Patrick Henry Questions and Speech PDF

Title Patrick Henry Questions and Speech
Course English Studies Abroad
Institution Southern Methodist University
Pages 3
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1. According to Patrick Henry, what is the basic question being debated at the Virginia Convention? The basic question which is being debated is questioning the need for a militia so that it could combat the British and their advancements while questioning their life choices which gave the peace like slavery and chains. The second convention is discussing the strategy to negotiate with the Crown. 2. What reasons does Henry offer to suggest that the British were not worthy of trust at that time? The responses of the British which had shown conflict and the gathering of their army had given the colonies reason to fear them. The King had also rejected the colonists grievances which had shown the colonists that he was ignorant and selfish 3. What argument does Henry provide against the notion that the colonies are too weak to fight the British? He says that the colonists are severely outnumbered but their spirit and their mentality and desire for freedom can help them win the fight. He also says that God is on their side and that they can win as long as they don’t sit around and do nothing. 4. What is Henry implying when he says that he is loyal to "the majesty of heaven...above all earthly kings"? What tone (manner in which an author expresses his attitude) does this statement hold? He says that he is only loyal to God and that he won’t bow down to anyone else. Although this was meant to be respectful, he came off as a little egotistical. 5. Why are Henry's final words so effective and memorable? They represent such an important ideal that resounded in the hearts of the American people and they have become a symbol for the main ideal of America which meant that people are willing to die, rather than have no freedom 6. A rhetorical question is a question posed to emphasize a point, not for the purpose of getting an answer. Henry uses this device extensively throughout his speech. Find one example in the speech, quote it and explain what point he is emphasizing with those particular questions. A question that he asks is “Why stand here we idle?” and he is trying to emphasize that the people of America have no reason to stand idle and that they should all come together and show attention to fight for their freedom. 7. Parallel structuring is the repeating of phrases or sentences which are similar (parallel) in meaning and structure; repetition is the repeating of the same word or phrases to create a sense of rhythm and emphasis. Find an example of parallel structuring and repetition in the speech. Explain why this device is effectively placed in the speech. A quote that I found which contains this is “We have petitioned; we have remonstrated; we have supplicated; we have >prostrated ourselves before the throne”. The reason that this was added was because it was supposed to emphasize the fact that the American people would not succumb to the throne and that they have done so much to comply yet they get nothing in return and it should show the Americans that the change that they want will never truly come, even if they are the best of citizens 8. Allusion is a reference in a speech to a familiar person, place, thing or event. Henry uses two allusions in his speech (they are highlighted in blue).What is the

source of each of these allusions? The source of the first allusion comes from Greek mythology when they reference the words of British and compare it to the sirens and how they will just get entranced by all of those lies. The second allusion comes from the Bible and it references Jesus Christ, who got betrayed by an act of kindness 9. Syntax is the study of sentence structure. Observe the length of the sentences in the first and last paragraphs of the speech. What differences do you find? How do these differences affect the tone of the speech? The first paragraph contains longer sentences and the last paragraph has short, terse sentences. Longer sentences have more information and they keep the audience listening and informed but the shorter sentences keep the audience more motivated and they bring the audience to action. The beginning was more respectful and calm as he tried to explain his reasons but towards the end, he got a lot more informal and enthusiastic and he was trying to energize the audience as well. 10. Diction is an author's word choice, in this case the orator's choice of words. In the third paragraph, Henry uses a string of verbs (highlighted in orange): petitioned, remonstrated, supplicated, implored. They are arranged in a climactic order, flowing from the mildest to the strongest. Find four synonyms for these verbs, and rewrite that sentence using your choices. Are they as effective as Henry's choices? Why or why not? We have requested, we have protested, we have begged, and we have bowed down. I don’t think my words are as strong because they don’t sound as professional as his did and the words that he used convey a specific meaning and they had more emotion.

Speech B As the American people, we have the responsibility of ensuring that each and every single one of us is treated equally with respect and honor. If an entity is to encroach upon our liberty, together as one we must unite and regain our freedom. Right underneath our noses, that is exactly what is happening to us. The British are exercising their tyrannical values over us and though that may be normal to the British citizens, us Americans will not tolerate such disrespect and a violation of our rights and values. Day by day they have impeded upon us with new restrictions and they expect us to just accept what is going on because we are inferior. They have belittled us, they have controlled us, they have attacked us and yet we have stayed quiet about it. Why do they think they can ruin our lives and get away with it? They shouldn’t escape unharmed and the only way the make sure this doesn’t happen is if we unite together. We will not let this demonic evil control us and we will use the will and strength that our own holy spirit has given us to take them down. Once we unite together

with a will, there is absolutely nothing that can stop us from victory. There will be losses, there will be consequences, but for a life full of liberty and prosperity, it will all be worth it in the end

Rubric Intro-4 Organization-5 Detail-3 Conclusion-4 Volume-5 Speed-5 Eye Contact-4 Posture-4 Confidence-4 Poise-3...

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