Title PROF EDU 102 EXAM Teachng PROF MID-TERM 2020
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Name: Score & Equivalent ____________ Yr. & Section 1 BSE ENGLISH- A

Date 11/11/2020

TEST I. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Read the following statements carefully and choose the best answer. Write the letter only. A 1. Licensing for teachers is mandatory and is administered by a government authority. In the Philippines, this government authority is the a. Philippine Teachers Regulatory Board c. Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) b. Teachers Regulation Commission d. None of the above A 2.

Professionals see themselves as part of a community. Groups of professionals who put dedication to the public interest are called _____. a. Professional societies c. Trainers organization b. Mentor association d. None of the above


Which of the following are the elements of a profession? I. competence III. Code of Ethics II. diligence IV. Code of Conduct a. I and II b. II and III c. I and III




d. I and IV

What should be the first and foremost concern of the professional teacher? a. The interests and welfare of the learners c. The social adjustment of the learners b. The happiness of the learners d. The progress of the learners


5. The present four-year teacher course began as a two-year program only. Teacher preparation became four years in what year. a. 1940 b. 1994 c. 1999 d. 1949


6. Which of the following is not a requirement of teaching as a profession? a. long years of initial professional education b. adherence to the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers c. a licensure examination called the LET d. a masteral or doctoral degree




RA 10912, known as the Continuing Professional Development Act of 2016 aims to: a. maintain a pool of professional teachers who are qualified for hiring b. maintain or improve professionals’ knowledge and skills after they begin professional practice c. maintain and improve schools’ standards to produce qualified teachers d. none of the above 8. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) accredits or approves university programs to: a. maintain qualified educational institution with approved programs b. ensure that graduates from these recognized programs start their professional lives with competence c. ensure as many approved programs available for students d. none of the above

B 9. During the pre-Hispanic period, there was no established formal schooling in the country. The following served as teachers at home and in the community. I. mothers and fathers III. elderlies II. tribal leaders IV. medicine man a. II b. I and II c. III d. II and IV B_ 10. During the American regime, the Philippine Commission enacted into law Act 74 which: I. created the Department of Public Instruction II. laid the foundations of the public school system III. offered free primary education for Filipinos IV. hired Filipinos as teachers a. III only c. II only b. I, II and III d. IV only C 11.

C 12.

The Educational Decree of 1863 in the Spanish period provided free public school system in the country with the _____ serving as teachers. a. fray b. illustrados c. missionaries d. none of the above The shortage of teachers during the America regime was filled up with the recruit of Thomasites and

Filipino ______. a. pensionados

b. missionaries

c. volunteers

d. none of the above%

A 13.

Act 74 of 1901 also provided for the establishment of the Philippine Normal School as an institution for the training of teachers. The school at first offered a a. general secondary education program c. general elementary education program b. general tertiary education program d. all of the above

B 14.

Why is a teacher prohibited from direct business transactions involving textbooks and school supplies? a. Possibility of exerting influence for his/her own business interest b. Her/His main task is to teach not to engage in business c. To avoid competition d. The Code of Ethics says so

A 15.

Article X of the Code of Ethics states the conditions a professional teacher can engage in business. Which is the ethical way for a teacher to do business? a. Income generation is legitimate. b. Income generation is related to her/his work. c. Business includes books and school supplies. d. Adversely affects his/her work.

B 16.

A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not manifestation of poor scholarship. a. The statement is not true. b. The statement is true. c. The statement is not applicable in the tertiary level. d. The statement is applicable in the elementary level only.

D 17.

What does the Code of Ethics say about the bases for the evaluation of the learner’s work? a. b. c. d.

It shall be based on merit and quality of academic performance. It shall be based on merit and extra-curricular activities performance. It shall be based on family status and influence. It shall be based on academic performance only.

C 18.

