PLP 3 - Personal Leadership Portfolio assignment PDF

Title PLP 3 - Personal Leadership Portfolio assignment
Author Navkiran Saini
Course Foundations of Leadership FW
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 4
File Size 116.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Personal Leadership Portfolio assignment...


PLP 3: Leadership Skills & Traits Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) Traits

Rater 1 (Friend) 4 5 3 4 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5

Articulate Perceptive Self - Confident Self - Assured Persistent Determined Trustworthy Dependable Friendly Outgoing Conscientious Diligent Sensitive Empathic

Rater 2 (Relative) 4 4 2 4 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 4

Average Rating


4 4.5 2.5 4 5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 4.5

4 5 3 4 4 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 5 5

Skills Inventory Skills Technical Human Conceptual

Total Score 21 26 26

Note the Scoring Interpretation 23–30: High Range 14–22: Moderate Range 6–13: Low Range

Understanding the Significance of Leadership Trait Questionnaire After doing the self assessment and reviewing the score of what the other people gave me, it clearly shows that I rate myself as much as how other people have rated me in certain traits to display as a great leader. For example, I have given myself a lower score on being friendly, self-confident, outgoing and my rater also gave me the same score, which means that I do need to increase on these leadership qualities. In order to expand these qualities, I have to approach

people to make a conversation instead of always waiting for someone else to come up to me to talk to me. Also, it has to do more than the need to just approach them as I need to believe in myself and be the first one to initiate the conversation, whether someone is my friend or not. That way I will be able to contribute more in real life interactions instead of being the silent one and enhance my relationships and leadership skills. Furthermore, the skills that help me develop as a good leader were seen by my raters and me. For instance, both the raters saw that I am dependable, trustworthy and diligent, and gave me a high score which definitely was rated the same by myself as well. Everyone including myself can recognize that when I listen to the advice given by my closest people, I can be trusted in relationships and friendships. It is also evident that my diligence is seen through the quality of my work as I continue to work on a task even if it is difficult. I prefer identifying my own goals and the goals of people so that any group work can be done effectively in a collaborative manner. I consider that this leadership trait form will help me in the future because it provides an inclusive indication of what abilities are required and what are not in order to evolve as a strong leader. After finishing this self-assessment, I am more conscious of my strong and weak traits and can apply it in real life when necessary. Overall, I believe being mindful of these leadership traits is very important because I will be able to pertain and improve these abilities in different scenarios and this in turn will eventually help me be a resilient and a more confident leader.

Reflection on Skills Inventory Questionnaire By looking carefully at the questionnaire, I can say that I received a high score in human and conceptual skills and got moderate range in technical skills. Considering the total scores, I believe I recorded high score in

human skills section as I am able to adapt to any situation in order to be more successful and productive in work and life. The ability to learn quickly is something I believe in, which is a great human skill to have because I can pick up new information a lot faster than others and I think this is really important in today’s world as everything is changing rapidly. For example, even when any group conflicts arise, I have stood out to be the first one to make everyone understand about different people’s roles. When some members of the team are unable to do their part of work, I take responsibility to adapt to every situation whether it is time-management or any other conflict like lack of online communication. Overall, due to human skills, I stay dedicated to put my best efforts in everything I do including taking care of people and their needs as a priority. Another high score I got was in conceptual skills because of my creative and analytical abilities during professional and personal life. For instance, when doing a summer job in Marketing, I always focussed on creativity and believed in analysing hypothetical situations in order to create a vision for the team. By following this strategy, I confirmed that all the team members put in equal and high-quality work and was satisfied with the main goals in order to apply insights to situations in life. Furthermore, I got the lowest score in technical skills because as a university student, I am still learning and increasing these skills as these talents can be more enhanced when I am more experienced and apply in real life work situations. In order to improve these skills in future, I would try

applying the classroom learning such as statistics to all situations in my career. As my interests are changing, I believe I could learn to use technology for designing and marketing automation for companies. I believe these technical skills such as digital marketing and information technology along with software would help me stand out more in professional life....

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