Part 1, 2 and 3 Doing Buss PDF

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Profesional Reporte

Nombre: Nombre del curso: Doing business in

Matrícula: Nombre del profesor: Alejandro

the Americas Módulo: 1 Fecha: 20.09.2020

Jimenez Actividad: Part 1 y 2 final Project

References: Penn Wharton. (2016, June 27). Retrieved from Index of economic freedom. (01 de 12 de 2020). Obtenido de %20States'%20economic%20freedom,a%20lower%20trade%20freedom%20score. Office of the US trade representitive . (01 de 12 de 2020). Obtenido de SELECT USA. (01 de 12 de 2020). Obtenido de Ease of oing business :,encourages%20free %20enterprise%20and%20competition. The London School of International Comunication. (01 de 12 de 2020). Obtenido de

Part 2

Penn Wharton. (27 de June de 2016). Obtenido de

Profesional Reporte

Part 1. Preparing the story First, go browse these three websites and select one business case situated across the Americas that you find interesting: 

Business Cases UK

Coca-Cola and sports partnership through competition

This case study shows how Coca-Cola and sports share a tradition of close association which dates back nearly a century. Coca-Cola and sports are a natural fit. Coca-Cola strives to be everywhere people gather for fun, recreation and enjoyment - everything which makes sport a popular pastime for so many people around the world. Visit any major sporting event or arena in your neighborhood and you will see people drinking Coca-Cola before, during and after participating in sports, or when they are spectators because sport is as much for the fans.

Where is this happening? In which country?

In all countries but mostly in the United States

Describe the business environment of the places mentioned in the case.

The business environment is more related to sports environment, football games, basketball, Olympic Games and a lot more.

When did it happen? Mention what was going on in the world at that particular time.

Olympic Games: 1928, 1948, 70’s and 80’s, 1992. Coca-Cola distributed 3 million miniature cut-outs listing Olympic records to young people across the country. During the Games, more than 200

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teenagers dressed in white jackets and gloves served Coca-Cola to many of the spectators in the Los Angeles Coliseum Football: 1996 Coca-Cola supports football at all levels - from youngsters Learning their first skills - to the world stage. As the owner of the world's number one brand, The Coca-Cola Company feels a tremendous affinity with the world's number one game. Football is about fun, excitement, passion, pride and shared enjoyment and so is Coca-Cola.

Tennis: 1996 Following on from the continuous support of Coca-Cola since 1974, in April 1996 diet Coke announced an exciting five-year partnership with one of Britain's leading summer sporting events - The Lawn Tennis Championships at Wimbledon. At the time, diet Coke had established itself as Britain's No.1 diet soft drink and was enjoying dynamic growth.

Special Olympics: 1985 Coca-Cola has sponsored Special Olympics in Great Britain, which is a multi-sports competition program for people with learning difficulties. This is a particularly important part of Coca-Cola's long term approach to sponsorship, as it helps to make leisure and sporting activities so much more important for so many groups and enables Coca-Cola to give something back to the community, particularly where needs are greatest.

What is the overall business situation? Describe it at length.

There were really hard days because at that time there was the World War II ending, so there were not a lot of sponsors or investors that wanted to get along with the brand.

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Define the problem and list all the variables that affect it, explaining why?

The problem was that it was hardest for CocaCola to enter to markets without an investor or sponsor, so they thought of entering to that kind of events by their own and give itself publicity for growth

Who else is involved? Mention all the people, companies and institutions that are involved in the whole situation, explaining the existing connections between them. Once you cover everything, this first part should be at least three pages long.

Coca-Cola, the Olympic Games, every sports team on football area and tennis players that were going to competitions, also the consumers that in this case is all the people that bought the product on that kind of events.

Harvard Business School

Black Lives Matter Movement.

“We take seriously our responsibility to make business a force for good in our society. We know that structural racism has been ignored for too long. We hear the calls for the School to move swiftly to address the impacts of racism on our campus and in higher education. And we acknowledge that there is no quick solution to a 400-year-long crisis. We must all stand together on the long, difficult, and vital journey towards racial justice, inclusion, and equity.”

Where is this happening? In which country? Describe the business environment of the places mentioned in the case.

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In the Unites States, the business environment was in a lot of tension because the new elections were coming and Donald trump wasn’t going really good on the statistics.

When did it happen? Mention what was going on in the world at that particular time.

It was on 2020, July 13th, this political and social movement started because police officers in United States were being mean and rude to black people, their actual president Donald Trump didn’t care at all about what was happening with them, just because they weren’t white people some officer killed them, black people (and some white people too) were protesting outside of the white house and that started a “war” with their president.

