Pre-Assessment Introduction to Instructional Planning and Presentation NHC1 PNHC PDF

Title Pre-Assessment Introduction to Instructional Planning and Presentation NHC1 PNHC
Author Turtle Fire
Course Introduction to Instructional Planning and Presentation
Institution Western Governors University
Pages 20
File Size 376.3 KB
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Introduction to Instructional Planning and Presentation Pre-Assessment ...


Pre-Assessment: Introduction to Instructional Planning and Presentation (NHC1) PNHC Attempt #1 Status: Passed 1. Bloom et al.’s Taxonomy of Educational Objectives measures cognitive ability in which level? Your Correct Answer Answer Synthesis Receiving Responding Organization 2. What is the purpose of the affective domain? Your Correct Answer Answer To address feelings, emotions, values, and judgment To address physical actions, tactile involvement, and reflex actions To address higher and lower order thinking skills To construct meaning from state standards 3. On the first day of school, students share personal interests during an ice breaker group activity to create an effective classroom learning community. What is the taxonomy for this instructional activity? Your Correct Answer Answer Cognitive domain-applying level Cognitive domain-synthesis level Affective domain-organization level Affective domain-characterizing by value complex 4.

Students will demonstrate originality in a creative graphic activity. Which objective measures the given learning outcome? Your Correct Answer Answer Given crayons and paper, students will draw a picture of an animal sitting in a chair using five colors and four geometric shapes. Given a blueprint design, students will construct a four-legged chair out of large marshmallows and straws for a small stuffed bear. Given simple props, students will pantomime an animal sitting in a chair reading a book while other students have 30 seconds to identify the action. Given a list of 10 vocabulary words, students will correctly use eight or more vocabulary words to write a description of a bear sitting in a chair reading a book. 5. What is a characteristic of learning outcome statements? Your Correct Answer Answer They are written in overt and measurable terms. They assist teachers in diagnosing student learning problems. They follow principles of backward design models for curriculum mapping. They are based on methodologies and strategies available to the teacher. 6. A teacher works with an inclusion class that contains students at varying ability levels from different backgrounds. They all learn at varying speeds. Which two instructional objectives reflect differentiated instruction appropriate for this class? Choose 2 answers

Your Correct Answer Answer After instruction, using methods of their choice, all students will demonstrate mastery of the same objectives. After instruction, students will break into ability groups for drill practice until all students are performing at the same level. After instruction and skill drill practice, students will complete a pencil-andpaper spelling test as the teacher dictates the spelling words. After instruction, students will work on the same assignments at their own pace by completing series of short, related activities and lessons.

Your Correct Answer Answer After instruction and assessment, students who have mastered the content will work on worksheets independently until everyone has caught up and is ready to move on. 7. Match each definition with its correct term. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all.

Correct Answer

Your Answer State or national mandates of what students should know, understand, and be able to do Hierarchical listing of cognitive domain levels related to critical thinking Clear and measurable statements of instructional intent Framework of skills in the affective domain covering attitudes, emotions, and values



Bloom's taxonomy Objectives Krathwohl's taxonomy

Bloom's taxonomy Objectives Krathwohl's taxonomy

8. A teacher plans a social studies lesson based on the following standard: Determine the influence of geography on indigenous community location and development Which objective aligns with the standard? Your Correct Answer Answer Describe the traditions and foods of an indigenous community Identify persons from different indigenous cultures from photographs Use a topographical map to analyze features common to indigenous areas Compare and contrast major world ecosystems common to indigenous people 9. Match each purpose with its corresponding assessment and evaluation strategy. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all.

To summarize criteria according to different levels of

Your Answer Rubric

Correct Answer Rubric

Your Answer performance To systematically organize evidence that reflects growth Portfolio and development To provide a form of summative assessment Post-test Formative To plan and assess learning during instructional activities assessment

Correct Answer Portfolio Post-test Formative assessment

10. Match each learning outcome with the corresponding assessment and evaluation strategy. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all.

Correct Your Answer Answer Require students to apply skills and knowledge in a Authentic Authentic real-life situation assessment assessment Competitive Competitive Determine individual student’s standing within a group evaluation evaluation Determine teacher effectiveness as related to evidence Work sample Work sample of student Require students to periodically write about social Journals and blogs Journals and blogs climate and activities Provide information that will enable the teacher to Pre-test Pre-test better plan effective instruction 11. Which assessment strategy would help determine student proficiency in objectives that have yet to be introduced? Choose 2 answers

Your Correct Answer Answer Give students a written exam over the upcoming objectives Assign peer tutors to designated groups to discuss the content Ask questions aloud to determine students' knowledge of the topic Place students in groups to brainstorm about the content that will be discussed Introduce the lesson and corresponding activities to determine the subsequent course of action 12.