What does The Code of Ethics say about gifts and favors received by teachers from students? a. A teacher shall accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their behalf in to avoid hurting the feelings of the student’s family. b. A teacher shall accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their behalf but make it in secrecy and without evidences. c. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if underserved. d. A teacher can accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their behalf only during special occasions and events.

C 19.

Which of the following statements indicates how teachers relate professionally to higher authorities in the Philippines? a. to go on strike with his group to seek redress against injustice b. not to support a legitimate policy with which he/she disagrees c. to transact official business through proper channels d. to be promoted based only on years of service

A 20.

Miss Tala decided to quit teaching in favor of taking care of her sick mother. What is the professional obligation of the teacher? a. Pass on organized records to successor to carry on the work. b. Tender a despedida party. c. Leave your clerk/secretary for your successor’s guidance. d. Erase all records; successor does not need them anyway.

A 21.

Teaching became a profession in 1976 with PD 1006 better known as the a. Decree Professionalizing Teaching c. Teacher Professionalization Decree b. Decree Professionalizing Teachers d. Teaching Professionalization Decree

B 22.

The requirement of a licensure examination for teachers that puts teaching at par with other professions was enacted in 1994 with the passing of RA 7836, otherwise known as: a. The Teaching Professionals Act c. The Teachers’ Professionalization Act b. The Teacher Professionalization Act d. The Teaching Professionalization Act

C 23.

Professionals generally begin their professional lives by completing a university program in their chosen field. This is referred to as the a. Licensing c. Initial professional education b. Professional societies d. Accreditation

D 24.

This system assures that graduates from accredited programs start their professional lives with


a. Licensing b. Professional societies

c. Initial professional education d. Accreditation

A 25.

Section 8 of Article II states that, “every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom.” Which statement is true about academic freedom? a. A teacher can share the product of his/her researches and investigations in support of the endless search for truth or not in support of the declared state policies. b. A teacher’s academic freedom is absolute. c. A teacher’s academic freedom is limited. d. Academic freedom belongs only to teachers in the tertiary level.

A 26.

Teachers are prohibited from engaging in partisan politics. However Teacher B has a brother who is a candidate for a municipal position. Which is ethical for the Teacher B to do? a. Vote for the most qualified candidate c. Campaign secretly for his brother b. Use his position to influence support d. Do not vote on election Day

B 27.

Parents leave their children in schools under the care of the teachers while hey work. This explains Section I of Article II of the Code of Ethics, “______ are the nurseries of the citizens of the state.” a. Day Care Center b. Schools c. Children Center d. None of the above

A 28.

Private school teachers are also required of a professional license. Is this statement TRUE. a. Yes, it is true. b. No, it is false. c. It depends on the kind of private school. d. It depends on the teachers’ years of teaching experience.

A 29.

Appointments, promotions and transfer of professional teachers are done only on the basis of _____ and ________ in the _______. a. merit – need – interest of the service b. qualifications – years of service – interests of learners c. seniority – academic degrees – interests if teachers d. technical – professional competence – interest of the profession

A 30. To be nationally and internationally competitive in which should teacher participate according to Article IV of the Code of Ethics? a. Continuing Professional Education c. Evaluate school courses b. Seminars d. Writing books Sectiin 2 31. Students reported to you about a teacher who has made it a habit to collect money for quizzes that never were mimeographed or photocopied, the very reason for money collection. This concern maybe referred to Article V on The Teacher and the Teaching Community in: a. Section 3 b. Section 4 c. Section 7 d. Section 5 A 32. teacher has the right to engage, directly or indirectly in legitimate income generation provided that it does not relate to or adversely affect his work. This is indicated in what Article X of the Code of Ethics, entitled: a. The Teacher and Business c. The Teacher and the Profession b. The Teacher as a Person d. None of the above C 33. The statement, “A teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual obligation to live up to his contract, assuming full knowledge of the employment terms and condition”, is embodied in what section of Article VI of the Code of Ethics? a. Section 4 b. Section 5 c. Section 6 d. None of the above D 34.

