PSYC 305 Writing Assignment 2 PDF

Title PSYC 305 Writing Assignment 2
Course Psychology Of Personality
Institution Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Pages 3
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PYSC 305: Psychology of Personality

Wanted: Kim Kardashian Karli Illum PSYC 305-001 April 6, 2018

PYSC 305: Psychology of Personality For this assignment, we as students have been instructed to choose a close friend, family member or celebrity to write a personality profile on. With this personality profile, we must discuss how this person’s personality relates to one of the theories we have discussed in class. I have taken it upon myself to choose to do this assignment on the well-known Kim Kardashian. For those who may not know who she is, let me take a moment to introduce her. Kim Kardashian is an American reality television personality, actress, model among other things who first gained media and attention as a friend and stylist of Paris Hilton, but received wider notice after a sex tape with her former boyfriend was unfortunately leaked to the public . Soon after this incident, she and her family began to appear on the reality television series Keeping Up with the Kardashian. In recent years, she has grown as an influential online and social media presence. She has a great potential for success because she puts out effort and overcomes the limitations she often encounters. In class we have discussed several different psychologists and their theories, but the one psychologist’s theory that stands out to me for this particular paper would have to be Gordon Allport, whose main themes were personality consistency, social influences, the concept of the self, and the interaction of personality with social influences. Allport believed in this idea of personality traits that are “a generalized and focused neuropsychic system, with the capacity to render many stimuli functionally equivalent, and to initiate and guide consistent forms of adaptive and expressive behavior.” This means that the traits of one’s personality is considered to be unique to that person. What trait is it that makes Kim Kardashian so unique? Could it be the fact that she seemed to be so calm and collected regarding the sex tape being released of her? Another part to Allport’s theory is this idea of “Rumor Transmission,” which is also referred to as the psychology of rumor. Allport compares this theory to the game of telephone

PYSC 305: Psychology of Personality that one might have played when they were a child. During this game, a child begins with whispering a statement into the next child’s ear and so on with each child repeating the statement that they heard. The child at the end of the line says the statement that they heard out loud to see if it matches what the first person had said. One might notice by the end of the game that the entire statement has shifted around, just like when rumors when they get started. In the case of Kim Kardashian, is it just that statements are being shifted around or are the statements that are being said actually true? We know that the talk about the sex tape is accurate, but what about the rest of it? Could these rumors be why she has made the questionable choices she has over the years? Is it because she feels she needs to be something she is not so that she can live up to this standard, positive or negative, that the public holds her to? Kim Kardashian may be an extreme case study, but she is a great example to use when discussing psychological theories given all the off the wall crazy things she has done while she has been in the spotlight. She puts on a show for the public just like many of the other wellknown celebrities that many of us know and even love, sometimes it tends to be a little too much and that may be where some of these rumors stem from....

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