Text Assignment- Chapter 6 Learning PDF

Title Text Assignment- Chapter 6 Learning
Author Elijah Escalona
Course General Psychology
Institution San Jacinto College
Pages 3
File Size 76.4 KB
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Text Assignment- Chapter 6 Learning...


Text Assignment for Chapter 6 (OpenStax.org) Chapter 6: Learning

Name: Elijah Mae Escalona

Please type your name at the top of the document. Please type your answers and save your completed document on your computer. Then submit the completed assignment as per the instructions outlined on Canvas. Canvas will be set up to only accept .doc, .docx and .pdf files. Do not submit documents through Google Drive. Make sure to save an editable copy of the document for your personal use. It is far more effective to write the answers in your own words. Section 6.1: What is learning? 1. What are reflexes? Motor/ neutral reaction to a specific stimulus in the environment; simpler than instincts; involve activity of specific body parts and systems; is not learned 2. According to the textbook, what is learning? Involves change and experience; allows an organism to adapt to its environment; relatively permanent change in behavior/ knowledge that results from experience 3. What is associative learning? When an organism makes connections between events that occur together in the environment Section 6.2: Classical Conditioning 4. What is classical conditioning? Process by which ones learns to associate stimuli, and consequently, anticipate events 5. Define each of the five components of classical conditioning? a. Unconditioned Stimulus: A stimulus that elicits a reflexive response in an organism; natural response b. Unconditioned Response: A natural (unlearned) reaction to given stimulus; ALWAYS becomes the conditioned response c. Neutral Stimulus: Stimulus that does not naturally elicit a response; ALWAYS become the conditioned stimulus d. Conditioned Stimulus: Stimulus that elicits a response after repeatedly being paired with an unconditioned stimulus e. Conditioned Response: Behavior caused by the conditioned stimulus 6. Jeremy gets special dental suckers every time he sees the dentist, which he loves. Now he loves the dentist just as much as the suckers. This is the result of classical conditioning. Identify each of the following within that scenario: a. UCS: Getting the special dental suckers b. UCR: Loves it; is happy c. NS: Going to the dentist d. CS: Going to the dentist e. CR: Loves it; is happy 7. Jenny hates the feeling of metal in her mouth. Consequently, she hates the hygienist who uses metal instruments to clean her teeth. This is the result of classical conditioning. Identify each of the following within that scenario: a. UCS: Hygienist uses metal instruments to clean teeth b. UCR: Hates the feeling of metal in her mouth; hates the hygienist c. NS: Go see the hygienist d. CS: Go see the hygienist e. CR: Hates the feeling of metal in her mouth; hates the hygienist

8. Define the following terms: a. higher-order conditioning (second-order conditioning): Pairing a new stimulus with the conditioned stimulus b. Acquisition: Initial period of learning; when an organism learns to connect a neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus; neutral stimulus begins to elicit the conditioned response, making the neutral stimulus the conditioned stimulus c. Extinction: The decrease in the conditioned response when the unconditioned stimulus is no longer presented with the conditioned stimulus d. Spontaneous Recovery: The return of a previously extinguished conditioned response following a rest period e. Stimulus Discrimination: When an organism learns to respond differently to various stimuli that are similar; ex: dog only reacting to dog bell f. Stimulus Generalization: Organism demonstrates the conditioned response to stimuli that are similar to the condition stimulus; ex: dog reacting to dog bell and other types of bells g. Habituation: We learn not to respond to a stimulus that is presented repeatedly without change; ex: roommate blasting music while you’re studying. At first it is distracting, but slowing become accustomed to it Section 6.3: Operant Conditioning 9. Define Operant Condition.: Organisms learn to associate a behavior and its consequences 10. Define in a way that makes the differences clear among the four types of consequences possible within an operant conditioning scenario. a. Positive Reinforcement: A stimulus is added to increases a behavior b. Negative Reinforcement: an undesirable stimulus is removed to increase a behavior c. Positive Punishment: An added undesirable stimulus to decrease a behavior d. Negative Punishment: A removed aversive stimulus to decrease behavior 11. What is shaping? One rewards successive approximations of a target behavior; needed because it is extremely unlikely that an organism will display anything but the simplest of behaviors spontaneously; behaviors are broken down into many small, achievable steps 12. Explain the difference between primary and secondary reinforcers. - Primary Reinforces: reinforcers that have innate reinforcing qualities; Organisms do not lose their drive for these things; these are not learned (ex: water, food, sleep, shelter) - Secondary Reinforces: No inherent value and only has reinforcing qualities when linked with a primary reinforcer (ex: praise, money) 13. From the 6.3 Everyday Connection Section, what is the most effective way to use operant conditioning regarding parenting? Behavior modification: using the principles of operant conditioning to accomplish behavior change so that the undesirable behaviors are switched for more socially acceptable ones 14. Define and provide an example of something in your life for each of the reinforcement schedules. a. Fixed Interval Schedule: Reinforcement is delivered at predictable time intervals (after 5, 10,15, 20 minutes); this results in moderate response rate with significant pauses after reinforcement (ex: a weekly paycheck) b. Variable Interval Schedule: Reinforcement is delivered at unpredictable time intervals; this results in moderate yet steady response rate (ex: checking snapchat; mail notifications) c. Fixed Ratio Schedule: Reinforcement is delivered after a predictable number of responses; results in high response with pauses after reinforcement (ex: free chipotle after earning 1500 points)

d. Variable Ratio Schedule: Reinforcement is delivered after an unpredictable number of responses; results in high and steady response rate (ex: gambling) Section 6.4: Observational Learning (Modeling) 15. Define the following: a. Observational learning: We learn by watching others and then imitating/ modeling what they do or say b. Vicarious reinforcement: If one sees the organism was reinforced for her behavior; they will be motivated to copy that organism c. Vicarious punishment: If one observes the organism getting punished, they will less motivated to copy the organism...

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