Which statement describes constructivism? Your Correct Answer Answer Learners use three sequential modes of learning. Learners individually discover and build their own knowledge. Learning is based on developmentally appropriate education. Learning is enhanced and extended by interacting with significant others. 13. Which two instructional activities align with a constructivist perspective on learning? Choose 2 answers

Your Correct Answer Answer Students paint pictures of different flowers and hang them in the hall. Students visit a local nursery to complete a flower identification activity. Students create paper flowers from a model and display their flowers in a classroom flower garden. Students plant pansies, marigolds, and snap dragons in front of the school, and take turns watering the flowers. Students watch a time-lapsed video of a flower growing and then draw a picture to show the growth of a plant from a seed. 14. Which activity describes a student-centered rather than a teacher-centered instructional strategy? Your Correct Answer Answer Students watch a time-lapse video showing the growth of a dandelion from seed to flower. Students create flowers from tissue paper and display them in the hall. Students work in centers related to plants, where the students plant a seed, water a plant, trace a leaf, and draw a tree. Students read aloud from an interactive white board about the growth of a flower. Then students match vocabulary terms to corresponding pictures. Students listen to a presentation by a ranger about leaves that can be found at the local nature center. 15. What is a component of effective direct instruction?

Your Correct Answer Answer Give fact-oriented feedback that promotes memorization Teach basic skills that are fundamental to more complex activities Assign less structured topics, such as a discussion of social issues Initiate scientific investigations to explore various aspects of an event 16. An eighth-grade science teacher is teaching a unit on the air we breathe. The unit will cover the following topics: • • • • • • •

the scientific method air particles and air quality how to measure air particles designing research plans collecting data by gathering, observing, and testing organizing, evaluating, and analyzing data, including making inferences from results communicating findings

At the end of the unit, the students will demonstrate an understanding of how the scientific method is used to investigate air particles found in different environments. Which questioning strategy should this teacher use when designing review questions to assess students’ understanding of the elements of the scientific method? Your Correct Answer Answer The teacher should design a set of alternative-response questions that are structured to have the student to select the correct next step in the scientific method. The teacher should organize a set of complex multiple-choice questions around an authentic scenario that will require the students to apply the academic language associated with the scientific method. The teacher should plan a lengthy set of matching items that will require students to match the scientific method terminology with the corresponding descriptions of steps taken in an actual research study. The teacher should design a series of short-response questions formulated around an authentic scenario that require the students to explain and provide details regarding how to apply elements of the scientific method. 17. A teacher is having her students do an experiment that involves the collection of air-quality data. How should the teacher monitor group participation in this experiment?

Your Correct Answer Answer The teacher should require students to summarize their participation in their science journals. The teacher should use probing questions after data collection to ask students about their participation in the classroom. The teacher should follow students around the building, observing their participation and making sure the classroom aide only assists. The teacher should ask the classroom aide to visually monitor student progress during the collection and to report back after class. 18. An eighth-grade teacher is teaching a science unit on the air we breathe. Within the class, one child is autistic and has a full-time aide that stays with her throughout the day. One child has cerebral palsy and has minimal use of his hands and is confined to a wheelchair but has no mental impairments. Two children have been identified as gifted. The remaining children are general education students. How should students with special needs be evaluated during whole-group instruction on the scientific method? Your Correct Answer Answer They should be evaluated against students with the same disability. They should be evaluated against grade-level general education peers. They should be evaluated against their own past and present performance. They should be evaluated against lower-performing general education peers. 19. A teacher places five to eight students in a panel group. What is the outcome activity for this task? Your Correct Answer Answer The students identify and solve an assigned problem. The students clarify elements of a lecture. The students generate answers to questions. The students prepare and present an informal discussion. 20. Eighth-Grade Science Unit Case Study Topic: The Air We Breathe

Learning Activities: • introduction of the unit and of the scientific method (whole-group instruction/individual activity) • overview of air quality and how to test for air particles (whole-group instruction) • student creation of hypotheses and research plans for collecting, testing, and analyzing air particle data (small-group activity) • testing of air particles (small-group activity) • organization, evaluation, and analysis of data written up in individual lab journals (small-group activity) • presentation of findings via multimedia presentation, video, or web page creation (small-group activity) • end-of-unit exam (individual activity) In this unit, small-group activities will be cooperative in nature, so all learners will be expected to actively participate and will be responsible for their own learning and for their role in the completion of the assignment. The activities will also be collaborative—all students will come together to share insights and ideas on how to solve problems and answer questions. Which cooperative learning strategy should the teacher use to be the most effective for this class of students? Your Correct Answer Answer The teacher should divide the students into homogeneous teams for a Team Accelerated Instruction (TAI) activity. The teacher should also provide all the teams with the same materials to explore. The teacher should organize three-member teams into a jigsaw activity. The teams will use structured graphic organizers that focus on the elements of the scientific method to review material and provide one-to-one feedback. The teacher should organize the class into homogeneous teams of three to six students for a group investigation of an engaging scenario that will involve the teams in the scientific method of research. The teacher also should provide assigned goals, individualized roles, and all required materials. The teacher should organize the class into five-member teams that will all investigate the elements of the scientific method. Each team member will be assigned a specific topic to research, and a jigsaw activity will be employed so that the most possible information about each topic can be gathered and shared. 21. A teacher is teaching a unit on various bacteria found in local river water. He plans a series of learning activities for his students. He intends for the small-group activities to be cooperative in nature, as all learners will actively participate and be responsible for their own learning and for their role in the completion of the assignment. The activities will also be collaborative in nature, as all students will come together to share insights and ideas on how to solve problems and answer questions.

