Paz Itzamar Assignment 6 Text PDF

Title Paz Itzamar Assignment 6 Text
Author Itzamar Paz
Course Implementación de tecnologías de información v1
Institution Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato
Pages 4
File Size 308.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 75
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Name: María Itzamar Paz Hernández Student's ID number: 19011488 Subject: Idioma Extranjero ||| Name of the Evidence: Assignment 6 Text Municipality: León, Guanajuato Name of the advisor: Francisco Ramírez García Date: 21 – Julio – 2021 Carrer:Human Capital Administration

1 ©UVEG.Der echosr eser vados.Es t aobr anopuedeserr epr oduci da,modi ficada,di st r i bui da,nit r ansmi t i da,par ci alot ot al ment e,medi ant ecual qui ermedi o,mé t odoo si st emai mpr eso,el ect r óni co,magnét i co,i nc l uyendoelf ot ocopi ado,l af ot ogr af í a,l agr abac i ónouns i st emader ecuper aci ónd el ai nf or maci ón,s i nl aaut or i zac i ónpor esc r i t odel aUni ver si dadVi r t ual del Es t adodeGuanaj uat o.

CONDITIONALS Instructions To be evaluated in this unit it a Word document has to be created (Word/Word pad/Open Office) with at least 14 sentences, as well as FOUR paragraph original compositions (all of them using comparisons). This assignment is divided into two parts and to work out these two, it is necessary to revise both virtual classes from unit 3 English III course.

Part 1 Read the stem on the left side in the table then provide a creative answer with a logical meaning on the right side of the / Lea la raíz del lado izquierdo de la tabla y luego proporcione una respuesta creativa con un significado lógico en el lado derecho de la tabla.

Conditional 1 Stem

Your Response

1. I´m going to my friend´s party if … 2. If I have time tomorrow, … 3. My friend Caty won´t pass her driving test if … 4. I can enter the platform if … 5. We canprepare diner if … 6. She can get a promotion and a better salary if … 7. The company was almost in bankruptcy, it can continue operating only if …

I can finish my work early. I will visit my friend Jesus at her house. She doesn´tsleep well tonight. I have the user´s password. We have all the ingredients ready. She Works hard at her job. We work together to get better sales in the next quarter.

Conditional 1 Stem 1. I´d buy new jeans if … 2. If there were Good music on the radio tonight, … 3. My bedroom would be nicer if … 4. If my family had more money … 5. I´d feel happier if … 6. If I saw an car accident happen, 7. I could invite my Friends to my home if …

Your Response I could accommodate the fortnigt and I would have money left over. I would listen to the music all night. I had more space to organize and decorate a bit better We would travel all around the world. I could listen to music more often. I would call an ambulance so I can help with something. The house was mine and not muy parents.

2 ©UVEG.Der echosr eser v ados.Est aobr anopuedeserr epr oduci da,modi fi cada,di st r i bui da,nit r ansmi t i da,par c i alot ot al ment e,medi ant ecual qui ermedi o,mét odoo s i st emai mpr eso,el ect r óni co,magnét i co,i nc l uy endoelf ot oc opi ado,l af ot ogr af í a,l agr abac i ónounsi st emader ecuper ac i óndel ai nf or maci ón,si nl aaut or i zaci ónpor esc r i t odel aUni ver si dadVi r t ual del Es t adodeGuanaj uat o.

Part 2 In this section there are FOUR scenarios you have to respond all FOUR scenarios, you can combine different conjugations, present future, past, present perfect, etc, however there have to be at least with at least 5 conditional sentences (affirmative, negative or even interrogative), in each paragraph you compose there should be no less than 50 words, and the most important is your creativity and originality to respond to each scenario.

If I had that money, I could invest it in promoting the company digitally, in which I would have the opportunity to be know nationally and could be positioned among the best known companies in the region. It would be great if the company has promotions to encourage its customers to continue buying their products such as prizes and coupons. I might work making informative flyers, souvenirs, to make a Little know about the company and that is dedicated.

a) I will créate new Jobs and in the curren tones give the job opportunity to people who really want to work with it, we could improve the country´s economy. b) It would improve with better medical care, better schools, better jobs and improve the basic food basket, we could offer all this at a low cost. c) Give better training to pólice officers from all regions, better surveillance in each locality and with this give an example to future generations that they could also do things well while respecting the law.

If I were Televisa president I would créate a new channel with some features focused anly on art duch as painting, music, etc, this could be posible if the hidden talents in the country decided to cooperate with the Project, since they have a lot of influence on people , I think that other of the things that would help to increase the culture from this point would be to pay more attention to documentaries about the country, our own culture, and to eliminate

3 ©UVEG.Der echosr eser v ados.Est aobr anopuedeserr epr oduci da,modi fi cada,di s t r i bui da,nit r ansmi t i da,par ci alot ot al ment e,medi ant ecual qui ermedi o,mét odoo s i st emai mpr eso,el ect r óni co,magnét i co,i nc l uy endoelf ot oc opi ado,l af ot ogr af í a,l agr abac i ónounsi st emader ecuper ac i óndel ai nf or maci ón,si nl aaut or i zaci ónpor esc r i t odel aUni ver si dadVi r t ual del Es t adodeGuanaj uat o.

ignorance in the country I think it would end with thenovels it is impressive that people know more about novels tan what really happens in the country.

If I have to downsize the company, I´ll could implement a strategy to know why we are in this situation first aria a process inventory research and see where more money is spent where there are more losses and having this and If at risk the company would have to make a valuation of the positions of each department and would have to dismiss duplicate work and that are not so necessary this would aria by last option.

4 ©UVEG.Der echosr eser v ados.Est aobr anopuedeserr epr oduci da,modi fi cada,di s t r i bui da,nit r ansmi t i da,par ci alot ot al ment e,medi ant ecual qui ermedi o,mét odoo s i st emai mpr eso,el ect r óni co,magnét i co,i nc l uy endoelf ot oc opi ado,l af ot ogr af í a,l agr abac i ónounsi st emader ecuper ac i óndel ai nf or maci ón,si nl aaut or i zaci ónpor esc r i t odel aUni ver si dadVi r t ual del Es t adodeGuanaj uat o....

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