PE- Final-EXAM - Goodluck PDF

Title PE- Final-EXAM - Goodluck
Author Ralph Chowsen Bati-on
Course Physical Fitness
Institution AMA Computer University
Pages 8
File Size 80.7 KB
File Type PDF
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PE FINAL EXAM 1.This test is designed to measure your Cardiovascular Endurance. -3MIN. STEP TEST 2.Diet and dieting are two different things and should not be used interchangeably. -TRUE 3.Crash dieting and yoyo dieting are best practices to maintain and manage a person's weight. -FALSE 4.Individuals who unconsciously maintain and have a BMI of 22 are people who have Anorexia Nervosa. -FALSE 5.The heart beats approximately _____ gallons of blood per day making it more efficient than a machine. -4,000 6.Circuit training is an activity that saves time and targets a lot of muscles within the body. -TRUE 7.The alveoli is the part of the lungs responsible for: -EXCHANGE OF CARBON DIOXIDE AND OXYGEN GASES 8.Exercising relieves the symptoms of menstrual pain and improves the circulation of blood within the uterus. -TRUE 10.____ are bundles of myofibrils that are joined together to make muscle contractions possible. -MUSCLE FIBRES

11.The unit of measure used in measuring Body Mass Index is set at _____. -kg/m² 12.____ refers to personalizing a particular program to fit a person's age, gender, and level of fitness. 13.When a person has chest pains caused by blocked arteries within the heart, this person is said to have a condition known as ____. 14.___ is a type of discomfort where a person feels a sharp and involuntary muscle contraction during exercise or at rest. -Muscle Cramps 15.If a person has a large number of slow-twitch muscle fibers, he/she has higher _____. -Muscular Endurance

16.A waiver serves as a permit to participate in physical activities involved in the AMAESHI Physical Education course. -True 17.Hypothyroidism is the condition in which a person has an excessive amount of thyroid hormones within the body causing it to lose weight. -false 18.Exercise and proper dieting techniques are essential in achieving an ideal body composition. True 19.Grey accidentally hit the vase with his forearm but he was able to catch it quickly, preventing its fall. This shows that Grey has a very quick ____. 19.Bianca is a ballerina who performs splits on a regular basis, she claims that this improves her _____. -Flexibility 20.The chemical compound contained in sports drinks that aid in proper muscle contractions is known as ____. 21.Skipping meals to inhibit weight loss aids in strengthening the body's immune system and metabolic regulations. -False 22.The best way to manage or apply first-aid on a chafing discomfort is to: 23.Once a person has a good CV endurance, the next part of the training program is to develop ______, so that the muscles may learn to contract repeteadly for a long period of time. -Muscular Endurance

24.Spiritual wellness refers to your ability to build and establish good communication and relationships within your environment. -False 25.Anabolic steroids can bring the following effect to the body, EXCEPT: -Increase in nutrient uptake 26.____ is the condition in which the arterial walls thicken and harden as a result of age. 27.The ___ is the part of the bone that grows and hardens as a person ages and matures. 28.Women who want to look bulky need to invest a lot of time, effort, and supplements to help them achieve their goal. -True 29.Sprinting and brisk walking are examples of activities that can be done in a cool-down. -False

30.The ideal recovery time of a person who did weight training is between _____. 31.The recommended frequency to develop CV endurance is to work-out ____ days/week. -3-4 32.Paul was asked to perform the Ruler Drop Test so that he will be able to deteremine his ______. -Reaction Time 33.Fat can be turned into muscle, and muscle can be turned into fat. -False 34.The ____ is the part of the musculoskeletal system responsible for giving the body its shape and ability to stand as a unit. 35.People with orthorexia are those who have fixations with healthy and righteous eating habits. -True 36.The following are all effects of using cocaine, EXCEPT: 37.Training program refers to a structured and well-organized plan that aims to develop a specific component/s of fitness. -True 38.The part of the heart responsible in preventing the backflow of blood between the right atrium and right ventricle is the ____. -Tricuspid valve 39.The best treatment for a blister is to: -apply donut or corn pads on affected area

40.Dwyane did Cross Fit and was surprised that he can lift a 50-kg barbell with very little effort. This shows that his lifting abilities is associated with ____. -power

41.Another thing to double check in a food label is its ____ contents. 42.Warm-up exercises before a circuit training are no longer necessary because the activity takes little time to do. -false

43.____ generally contributes to bone and muscle loss but ____ leads to higher chances of obtaining unnecessary injuries. -age/inactivity 44.When a person has a higher level of fitness, less improvements will be reached. This is referred to as the ________. -law of diminishing returns

45.Gelo is a swimmer, every training session there is a long distance swim to improve Gelo's overall ______, this way he can last through the activity. -CV Endurance 46.Jake does weight training activities 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes every session. He is trying to build on his _____. -Muscular endurance

47.___ is the discomfort or tenderness felt after a high intensity work-out; it is very common in beginners who are exercising. -Muscle soreness 48.A visual estimate used to determine the recommended daily fat intake of men is: -