Which three monitoring approaches should the teacher consider using with these students during the collaborative learning assignment? Choose 3 answers

Your Correct Answer Answer The teacher should ask students questions to check for comprehension. The teacher should supply the materials and make suggestions about where the data can be located. The teacher should make pacing adjustments, such as breaking the assignment into smaller tasks if necessary. The teacher should encourage students and teachers from other classes to participate in assisting students with the project. The teacher should inform students that a parent must monitor their progress when testing the water in three different locations. The teacher should ask another teacher to observe the on-task behavior of the students and provide feedback as appropriate 22. Match each student characteristic with the differentiated instructional strategy that meets the needs of the student. Answer options may be used more than once or not at all.

Students who have difficulty with motor skills Students who struggle with reading Students who have difficulty processing complex concepts Students who struggle in mathematics

Your Correct Answer Answer Scribes Scribes Recorded books Recorded books Concept maps Concept maps Manipulatives Manipulatives

23. A fifth-grade teacher is developing a unit on geographic areas of the United States. She wants to plan a series of differentiated activities so that students will be able to identify various land and water forms. Which set of instructional activities will meet this goal?

Your Correct Answer Answer The teacher will assign groups using a class list. Each group will will be randomly assigned a geographic area. Each group will present their findings using classroom wall maps. The teacher will organize self-selected groups of students. Each group will choose a geographic region to research. Each group will decide how to best communicate their research findings. The teacher will assign each group a geographic region on a random basis. Each group will draw from a box the name of a region. The group will present their findings in an oral presentation. The teacher will organize students by table groups. Each group will be assigned a geographic region. They will present their findings in an electronic media presentation. 24. A teacher is covering the different types of currency used in North and South America. The teacher would like to use activities that meet the needs of the Logical-Mathematical learners in the classroom. Which two activities would meet this goal? Choose 2 answers

Your Correct Answer Answer Games that utilize different forms of currency Classification activities where students group currency types Choral reading of real-life stories that explore the use of currency Use words games that target the vocabulary associated with using currency Physical games that allow the student to understand currency amount through movement 25. A teacher has several students who are English Language Learners (ELL). The teacher decides to differentiate a lesson on recycling by lengthening the amount of time the lesson will last. The teacher also reduces the amount of hands-on materials that will be used to complete the activity. Which differentiated strategy above is most effective for these students?

Your Correct Answer Answer Providing a longer time for the lesson is most effective since students from other countries are used to longer class periods. Providing a longer time for the lesson is most effective because students who are learning a new language process at a slower speed. Providing fewer hands-on materials is most effective because students from other countries are not used to having tangible materials used in their lessons. Providing fewer hands-on materials is most effective because students will not have to divide their attention between verbal information and physical interaction. 26. Which strategy should teachers use to select online learning resources? Your Correct Answer Answer Review online resources prior to teaching the lesson to determine if it will support student learning Review online resources to determine which types of equipment will need to be purchased for the classroom Review online resources to determine the amount of time for professional development that needs to take place during the school year Review online resources as they are being utilized by the students to gain an understanding of the resource from the students' perspective 27. How can teachers monitor and evaluate student engagement with resources? Your Correct Answer Answer Increase the use of reflective practice Establish credibility at the beginning of the year Use a seating chart record of classroom behaviors Maintain weekly individual student-teacher conferences 28. A fourth-grade teacher wants her students to interact with varied learning resources to heighten their learning experiences. Which two strategies enable the teacher to manage, track, and analyze the types of resources each student is using? Choose 2 answers

Your Correct Answer Answer Implement weekly conferences with each student Implement a seating chart record of classroom behaviors Increase the use of multimedia presentations among the students Have students fill out a weekly checklist for the resources they used 29. The following are instructional objectives for a unit on Marley and Me: 1. Students will compile detailed observations about a pet (stuffed animal or real) with three or more daily entries in a two-week journal. 2. Students will summarize to classmates the three most interesting journal observations in a oneminute oral presentation with one graphic. 3. Students will interview family members about their most memorable pet (stuffed animal or real) during childhood. Which two resources support these instructional objectives? Choose 2 answers

Your Correct Answer Answer Film media Digital camera Graphic organizers Parent or caregiver Animal shelter volunteer 30. What are th...

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