Project nstp - Nstp proposal PDF

Title Project nstp - Nstp proposal
Course National Service Training Program 1
Institution Pangasinan State University
Pages 5
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A. Title: “PROTECTING THE YOUNG MINDS BY HONING THEIR KNOWLEDGE AGAINST THE UNSEEN ENEMY” B. Objectives of the Project: (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. The defining global health crisis of our time. The climbing death toll is staggering, and we must work together to slow the spread of this virus but the question is how can we prevent the COVID-19? What are the things that we can nor need to do? Lastly, how our knowledge of this unseen enemy can change and benefit our situation in the present time and our future. Protecting the young minds by honing their knowledge against the unseen enemy. This is the title of our project wherein we came up into four (4) objectives that we consider as we pursue this project. Our objectives will be concerning in the children's in our barangay as we tackled and discuss the coronavirus. OBJECTIVES: 

To be able to provide knowledgeable information about COVID.

To focus on explaining how the young minds can fully understand the pandemic.

To widen the awareness of the pandemic and let the children know the Do's and Don’ts and how to prevent the virus.

To guide them of what can be their contributions to be responsible citizens.

C. The general purpose of the two-day projects is to conduct a Teaching on the children’s for what is the corona virus and etc. the study will conducted in different compound of each members in the group, this end, the following objectives are set:

A. To be able to provide knowledgeable information about COVID. B. To focus on explaining how the young minds can fully understand the pandemic. C. To widen the awareness of the pandemic and let the children know the Do's and Don’ts and how

to prevent the virus. D. To guide them of what can be their contributions to be responsible citizens.

a. Background: “Knowledge is power”. The health of every people is important especially the young mind that is why they need to know what are their going to do to avoid covid 19 and to fight it without fears. Prevention is better than cure. In our compound many children didn't know how health is so protocols important. When they go outside they must adjust and know what the “New Normal” is. Using a sanitizer is a good idea, bringing and using face mask and face shield to follow the safety protocols. Children know is how to have fun with their peers, that's all they know because no one is attempting to educate them and to explain what’s going on around the world. It is a very serious matter how Covid 19 affects and ruins everything, lives and living. Other children, on the other hand, are not taking it seriously because they have no idea what is this unseen enemy. They didn't follow the health protocols protection to avoid this disease. So as an implementers who implement this project to educate them. It will now our responsibility to how we will open up their mind to be open in this current problem. How they can have knowledge that can help them all throughout preventing and fighting this virus. We must empower them to defend everyone especially children against the unseen enemy. As we conduct this project we go through to a different agenda in what will stand out in this immersion. COVID is a current problem that we are facing and I do realize and observed that many children are just chilling and playing without knowing what’s going on outside their home. No one tend to let them be aware about the situation everyone’s fighting. Parents want their children to enjoy and just play because they think that they are just child who will never understand the problem. They never insisted to educate them because it will be hassle in their part to over and over explain and answer all of the questions that children have in their mind. This is the reason and thinking we always wanted, to educate. Our compound is surrounded by children’s and we want to educate them. I observed that many children in our place stop schooling because their parents wants too but some are just being lazy and so we can do something to bring back their wanting to study and love putting their mind knowledgeable ideas that can truly help them.

b. Justification of the Project:

It is very important to remember that children look to adults for guidance on how to react to stressful events. Acknowledging some level of concern, without panicking, is appropriate and can result in taking the necessary actions that reduce the risk of illness. Teaching children positive preventive measures, talking with them about their fears, and giving them a sense of some control over their risk of infection can help reduce anxiety. This is also a tremendous opportunity for adults to model for children problem-solving, flexibility, and compassion as we all work through adjusting daily schedules, balancing work and other activities, getting creative about how we spend time, processing new information from authorities, and connecting and supporting friends and family members in new ways. The importance of our project in the community is we will be the one who can educate the children that even we are only student we can contribute something that can be knowledgeable. We can be a contributor in a good way by educating them without wanting in return because we implementers have our objectives and all in all of this is we care about the importance of children because we all know that they will be the future of our land. Protecting the Young minds by honing their knowledge against the unseen enemy is very important because we are still on the middle of pandemic educating children what is Corona virus is big help for them. It is a major factor for them to ready and realize that what is this infection that we have been confronting and fighting these days and it's imperative to secure the adolescent since they are the person who will be the future leaders and some more.