Section 1, Article VIII of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers states that a good teacher must know his/her a. limitation b. right c. duty d. all of the above

D 35.

Which of the following is not included in the framework for teaching by Charlotte Danielson? a. The Classroom Environment c. Planning and Preparing b. Instruction d. Reflection on Teaching

B 36.

Which of the following statements is the first sentence in the Preamble of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers? a. Teachers are duly trained professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence. b. Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with high moral values as well as technical and professional competence. c. Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with low moral values as well as technical and professional competence. d. Teachers are truly licensed professionals who possess dignity and reputation with low moral values as well as technical and professional competence.

A 37.

To make the students get focused in the discussion, what must you do specifically if your students are unruly and noisy? a. Employ innovative strategies b. Explore various means of giving sanctions c. Ignore the students who are misbehaving d. refer the unruly and noisy pupils to the Guidance Office

A 38.

When you teach, you often engage yourself in brainstorming. Which do you avoid? a. Selectivity involve pupils b. Break down barriers c. Generate many ideas d. Increase creativity

A 40.

There is scarcity of materials in remote barrios. As a creative and innovative teacher, what must you do? a. Just use the lecture method c. Buy commercially-made materials b. Prepare improvised materials d. Borrow materials from your co-teacher

A 41.

Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be involved in any investigation. Which of the foundational principle of morality does Teacher A fail to apply? a. The end does not justify the means c. The principle of double effect b. Always do what is right d. Between two evils, do the lesser evil

A 42.

In what way can teachers uphold the highest possible standards of quality education? a. By continually improving themselves personally and professionally b. By wearing expensive clothes to change people’s poor perception of teachers c. By working out underserved promotions d. By putting down other professions to lift the status of teaching

A 43.

The effective teacher manages routine and transition with a minimum disturbance primarily to a. spare more time for instructional planning c. correct misbehaving student b. abide by the faculty handbook d. increase academic learning time

C 44.

Violation of the Code of Ethics for professional teachers is a ground for the: I. revocation of the professional teacher’s Certificate of Registration II. cancellation of the professional license III. suspension from the practice of the teaching profession IV. removal from the service a. II and III b. I and II c. I and III d. II and IV

B 45.

Section 2 of Article 1 of the Code of Ethics defined a professional teacher. Who is not included as professional teachers? I. The Schools Division Superintendent III. The Principal II. The Librarian IV. The Master Teacher a. II only b. III and IV c. I, II and III d. I, II, III, IV

B 46.

A document that outlines the mission and values of an organization; how professionals are supposed to approach problems; the ethical principles based on the organization’s core of values and the standards to which the professional is held. a. Law b. Code of Ethics c. Bill d. Code of Conduct

B 47.

In Article V, what sections tells “a teacher is not entitled to claim for work not of his own, and shall give due credit for the work of others which he may use”? a. Section 3 b. Section 2 c. Section 1 d. None of the above

A 48.

Section 7 of RA 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers refers to the work of the teacher in the development of the young as a a. trust of which every teacher should strive to be worthy b. duty of which every teacher should strive to abide c. responsibility of which every teacher should strive to do d. target of which every teacher should strive to achieve.

B 49.

Annual medical check-up required of teachers is done in the interest of a. parents c. Filipino medical doctors b. school administrators d. the state of and every teachers

D 50.

Mr. Procupio Ciriaco is assigned as Teacher-in-Charge of Liit Elementary School, in a far flung barangay. As such, he is incharge of the supervision of the said school. As provided for in Commonwealth Act 578 amended by the Revised Penal Code, he is considered as a a. property custodian c. authorized person b. person in authority d. security personnel

B 51.

A teacher discovers that a product of a certain bottling company brings about damage to the teeth. Much as he wants to share the products of his research he could not because of harassment from all sides. Which teacher right is violated? a. right to make a livelihood c. right to one’s honor...

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