What is the overall business situation? Describe it at length.

The business situation in this case is that Donald Trump is reelecting itself for the new US president elections, so he’s minding his own business and trying to call the attention, they protest outside of the white house and their president is not paying attention to them.

Define the problem and list all the variables that affect it, explaining why?

The problem is that police officers are killing black people for no reason, their president is not doing anything because he doesn’t care and this is because he is reelecting itself for the new US president elections.

Who else is involved? Mention all the people, companies and institutions that are involved in the whole situation, explaining the existing connections between them. Once you cover everything, this first part should be at least three pages long.

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This is involving all black people, the president of the United States, the police officers, anonymous the hacker, and al US citizens.

MIT Sloan School of Management

Why restrictive immigration may be bad for U.S. entrepreneurship

“Immigrant entrepreneurs have shaped the American economy for centuries, and they continue to do so today. A recent count estimates 17% of the U.S. workforce is comprised of immigrants. But a new study from Azoulay and coresearches Benjamin Jones, J. Daniel Kim, and Javier Miranda, finds that when it comes to entrepreneurship in America, “immigrants appear to be more entrepreneurial than the native-born, and their firms create a lot of jobs." Not only are immigrants 80% more likely to start a business than those born in the U.S., the number of jobs created by these immigrant-founded firms is 42% higher than native-born founder firms, relative to each population.”

Next, read it carefully and make notes of the information that you find interesting and/or relevant. Then answer these questions: 

Where is this happening? In which country? Describe the business environment of the places mentioned in the case.

This is happening in the US, the business environment is good in this case because there is a lot of work but the ICE and migratory people are not letting immigrant to achieve that goal from them.

When did it happen? Mention what was going on in the world at that particular time.

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This happens every day and every time, all day everyday there are new immigrant that wants to achieve the American dream but it gets harder every day because their president is not allowing that people to do so. There are a lot of thing going on at that time but the most recent event was that Donald trump won the president elections and started changing all the laws and make it harder for immigrants to get a visa, papers for American citizenship or a permission for entering the united states.

What is the overall business situation? Describe it at length.

The business situation was on its best because Obama just came out of the white house and everything on the country was doing good, business, investors, companies, etc… and then when Donald trump came in, he started changing agreements and laws and this affected all the plans to make US bigger than it was before.

Define the problem and list all the variables that affect it, explaining why?

That US is making harder every day for immigrants to enter to the country. The variables are: Donald trump as a president Obama out Changing the agreements they had before A lot of business but immigrants are most of the workers of US companies and the country is making it harder to them to go there,

Who else is involved? Mention all the people, companies and institutions that are involved in the whole situation, explaining the existing connections between them. Once you cover everything, this first part should be at least three pages long.

Profesional Reporte

Donald trump, companies, neighbor countries, exporter countries and all the countries and people of the world, this because Unites Stated is de main potential country and Donald trump is ruing it. Part 2 Following the advice presented in this article or this other one, in order to redraft a storyline for the business case you selected in Part 1. Once you have a good grasp of it, try to rewrite the business case in the terms we have reviewed thus far:       

Business environments. Free-trade agreements in full effect. Clusters and local economies. Elements of the primary, secondary and tertiary sector. Culture, diversity, and demographics. Financial frameworks. Politics and policies

Restrictive immigration may be bad for US economy and business environment because Immigrants enter the United States with dreams of a better life for themselves and their families, there are more than 10 million of immigrants inside of the United States and almost all of them are coming from Latin America. A huge part of the US economy is thanks to those immigrants that works a lot to get their dream life, this helps economic and businesses environments grow. A popular view is that immigrants are taking jobs from American citizens. However, although immigrants increase the supply of labor, they also spend their wages on homes, food, TVs and other goods and services and expand domestic economic demand. This increased demand, in turn, generates more jobs to build those homes, make and sell food. When immigrants go to another country, they take their culture with them, their traditions and diversity, for example, there are a lot of Mexican people inside the US, they all have a lot in common which is their culture, they go to quinceañeras, dances with Mexican music, they use hats and cowboy jeans all that kind of things. There are also a lot of elements in sectors like primary and secondary sector, for example, they all have their own way of cooking which is very different from American kitchen, Latin culture has foods like tamales, tacos, pupusas and more delicious things that are now part of the American world inside of the US, the tertiary sector also has a lot of impact with immigrants cause they look for a job to have their dream life so they search for every place where they can work. A lot of political stuff is related

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to this topic because immigrations is a felony in the US, so either you go back to your country or you can go to jail if you don’t have the correct papers.