c. Benefits Derived from the Project: Children learn to engage better with other children and adults. Young minds must acquire vital skills that allow them to listen to others and express their own ideas, make friends, share, cooperate, and become accountable for their actions. The benefits of our project in the community are to provide awareness of the unseen enemy that we are currently facing and to be finally free from this virus. We all want to have a Covid free community because Covid had affected our lives badly and every community around the world is now undergoing in a massive shift in living the new normal. While in terms of the community people, we want to highlight the importance of educating them in terms of this pandemic by giving them knowledge against the corona virus especially in the young minds, as they are the one who can be affected by this virus without them knowing what this virus is. Aged one’s had the high risk for severe illness from co-vid 19 and so we all know that we can never educate them because what they know is what they will do and believe in; But if they’re grandchildren will be the one who will be sharing the information that we implementers put them in their mind it will be significant to be heard that even they’re children they have the idea what’s going on in

the community. Many parents have chosen to let their children stay at home and not attend outdoor education for them to become safe as this pandemic arises. In light of the growing concerns around Covid 19, we came up with the idea wherein we will teach the children in our community on how they can fight the virus that brought by the unseen enemy. Knowledge that they can acquire while they spare theirs time with us implementers. This project is one of our little ways as an NSTP student to help the children to adjust in this pandemic life, by keeping their body healthy and mind wealthy. Knowledge promotes protective behaviours by buffering the negative effects of pessimistic illness expectations.

d. Coverage of the Projects: The COVID-19 pandemic is having devastating effects on human health and well-being and will likely continue to do so through its negative impact. The focus of this project is the children ages 8-15 yrs. old. As so we know that they are the one who doesn’t have enough knowledge of what the unseen enemy can do to them, maybe some children know but others don't. Our project explores the pros and cons of the corona virus, we will also provide insights that they can apply once they start to go outside their houses; What they must do and must not to do. It can be in the school, playground, church, mall and anywhere. According to our research ages 8-15 yrs. old starts to think about their future, so our project will be an advantage for them to gain information about the covid-19. If something may arise again in the future they will know how to cope it up successfully because they already had the knowledge about this scenario. As their older sister and brother, not by blood but as a Filipino caring for each other, we want to make sure that their safety and let them know what to do so that they will be unharmed by the virus.

D. Methodology: This project aims to educate youth about the health crisis or the covid-19 pandemic that was being experience anywhere in the world. In this, children ages 8-15 years old will be gathered voluntarily to join the discussion and fun learning activities prepared by the student implementers. The whole program will last about one (1) and a half hour including the snack time. This project targets about ten (10) to twenty (20) person in maximum. The student implementers will prepare letters of permission and as well as the information about the topic that will be tackled on the project to let the parents understand the benefits and the aims of this project. Also, it will be implemented for two (2) days. In here, the student implementers will

be going to conduct a Focused Group Discussion (FGD) or teacher to a student set-up about the covid 19, on how young minds can fully understand the crisis, how this knowledge would contribute for their safety together in inserting fun learning activities and short presentation regarding the pandemic to attract children’s attention and avoid boredom. This activity will be done with the strong observance of social distancing and wearing of mask for the safety of all who would participate the on project.

E. Detailed Budgetary Requirements: DETAILED BUDGETARY REQUIREMENTS:

Mask 5 box (50 pieces per box/ 30 pesos per box) -------------150.00 Alcohol-----------------------------------------------------------------500.00 Face shield (50 pieces) ----------------------------------------------500.00 Foods (Juice and biscuit) ----------------------------------------- 1,000.00 Flyers (Includes information about Covid 19 and the Do’s and Don'ts) ---100.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------Total: 2,250.00...

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