Persuasive Speech outline PDF

Title Persuasive Speech outline
Course Intro To Public Speaking
Institution Saint Louis University
Pages 5
File Size 60.1 KB
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Persuasive Speech...


Public Speaking 1200 Outline March 26, 2018


Learning a second language.

General Purpose:

To persuade

Specific Purpose:

My audience will know why it is so important to learn a second language early on in life.


Knowing a second language is beneficial in both personal and professional aspects.


Students will learn why they should consider learning a second language and know why it is something to teach their kids when the time comes.

Organizational Pattern:


Attention Grabber:

Can I see a show of hands of those of you who know a second language? Okay and now can I see a show of hands of those who wish they knew a second language? I’m here to explain to you why it is important and so beneficial for everyone to know a second language. There’s more benefits to knows a second language than it just seeming, “cool”.

Body: I) Psychological improvements

A) According to Cornell University, much to popular belief learning a second language does not cause language confusion, language delay or cognitive deficit. 1) Children who learn a second language can maintain attention despite outside stimuli better than children who know only one language, according to studies at the Cornell Language Acquisition Lab. (Lang, 2009) 2) Many educators compare and, in some cases, consider the brain to a muscle, because it functions better with exercise. Learning a language requires you to memorize new vocabulary and grammar rules which helps with strengthening your mental muscle and initially improves your memory. (Merritt, 2013) 3) Those who know multiple languages master the skill of “inhibition” and “task switching.” Meaning knowing two languages is a challenge in the fact that you don’t want to reply to someone in the wrong language. Bilinguals can pay focused attention without being distracted at a greater rate. (Chen, 2018) B) Cognitive advantages follow from becoming bilingual 1) Speaking a foreign language improves the functionality of your brain by challenging it to recognize, negotiate meaning, and communicate in different language systems. Boosting your ability of problem-solving skills (Delistraty, 2014) 2) Along with problem-solving skills, according to a study from the University of Chicago, those who speak more than one language tend to make more rational decisions. (a) Bilinguals become more confident in their decisions after thinking it over in a second language. (Merritt, 2013) II) Transition:

A) Now that we’ve talked about psychological advantages and skill improvements that bilinguals have. There are also medical benefits to knowing a second language. III) Medical benefits. A) Several studies have shown that knowing multiple languages helps push off diseases such as dementia longer. 1) Multiple studies were conducted with consistent results that showed, monolingual adults on average develop Alzheimer’s at 71.4 years old and adults that speak two or more languages on average develop Alzheimer’s at 75.5 years old. (Sauer, 2014) IV) Professional advantages A) There are many ways that knowing multiple languages will help you in the long run when finding a job and making yourself more marketable. 1) Knowing two or more languages makes your resume stand out and can significantly boost your chances at landing an interview. Many companies are going global and in order to accommodate, the best ways are to have an employee know the language. (Kostiuk, 2018) 2) Knowing multiple languages opens up new job opportunities. Translating jobs are in the top 15 fastest growing occupations in the United States and around 25,000 translating jobs are set to become available by 2020. (Kostiuk, 2018) V) In Conclusion A) Knowing multiple language helps you increase and improve your memory, while also allowing you to learn to pay careful attention for a longer period of time.

B) Since you are exercising your brain more often with needing to recall different languages and strengthening your memory. That causes you to push back Alzheimer’s and decrease your chances. C) Learning a second language might seem like a hard task and in some cases too much for some to handle. In the long run it’s one of the best things you can do for your brain.

Ci t a t i on: Che n ,A.( 2 018 ,Fe b r u a r y14) .To p5Re a s o nsYourCh i l dWi l lBe n e fitf r o mLe a r n i n gaFor e i gn La n g ua g e .Re t r i e v e dApr i l06 ,20 18 De l i s t r a t y , C. C.( 20 14, Oc t o be r17 ) . Fo raBe t t e rBr a i n ,Le a r nAn o t h e rLa n g u a g e .Re t r i e v e d Apr i l06 ,20 18 Ko s t i uk ,K. ( 201 8,Ma r c h29 ) . Wa ntaHe a l t h yLi f e s t y l e ?Re a pTh e s eBe ne fit sofBe i n g Bi l i n g ua l !Re t r i e v e dApr i l0 6,2 018 La n g , S. S. ( 2 00 9,Ma y1 2) .Le a r ni n gas e c o ndl a n gu a g ei sg o odc hi l dho odmi ndme di c i ne , s t ud i e sfind .Re t r i e v e dAp r i l06 ,20 18, Me r r i t t , A.( 2 01 3,J un e19 ) . Wh yl e a r naf or e i gnl a n g u a g e ?Be n e fit sofbi l i n g u a l i s m. Re t r i e v e d Apr i l06 ,20 18 Sa ue r ,A.( 201 4,De c e mb e r10) .Bi l i n g ua l i s m Mi gh tDe l a yAl z he i me r ' sByMor eTh a n4Ye a r s . Re t r i e v e dApr i l06 ,20 18...

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