Positive parenting plan PDF

Title Positive parenting plan
Author Lynnette Taylor
Course Child and Adolescent Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 4
File Size 75 KB
File Type PDF
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Lynnette Taylor Grand Canyon University: PSY-355 January 24, 2021


Positive Parenting Plan


The different parenting styles that can be used to help solve the issue of the sibling scenario are authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parenting styles which can be used to help a parent in this scenario. Many parents discipline in many different ways. Some parents are very strict and may use the authoritarian style and some parents are more permissive and do not punish the child while the authoritative parent is strict but loving. In the scenario given, as a psychology intern, I would tell the parents about all three styles and let them ask questions. I personally would use the authoritative style to help these parents. Authoritative parenting the parenting is warm and respect for individuality with a goal to instill values. With the different parenting styles, the child will be affected by each of them. With Authoritarian style, they are more detached and less warm than other parents. Their children tend to be more discontented, withdrawn, and distrustful. Permissive parenting, heir preschool children incline to be immature—the littlest self-controlled and the least exploratory. Authorized parents’ dash their children evidently feeling assured. In knowledgeable both that they are loved and what is expected of them. These preschoolers incline to be the most autonomous self-controlled, assertive exploratory, and content (Martorell & Papalia & Feldman, 2013). Authoritative Parenting Plan for Paul and Mary for John John has been acting out since Paul and Mary brought home a new baby sister. John has started acting out during nap times and at bedtime. His behavior often entails yelling, crying, and occasionally hitting the parent who is trying to tuck him in. Parenting style agreed upon with family will be Authoritative.

Positive Parenting Plan 


Validation: if your child says mean things, like they do not like you, they hate the baby or other family member, listen with the intent to validate. Do not make siblings love each other, this will happen eventually, as they play and see how fun it can be to play with their brother or sister (Brill, 2017). This is a way to discipline with kindness.

Improve Behavior with Increased Bonding and Connection: Children need to have their love cups filled and overflowing. When a child is no longer the focus of attention, their cups are emptied quicker than we can imagine. Set aside time for just you and John for the day or evening. Have baby sister stay with grandma and grandpa or a babysitter and take time to spend with just John. Go to the park, go out to dinner or a movie or just spend time at home giving all your attention to John. If John feels like he is being treated as a special boy and not have sister taking away his time with mom and dad. John will eventually feel just as important and this should allow bedtime and nap time routines become improved and the acting out should subside. Child development, the development of perceptual, emotional, mental, and behavioral

capacities and functioning during childhood. The term childhood refers this point in the human life from the ability of words in one or two periods to the onset of adolescence in 12 or 13 years. (Britannica, 2018). Piagat’s preoperational arrange normally happens during the flow between toddlerhood (18-24months) and early puerility (7 years). During this arrange children commence to use language; memory and imaginativeness besides break In the preoperational arrange children engross in make conceive and can understand and express relations between the past and the futurity Also composite concepts, much as crusade and core relations birth not been lettered Brainpower is egoist and nonrational not logical, have not been learned. Intelligence is egocentric and intuitive, not logical (Wood & Smith & Grossniklaus, 2001).

Positive Parenting Plan

4 Reference

Brill, A. (2020, March 05). How to Discipline When A New Baby Arrives and Siblings Act Out. Retrieved from https://www.positiveparentingconnection.net/how-to-discipline-when-anew-baby-arrives-and-siblings-act-out/ Britannica (Jul. 2018). Child development. Britannica. Retrieved from www.britannica.com/science/child-development-process Clark, M. (2019, November 07). 5 Major Theoretical Perspectives of Psychology Explained. Retrieved October 05, 2020, from https://www.psysci.co/5-perspectives-psychology/ Martorell, G., Papalia, D., & Feldman, R. (2013). A d’s world: Infancy through adolescence (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN-13: 9780078035432 URL: http://gcumedia.com/digital-resources/mcgraw-hill/2013/a-childs-world_infancy-throughadolescence_ebook_13e.php Wood, K. C., Smith, H., Grossniklaus, D. (2001). Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development. In M. Orey Emerging perspectives on learning, teaching, and technology. Retrieved from http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/...

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