Assignment 6 Text - tttttttttt PDF

Title Assignment 6 Text - tttttttttt
Course idioma extranjero II
Institution Universidad Virtual del Estado de Guanajuato
Pages 4
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Ana Karen Álvarez Montelongo 19010253 Idioma extranjero III

Industrial engineering Mario López Conde 27/01/2021 León



1. I´m going to my friend´s party if…

My mom let me go.

2. If I have time tomorrow, 3. My friend Caty won´t pass her driving test if… 4. I can enter the platform if… 5. We can prepare diner if… 6. She can get a promotion and a better salary if… 7. The company was almost in bankruptcy, it can continue operating only if…

I´m going to finish the subject. She doesn´t practice enough time. You give me the password. You buy the ingredients. She works harder. The rest of the year the sales increase.



1. I´d buy new jeans if… 2. If there were good music on the radio tonight…

My boss paid me today.

3. My bedroom would be nicer if… 4. If my family had more money… 5. I´d feel happier if… 6. If I saw a car accident happen, 7. I could invite my friends to my home if…

I had some pictures on the wall.

I would listen to it all the night.

We would travel around the world. I finished my career the next year. I would try to help to the people. They weren´t live so far away.

Part 2 SCENARIO 1 A marketing strategy. If you were a Marketing Manager for a National Corporation and if you were given 20,000 USD for a marketing campaign; consider that would have to use all that money to promote the product (or service) of the company you work for, please, mention at least three ways to spend that money. (Do not forget to use auxiliaries would/could/might) I would use 10, 000 USD in internet publicity, I could use Facebook, Instagram, twitter, as we know the most people use those social media so it´s going to be useful. I would use 5,000 USD in magazine and newspaper publicity because we also know not every person around the world use social media and we could notify them by that. And the rest of the money I might use it to have a tv commercial and we would be able to reach almost every person so they could know about our products and services.

SCENARIO 2 Being a congressman / congresswoman If you were elected congressman / congresswoman in Mexico Republic, what would you do to...? a) improve economy b) increase quality of Mexicans life c) decrease delinquency To improve the economy, I would offer more jobs with better salaries. I truly believe the education gives better opportunities so I would offer scholarships to every student in the country and when they finished their career, they could have better quality lives. To decrease the delinquency, I would hire better people to be cops and they might have the city under control. SCENARIO 3 Owner of a TV Network If you were the president of a TV Network for instance (Televisa / CNN / OnceTV / ESPN / Azteca /...) a) What would you do to increase Culture in Mexico population? b) What programs, series, movies or TV commercials would you eliminate in order to diminish ignorance? To increase the culture en Mexico population I would promote programs based on history, math, science, biology, chemistry etc. Those programs would have quizzes to the audience so the people could have prizes if they know the answers. And the programs and movies I might eliminate to decrease the ignorance would be programs based on scandals, violence and gossips.

SCENARIO 4 Being an HR Manager under pressure If you were the Human Resources Manager at a big company (5,000 employees in Mexico) and if you were notified that there is an imminent company downsizing, so you have to come up with a plan for cost reduction. What strategies would you suggest to the executives of the corporation (you may consider to include a workforce layoff)? I would consider a workforce layoff as last option, firstly I would do an audit in order to know which area or department spend more money and I could try to reduce or reuse resources there, secondly, I would train the people because if they are better they are going to make the work faster with less resources, if that is not enough I could reduce the schedule of every worker to pay them less....

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