49.What is the relative strength of a person who weighs 100 lbs. and can lift a barbell that is 250 lbs.? -2.5 lbs/body weight 50.Any exercise activity should be first consulted with a physician. -true


1.All of the following are factors that may affect bone degeneration, EXCEPT: 2.All of the following are materials needed to administer the 3-minute step test, EXCEPT: 3.Finding social support is a means of getting rid of stressors in life. -true 4.Biking for 2 hours a day improves Mike's ______, energizing him and allowing him to do more activities within the day. -muscular endurance 5.In sport performance, alcohol may cause: -impaired reaction time 6.Pregnant women are not allowed to work-out with their backs flat on the floor during the 1st trimester of pregnancy. -true

7.It refers to the energy that is derived from food and is needed in certain amounts on a daily basis. 8.Steam baths have the ability to melt fat and keep a person in shape. -false 9.The lungs are responsible for converting ____ blood to ____ blood that can be used by the body in several processes. -unoxygenated - oxygenated 10.Erica realized that she can cross the basketball court very quickly every time she has the ball. This means that she possesses the skill-related fitness component of ____. -agility 11.These are characteristics of unsaturated fats, EXCEPT: -Found in animal products like cows and goats 12.The most common side effect of drinking alcohol in excess is ____. -it slows down the functions of the Central Nervous System. 13.Which of the following is a distinct characteristic of free radicals? -Comes from smoke and radiation 14.Tooth decay and excessive body weight are results of having a condition known as Bulimia Nervosa. -false 15.The ideal frequency and duration of strength training exercise in a training program should be ______: -3x/week at 30 mins.- 1hr./day

16.The Agreement to Participate is designed to gauge your level of fitness and overall commitment to the terms and practices of the course. -false 17.Gillian is engaged in Gymnastics, it is a sport that requires a lot of ____. -balance 18.Women who are pregnant are advised to perform weight bearing activities. -false 19.Eustress refers to the "good kind" of stress and should be regulated on a daily basis in a person's life.

-true 20.____ is a condition in which skin rubs against skin or clothing which causes irritation and eventually makes it crack and bleed. -chafing 21.A visual estimate used to determine the recommended daily carbohydrate intake of women is: -2-cupped hands

22.A station in the circuit can even last up to a minute. -true 23.Soup diet, juice diet, and tapeworm diet are forms of crash dieting techniques that make a person lose weight instantaneously. -true 24.This test is designed to measure your Flexibility. -Sit & Reach

25.Physical fitness refers to a set of physical attributes that allow the body to respond or adapt to the demands of stress and physical effort. -true 26.Drew attempted to lift the 50-kilogram barbell to do a squat. He failed the moment he did the first attempt, which means, Drew has poor ____. -muscular strength 27.You cannot selectively exercise, bump, or vibrate fat from a particular spot in the your body. -true 28.When a person overtrains and does not allow himself to get enough recovery time, he may experience the principle of _____. 29.In doing the squat exercise, the bent knees should go beyond the line of the toes. -false 30.The body requires about ___ varieties of amino acids in order for it to sustain its functions. -30 31.High Intensity Interval Trainings or HITT are exercises that have consistent speed, intensity, and work-rate. -false

32.The ideal number of stations within a circuit is between 5-10 exercises. -true 33.How many grams per serving must be observed in a food label in order for food to be considered as low fat? -3g/serving

34.Mr. Johnson asked his class to stand and perform a Stork Balance Test. He was doing this so that he could let the students determine their ability to ____. -balance 35.Refers to "how often" a person should work-out within a specific time period. -frequency 36.Annie has a waist measurement of 27 cm, and a hip measurement of 38 cm. What is Annie's Waist-Hip Ratio? -0.71 cm

37.The conditioning phase should ideally last between 20 minutes to 1 hour. -true 38.____ is the condition in which a person loses oxygen supply within the brain causing its nerves and blood vessels to experience blockages or bleeding. -stroke 39.Lunges are exercises designed to target the front and back parts of the legs. -true 40.___ is a condition in which the heart muscles become thin and weaken overtime due to alcohol dependence. -Cardiomyopathy 41.On average, food contains about ____ percent of fluids that the body can utilize for several processes. -80-90 42.Anabolic steroids are a form of ____. 43.Circuit training can only be performed by an individual and not by a group of people at the same time. -false

44.A person who has asthma must totally avoid physical activities -false 45.An ectomorph is a body type that is described to have a very lean structure. -true

46.The body burns the these nutrients in the following order: -carbohydrates-fats-proteins 47.Muscular endurance and strength are some of the components that can be developed in doing circuit training. -true 48.___ is the substance found in alcohol which causes its addictive properties. -ethyl alcohol

49.All of the following are characteristics of a fast-twitch muscle fiber, EXCEPT: 50.Drew is powerlifter; he started by lifting 50 kilograms and towards his training can now lift 100 kilograms easily. His improvements is related to the principle of _____. -overload...

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