In short, what do you see there and what you do not? Your write-up should be at least three pages long.

In my personal opinion, I think that the immigration inside the united states is now part of it, something that is very related to each other, for example, when you say that you are going to a vacation time or you will go to have fun some weekend, the closest part and typical part is going to united states to the mall, so I think that this is something very normal now days, what I can see there is that there is still the law that makes this looks like it’s the worst thing you could ever done, but people is only looking for the best for their families, they look for a better opportunity and second chance, not all people can achieve that goal or even try it. In my opinion, I think that if immigrants are getting you a good economic level, why would they have to be punished with jail or worst things? Maybe some Americans can think that immigrants are taking jobs away from you, but the truth is, that if they go live there in your country, they will need a house, and that house will be built by an American boy or girl, they will need to buy food, and that food will be sold by some American guy, and it’s the same for every other option, you can give them work but they will give your Contry work to. The first United Satiates destinations for migration are: California, Texas and Florida, California had the largest immigrant population of any state in 2018, at 10.6 million. Texas, Florida and New York had more than 4 million immigrants each.

Another thing that I can see here, is that there is still the thought of racism between American people and immigrant people, a lot of people see immigrants like the worst of the worst and I really don’t see it that way cause we are all humans, inside of us, we are all the same, it doesn’t matter the color, heritage, story, etc… I think that we all have the same possibilities to achieve any goal. One of the most important things is that the best part of having immigrants to your country is the economic level that you can get thanks to them, I see this “issue” like a plus cause these days is very difficult to grow together with your country, people are choosing worst presidents every election days and

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some governments says that violence is made by immigrants, that they create this criminal environment which this is a wrong idea because studies have recognized that, almost a 76% of a 100% of criminals are American people, it doesn’t matter color or race, Studies have consistently found that immigrants are less likely to be incarcerated than native-born Americans and that there is a negative correlation between levels of immigration and crime rates. Other studies have in fact found that crime rates are lowest in states with the highest immigration growth rates, and that states with larger shares of undocumented immigrants tend to have lower crime rates than states with smaller shares.

Another thing that I don’t see here is that many American people thinks that immigrants doesn’t pay taxes, that they don’t care about political things because “it’s not their country” and that kind of things but studies have shown that almost a 60% of them pay taxes every year and they just don’t pay taxes, they do this so they can get the benefits of what they are working for, school, health care, insurance. Approximately half of immigrants living in the United States are from Mexico and other Latin American countries. The Latin immigrants have so many values and their education is so focused on their needs that they put it on its everyday life and on their work that in most of the cases is one of the best important reason why they get a really way of living. Also not all immigrants go to the US just to have babies and some people that is born there doesn’t really care about the citizenship, for example, I was born in the us and I really don’t care about the benefits that I can have and neither I know how to speak English very well, I don’t have native English cause I have always lived in Mexico, and I’m sure that like me, there is a lot of people out there who doesn’t really care all those material things that they “offer” you.

Another important thing that I think that is very important, is the political topic, for example, with the actual United states president immigrants are living a hell migrating to that country because every they, ice police and border police are making it harder to enter to the country, every day it gets harder because they are increasing the border security. Every day there is an apprehension on the US-MEX border, according to a report released by ICE, during the fiscal year of 2016 ICE removed 240,255 immigrants. During the fiscal year of 2018, ICE removed 256,085 immigrants. There has been a significant increase in the removal of immigrants since President Trump took office. The reason for the increase in removals is due to the policies that the Trump administrations have put in place.

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About two thirds of Americans say immigrants strengthen the country “because of their hard work and talents,” while about a quarter say immigrants burden the country by taking jobs, housing and health care. You will be evaluated based on the thoughtfulness of your story, the relevance of the main points you can make, the chosen characters, the setting, the business strategy, taking into account what we have seen in the course so far about business environments, cultures, and attractive economic poles and industries in the region. Part 3. Rounding-up the storytelling By now you should be able to tell the story of the case in a whole new way! So, take the text you presented in Part 2 and prepare yourself to present in across many publishing platforms: 1.

Record and upload a short video about the business case you selected and what you did in Part 2. It must be in English, obviously, and scripted in first person (i.e. your face, real talk). You can upload your video privately to YouTube , Vimeo , DailyMotion, or similar.


Produce an animated presentation in PowerPoint , Google Slides or Prezi based on the storytelling you re - created after analyzing the business case (not from the original PDF). Here you are required to present the case in terms of what you learned in the course about the Americas (business environments, trade agreements, the sectors of the economy, cultural diversity, political climate, security challenges, and so on).


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