutions. 5. Test—Try your solutions out. 6. Implement—Introduce your idea to markets. Leadership Attributes Design Thinking Stage

Leadership Attributes


● Seeks input from all employees and custom...

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